"Good morning." Qin Ge had two huge dark circles under his eyes. He dragged his body, not wanting to get up at all, and walked to the dining table weakly and lay down directly.

After dinner last night, he did not enter the starry sea to visualize the dream but lay on the bed to think about it. He fell asleep at dawn. Not long after he closed his eyes, he was dragged up by Bai Lu.

"Hurry up and pack up to go out. Don't be late for the exam." Jiang Li took out a glass of orange juice and two breads from the kitchen and stuffed them into Qin Ge's mouth. Then he started to tidy up his clothes and hair. "How is your review going?"

"Dreams and Reality" is too complicated. It's all long theories. I can't memorize it at all." Bai Lu sat on the sofa with his hands folded and prayed: "Great Conan, bless me to fail the exam more than not."

"Didn't I draw all the key points for you? If you memorize the key points, you won't fail the exam." Jiang Li turned his head and asked in confusion.

At this time, Qin Ge, who still had a piece of bread in his mouth, interrupted vaguely: "Dream and Reality? Do we have this course?"

The two girls looked at each other silently, and Bai Lu pointed at Qin Ge's forehead with the shape of a pistol and said: "Bang! Okay, this person doesn't need to go to the battlefield to declare death, and can be buried directly."

Under the slow progress, the three-person group of academic masters, academic losers, and coal slag finally packed up and got in the car, but looking at Qin Ge's dark circles, Jiang Li didn't dare to let him drive, so he asked him to take a nap in the car first.

But Qin Ge couldn't sleep anyway, so he simply posted an announcement that he would release a new dream the day after tomorrow, and then began to check the effect of yesterday's video.

On the small broken station, this video has been pushed to the top of the popular list, with nearly two million views.

"Fuck, whose strategy video is this? You turned the horror dream into a ghostly one, and there is no horror at all. I would like to call you the best."

"Not much to say, I also got a bonus of 100,000 yuan. Thanks to Tianlan Studio, the boss is generous."

"I was just planning to use the clock bug to get the bonus, but it was too late. Tianlan Studio canceled the event!"

"Brothers, I changed the broadcast in the corridor of the last level to the theme song of Tokyo Not Hot, and then... hehehehehehe."

The event of Tianlan Studio was canceled?

Qin Ge raised his eyebrows and opened the official website of "School Rules" with doubts. There was a big notice on the homepage.

"Last night, due to our negligence, a major bug occurred in the game. During this period, more than 200,000 players obtained S-level evaluations by exploiting the bug, resulting in the automatic distribution of the 5 million bonus in the account, which was not enough to pay the bonus fee."

"Because most of the players relied on the bug to maliciously obtain the bonus, we will not reissue it to the remaining players, and some players used the setting of binding the level and idea in the last level to do many unsightly things."

"We also received a warning from Xinghai that the game needs to be removed from the shelves. We will come back to face everyone with a better attitude after we have rectified it."

The comments below were full of scolding, most of which accused Tianlan Studio of not keeping its promise. Many players who came for the bonus strongly demanded a refund. The little reputation that was originally accumulated because of the school rules collapsed at this moment.

Qin Ge grinned at the sight. If the "school rules" was removed from the shelves for rectification, it would not be able to compete for the recommendation position again. He did receive a notice this morning that "Sadako" was strongly recommended in the category, but he didn't care too much because the task had been completed.

However, there are more and more strange things in the comment area, including but not limited to those who want Sadako to wear a sailor suit, those who want to be tied up by Sadako, and those who want to give Sadako a pregnancy function.

Although people's XP is free, there are some things that people can't or shouldn't do.

Qin Ge looked like an old man on the subway looking at his phone and sighed deeply. Players are creatures that never play by the rules. They can turn butter into a farming game and strategy games into butter. It's really outrageous.

The car turned a corner and slowly drove into Baijing University. Today's campus is particularly solemn. The arrival of the exam week has made the whole campus lose laughter. You can judge whether this person is a top student or a scumbag from the students' faces and footsteps.

The school rules of Baijing University are very strange. You can not do it and hand in a blank paper, but you can't miss the exam, otherwise it will directly lead to graduation. If it weren't for this rule, Qin Ge didn't even want to show his face.

"Are you here for the exam, too?" Qin Ge saw Li Wenbin, who looked very expensive, sitting by the window when he walked into the classroom. He had a faint smile on his face and looked confident.

"Exam? Is there an exam today?" Li Wenbin was stunned and said in surprise.

Okay, another one who can be buried without going to the battlefield.

"Then what are you doing here?" Qin Ge knew this guy very well. He would never show up at school if there was nothing to do.

"Today, a group of female students from next door will come to Baijing University to visit the exhibition. There will be a dream maker rookie competition in two days. I will go to guide them. Maybe I can realize my dream through this." Li Wenbin's eyes were full of longing for the future and said: "Find my seventh girlfriend among them and become a modern Wei Jue Ye."

Qin Ge, who was drinking water, almost choked to death. Logically, Li Wenbin, a handsome and rich second-generation rich man, would not lack girls chasing him in school, but he directly gave a number plate to a girl who pursued him, claiming that she was the 23rd strong competitor for his seventh girlfriend.

This incident directly caused him to lose the right to choose a spouse on campus for the next four years.

Qin Ge was very angry about this very punishable dream, and said unhappily: "Is it finally time for me to call the police and send you to jail?"

"Don't make trouble, I'm not married yet, and I will only choose one of them as my wife in the future. Besides, my love for them is sincere, but I am more philanthropic." Li Wenbin said slyly: "Would you like to come together after the exam? What's the point of a fictional girlfriend in a dream? Living girls are still cute."

"No thanks, I have to go back to shape dreams after the exam."

"Have you registered as a dream maker? What type of dream do you plan to make? Do you need to advertise you in my dream?"

"Horror dream."

"This category is not easy to do. What is your ID? I'll go back and pay attention."

Qin Ge was about to speak when the teacher walked in from the door with a pile of papers, like an executioner. The classroom that was originally chatting enthusiastically suddenly became silent.

"Two brothers, you look so calm and composed, you must be confident about the exam. I'll trouble you to take care of me later. I'll treat you to dinner after the exam." The boy at the front table turned around quietly and said while the teacher was handing out the test papers.

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