[Qin-Anti-Crow]: "I don't understand... Can you explain it briefly? The red envelope grab is about to start..."

[Qin-Anti-Zhang Dong]: "Playing badly.jpg."

[People in the underworld don't speak the language of the living world]: "According to the information I collected online, the way the players of the Umbrella Force obtain contribution points is basically to destroy the task progress of players from other forces. In simple terms, they are troublemakers, so not only us, but even the Old Day forces hate them to the core."

"The players of the Old Day forces want to create despair and fear so as to obtain rewards from the Old Days they believe in, while the players of the Umbrella Force want to find the locations of other Old Days and hunt them down, In order to achieve this, they sometimes need to help achieve redemption progress, because this can make the old days enter a weak state, which is also beneficial to them. "

"The reason why Qin Laozhe in "Old Corpse in Mountain Village" wants to destroy our mission is just because he needs that huge resentment to open the door to the burial site, which has now been stopped."

"This has been mentioned before, so we have to lure them to fight each other, and then we take this opportunity to clear each dungeon as quickly as possible, so the most important thing is to unite the players of the Umbrella Company."

[Hua Jun]: "You said it the other way around? Didn't you release the "Outline of Fighting Qin"? I'm still hanging in the live broadcast room. How can we reach cooperation in this situation?"

[People in the underworld don't speak in the world]: "On the contrary, the "Outline of Fighting Qin" helps us reach cooperation. Now the leader of the Umbrella players is the Four Seasons Studio. I have contacted them and said that the "Outline of Fighting Qin" is actually a token of surrender to gain the trust of the old players. "

"My statement is , then we will pretend to set up a trap with the players of the old forces, just to lure the players of the umbrella to enter, but in fact, we and the umbrella are in a real cooperative relationship, and we will work together to deal with the old players, because the common goal is to deal with the old. "

"In this way, they will give me the list of the players of the umbrella forces, and we don't need to spend too much effort to prevent it, we can only know who is the traitor. "

"As for the old side, my statement is to lure the players of the umbrella to play the game together, and then deal with them together, and even take the opportunity to attack the umbrella company directly. "

[Qin Taohui-Pioneer]: "That means, in fact, we are the biggest traitors?"

[Qin Taohui-President]: "What traitor? This is called those who achieve great things do not care about trivial matters, this is a great lurking!"

[People in the underworld do not speak in the world]: "In short, the most important thing is to make good use of the time they spend in internal friction. There are less than seven days before Naka recovers. We have to divide the players of our own forces into two parts, The first part is used to collect the keys to enter each dungeon, and the other core members are the strategy group, and they will clear the dungeon as quickly as possible. "

"Take out the attitude we used to clear "Friends" and "Immortality"! At that time, in order to clear "Immortality", we formed dozens of strategy groups and died thousands of times before finding a way to clear it. It's the same now."

[Qin Association-Crow]: "Damn it, I won't fight for red envelopes, I'll go online now!"

[Qin Association-President]: "Hurry up, hurry up, the old rules, whoever is dragging his feet should be more conscious."

[Qin Association-Zhang Dong]: " @President, what if we successfully prevent Naka from reviving?"

[Qin Association-President]: "I'll do the M-shaped leg movement, okay? ”


Wen Qi finally finished explaining what to do next, and he felt relieved suddenly, because after "Immortality", the players were basically exhausted, and they took advantage of the victory over Qin Laozei to raise their morale again.

Now not only them, but also the attitudes of major media have become optimistic, and their tone is full of ridicule. Baihua column even published a report on New Year's Eve because of this incident.

"The Destruction of Cthulhu Mythology", written by Narcissus.

Will Qin Laozei's failure lead to the collapse of the entire Cthulhu worldview? This is a question worth pondering. I think it will happen, or it is happening.

Because its horror is different from the fright of traditional horror games, More importantly, humans feel insignificant and powerless when facing gods and indescribable things, which leads to the despair that grows slowly.

But now Qin Laozei, as a member of the old days, has failed. You must know that once a god fails, he will no longer be high and mighty, but will become a mortal, arousing the challenge of many ordinary people.

As of the time this report was published, Jingling City has fallen into chaos. Unlike the previous situation where players were hunted by terrifying monsters, now it is completely reversed. Players have united to search for monsters that once made them panic in every corner of Jingling City.

Kunjiayan Hospital has been occupied by players. Although no vertical Saw, but his doll has been hung high outside the hospital, and the whole hospital is full of laughter.

The four murderers have been completely arrested and are currently locked up in the top floor ward of Gonjiam Hospital...

The Silent Hill breathed by Graki has also been impacted by players, but because it is also protected by a considerable number of player believers, it is still safe and sound for the time being.

As this sense of horror and despair is destroyed, the entire Cthulhu world is quietly collapsing, and the horror large-scale development world promised by Qin Laozei is also collapsing. Judging from what is happening now, it may end up like "Paradox", with people chasing ghosts.

By then, whether in reality or in the game, Qin Laozei will fall from the altar, and Cthulhu will be nothing more than a flash in the pan in the dark history of horror game categories.

Wen Qi looked at this report, and felt an indescribable feeling in his heart. He didn't want this series to collapse and end, but as a player, completing a game is the most basic thing.

At this point, even Qin Laozei can't do anything, right? At least he can't think of any way to save it.

As he thought about it, he silently put on the Xinghai Dream Helmet, and his eyes were covered by darkness. As the fireworks exploded outside the window, the light was also interweaving into a new scene.

[Dear players, "People in the underworld don't speak the language of the living world" welcomes you to the starry sea and will soon launch "The Old Days Are Forever" for you]

[Every game will have an end, and the scenery you have seen will remain in your mind, whether it is the towering snow-capped mountains or the ordinary and peaceful streets and alleys...]

[Maybe the memory will be blurred, but when you see these scenes again, you will always remember that touch of excitement, and remember the brilliant and dazzling scene of these things bursting out in front of you. ]

The place where I went online was still the familiar Arkham Community Apartments... familiar...

"What the hell is that...!?" Wen Qi said with wide eyes as he looked at the darkness outside the window that covered the sky.

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