When Qin Ge and Jiang Li came down from the second-floor room, the small villa had been decorated with a new couplet at the door, and lucky bamboo and oranges were placed on both sides of the TV. It was a festive scene. Bai Lu, who didn't need to sleep, was busy hanging thumb-sized red lanterns in the yard, and the wires made the yard look like a silk cave.

Because today is New Year's Eve, all employees are working from home, which does not delay their New Year's celebration. Jiang Li and Bai Lu's home is in the next city, and they can go home in two hours by taxi. They thought about going back after finishing their work.

"Don't bother, it's almost three o'clock now. If you don't go back quickly, you will miss the New Year's Eve dinner, right?" Qin Ge didn't have too many feelings about the New Year. In the past few years when life was not good, the New Year was still a good excuse to have a good meal. After winning the lottery, it no longer mattered whether to celebrate the New Year or not.

"That won't do. It's the New Year after all. How can there be no atmosphere at all?" Bai Lu had already changed out of her bunny pajamas and put on a down jacket for going out. She squatted in the snow and didn't reply.

The snow season in Baijing City is ridiculously long. It snows in winter, and the pear blossoms bloom in spring, making it all white again. So most of the year is spent in white.

"Are you sure these red lanterns create the atmosphere you want?"

"What else? Red is so festive. Do you want to hang white lanterns? I'll take some and hang them in the room."

"To be honest, white lanterns are indeed better." Qin Ge has extremely rich experience in setting up horror scenes. The scene after turning on the lights has been constructed in his mind. He grinned and said, "Once the lights are turned on, the whole house is shrouded in dim red lights. Other places are shadowy, and from the outside, there are people walking in the quiet house. Don't you think this looks like a haunted house?"

Bai Lu's steps froze as she stepped onto the stairs. The scene also appeared in her mind. After they left, Qin Ge was the only one left in the villa. And he should have just turned on a small light. From the outside, it really looks like a haunted house. If a Buddha statue is placed, it can be used as a temple.

So she was holding a bunch of small lanterns, neither going up nor down. Finally, she looked at Jiang Li who was packing up, hoping that she could give her a way out, and said eagerly: "Mother Li."

"Look at the weather, it's going to snow again, hurry up and pack up and go home." Jiang Li understood and looked at the weather outside the yard, then glanced at Qin Ge with a little disdain and said: "Can't you say something nice on New Year's Day? And it's a haunted house?"

"Okay, if it's not time, I will definitely make the room beautiful." Bai Lu put down the lanterns in her arms, pretending to ignore the ones that were already hung in the yard. She had basically packed up her things, except for the miscellaneous things like mobile phone charging cables, which she casually put into her bag and considered completed, and then ran over to help Jiang Li.

Finally, I can have a few days of peace and quiet.

Qin Ge looked at them packing up, but for some reason, his mind emerged with the conversation with April Baixue at the beginning. Will these two people leave here one day in the future to live another life?

Thinking of this question, he, who claimed to be cold-hearted, suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. After all, after two years of living together day and night, he had long been accustomed to this noisy life.

"Why are you looking at us all the time? Did you listen to us talking?"

Qin Ge came back to his senses and found that Bai Lu was already standing in front of him with her hands on her waist. He couldn't help but wonder: "What?"

"I discussed with Li's mother. You have nothing to do here during the New Year. Do you want to go home with us to celebrate the New Year? My house is fine, and Li's mother's house is also fine."

When he heard this proposal, he was indeed moved, but after calming down, he shook his head with disdain and said: "No, it's too troublesome. It's too restrictive to go to your house, and I have to deal with relatives asking questions. Let me sleep until I wake up naturally every day during the New Year."

This is part of the reason. The main reason is that it is not appropriate to go to someone else's house as a roommate during the New Year, so it's better not to toss if you can.

"Tsk, then you'll just live alone." Bai Lu rolled her eyes, then reluctantly pressed closer and asked again: "Really not together? I see you haven't prepared any New Year's goods or anything like that, you're not going to eat takeout again these few days, are you?"

"I'm tired, if you don't hurry up, it will be too late."

At this time, Jiang Li finally packed up, pulled the suitcase and went out with Bai Lu, before leaving, she turned back and pointed at the clothes piled in the washbasin in the corner and said with a smirk: "Help us put the clothes in the washing machine and hang them up after washing, if you plan to do something unknown while we're away, remember to wash it clean and don't leave any traces."


"Mother Li!" Bai Lu took a long time to come back to her senses, staring at him with a warning: "If you mess around, be careful of me... be careful..."

"Get out! Get out! Get out!" Qin Ge pushed them out directly and locked the door. Who did he think he was? If he wanted to do it, he would have done it long ago.

But it would have been better if Jiang Li hadn't said anything. Now that he was talking about it, he was a little distracted when he looked at the pile of clothes in the corner. Those were the clothes that the two girls had taken off yesterday and hadn't washed yet. Because they were only going home for a few days, it would be troublesome to bring too many clothes back, so they simply didn't bother to bring them.

There was not only Bai Lu's cartoon underwear, but also a thick black stocking. Was anyone wearing black stockings yesterday? It seemed to be Jiang Li, right?

The more Qin Ge thought about it, the more he could not hold back his impatience. It was just like the uncontrollable curiosity in Cthulhu about exploring the unknown world. He shook his head vigorously to get rid of the messy thoughts, and then poured them into the washing machine and ignored them.

The huge house suddenly became quiet. After a whole year of busyness, he was a little overwhelmed when he suddenly had free time. He didn't even have the heart to make dreams.

Qin Ge thought about it and decided to go back to the room to surf the Internet to see what players thought of the first day of "The Old Ones", absorb their opinions, and make timely adjustments after the start of work.

On the first day of sales, the comprehensive score is now stable at 4 stars. The top ten hot searches in Xinghai are basically related to "The Old Ones", except for an official New Year's blessing and a New Year's red envelope collection.

"Qin Laozhe lost"

"The crazy scene of the gods' praise, many old days appeared. 》

"Is the slow progress of world salvation a moral decline or a corruption of human hearts? 》

《Analyzing from the old corpse in the mountain village, when will the oppressed women stand up? 》

《Is the Old Days Eternal a medium-sized dream in the guise of a large dream? 》


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