Each table can accommodate two people, but there are three tables in the right corner of the classroom that are unoccupied, especially the last one, which has books piled as high as a hill. It seems normal, but the students next to it Stay as far away from that location as possible.

The others obediently returned to their seats, but Qin Ge climbed up to the desk and took off a round clock hanging on the wall in front of their stunned eyes. He had experienced the plot of the game many times, and this The purpose of this time is to record how to break this game and slap Tianlan Studio in the face.

Naturally, I will not follow the game prompts step by step.

"What are you going to do? Do you want me to send you to the Academic Affairs Office!" The female teacher picked up the pointer and whipped the blackboard until it crackled. The students all raised their heads and stared at Qin Ge blankly, with dull eyes. There is no agility at all.

Qin Ge would not tangle with an NPC who did not have enough logical links. He jumped off the podium and walked to the seat behind him. However, the female teacher kept the same expression and tone and repeated: "Get back to your seat quickly! Otherwise, I will kill you." Send it to the Academic Affairs Office!”

Qin Ge couldn't help but shook his head and sighed. Such poor quality could actually be called excellent in a horror dream. It was precisely because of this that his dependence on horror stimulation had not been able to get the food it deserved.

"You sit in front and protect the milky little fairy." April Baixue stopped the stubborn person who wanted to sit in the empty seat next to her, and made the seat free.

"Okay, okay." The tough-talking Rencai nodded in embarrassment. As soon as he sat down, he heard the little fairy snort, and couldn't help but secretly thought, "Oh no, I accidentally offended this dreamer."

Qin Ge looked at April Baixue, who was waving to him, hesitated for a moment, and then walked towards her. There was no other place left, and there was nothing on the table except a thick book of school rules.

"What are you doing with the wall clock?" April Baixue held her chin, her expression calm, not at all nervous because of the terrifying dream.

"Have fun." Qin Ge responded casually.

April Baixue nodded and asked as if she was familiar with it: "What do you think of this dream game?"

"Generally, NPCs are rigid, with few logical links, and the scene construction has no details and is not logical. If it were a hundred-point system, I can only give it ten points." Qin Ge said bluntly.

"You're not ashamed of yourself. This was made by Mr. Xie Guhong from LV3. Who are you to make such a comment?" Rencai seemed to be a fan of Xie Guhong. After hearing the comment, he couldn't help but turn around and refute, "And you said the scene is illogical? Don't the scenes from the corridor to the classroom set off the horror atmosphere very well?"

Qin Ge tapped the table with his fingers and said with a smile: "Then let me tell you how I judged it. The wall in the corridor feels smooth, just like touching a mirror. Points will be deducted."

"Moreover, the wall is peeling off, but there is no trace of wall dust on it when you touch it. Points will be deducted."

"And the handrails of the stairs are obviously covered with dust, but there are no fingerprints left when you put your hands on them." Qin Ge pointed and made the whole scene useless, "And you said it adds to the terrifying atmosphere?"

"That's true, but you have to consider the background. According to the setting of "School Rules", this school is a normal school, but there are wraiths."

"Do you think a normal school would be so dilapidated and gloomy? Even if the lights are broken, no one will fix it. I can't help but want to ask, what are the school administrators doing in Teacher Xie's setting? "

"I feel the same way." April Baixue agreed: "I have played "Sadako" before, and the scene construction in "Sadako" is much more detailed and colorful than here."

Are you still your fan?

Qin Ge glanced at her in surprise, but did not reveal his identity.

The tough-talking Rencai was speechless by the rhetorical question. After waiting for a long time, he could only say weakly: "I have watched the video of "Sadako" on the Internet, but the medium-sized dream is more than a hundred times wider than the small dream. Naturally, small dreams cannot be used. standards required.”

"If you want to achieve the level of detail of a small dream, you probably need an orange scene card."

"Not only that, the "School Rules" with vivid characters is also inferior." April Baixue looked at the room full of NPCs and explained: "When Sadako appeared, I almost thought it was a living grudge, but this "School Rules" "Although there are many NPCs in it, their actions are stiff. I am afraid that there is very little logical behavior chain injected, and it may not even be considered a gray level."

"We probably picked the material from the wrong place this time."

"You can't say that." The tough-talking Rencai naturally couldn't criticize April Baixue, so he could only apologize and said with a smile: "The outstanding features of the medium-sized dreamland are the gameplay and the completeness of the plot. Besides, the behavior in "School Rules" is logically reasonable and there are almost no bugs. , which is extremely rare, and the protagonist has not yet appeared, so it is too early to draw conclusions. "

"Gameplay? The medium-sized dreamland can introduce a career system." Qin Ge followed the stick and said with a sneer: "But you see, the "School Rules" force players to go online, but none of the four of us have corresponding careers. They can only play the same role, can this be said to be outstanding in gameplay?”

"Quiet!" The teacher on the podium interrupted the tough talker who wanted to speak, and nervously knocked on the blackboard and said, "Let's start roll call now."

"Here we come, this is the first scare point, be careful..."

"Quiet!" The teacher spoke again. The students who were originally indifferent were suddenly filled with panic when they heard the roll call. They wrote faster and faster, and the sound of brushing was endless. Their eyes were fixed on the notebook in front of them, and they didn't even dare to turn their heads slightly.

However, a boy next to him quietly handed over a note. Qin Ge didn't even look at it, and pushed it to April Baixue along with the school rules. He almost memorized the contents.

"Be careful, the table behind you is Zhang Yu's seat. Although he is dead, he will come back from time to time."

The prompt is simple and clear.

The tough-mouthed man looked at the note and coughed a few times, then explained proudly: "Zhang Yu is the strongest vengeful spirit in this school. Zhilan Night School is a school with strict management and many school rules. There are so many rules that they restrict students to take a shower, brush their teeth, fold their quilts, and fill the trash cans..."

"Every time a school rule is violated, the student's photo will be posted on the bulletin board in front of the Academic Affairs Office for public display. All students of Zhilan Night School live under this terrifying high pressure."

"And Zhang Yu was originally a student with excellent character and academic performance. After refusing to help several students cheat, he was framed.

During the exam, those students threw a note with cheat sheets on his desk, and then reported to the teacher, accusing him of cheating, causing his photo to be hung on the bulletin board in front of the Academic Affairs Office. His self-esteem was damaged and he chose to end his life, but the vengeful spirit did not dissipate. Every night after the clock struck eight o'clock, it would appear from time to time and wander around the campus."

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