The sun pierced the glass window with a warm smell and entered the room. A few white pear blossoms fell quietly on the floor with the breeze. Outside, there were already greetings from the elderly doing morning exercises amid the crowing of chickens and barking of dogs.

Originally, this time period should have been the time when Qin Ge slept the most, but he was really worried about the dream game and had no intention of sleeping. He grabbed his phone and checked it. The first glance was like a bucket of cold water poured over his head, immediately washing away his sleepiness.

Because of the recommended position and the live broadcast of many anchors last night, the number of viewers has reached an exaggerated level, the number of purchases has exceeded 50,000, and the number of reviews has reached 30,000.

Although the income is considerable, the rating is uncharacteristic. Nearly 60% of people gave one star or two stars. The entire comment area is polarized, causing the rating of "Sadako" to drop directly from four and a half stars to two and a half stars.

Qin Ge sat up immediately. Such strange data must be wrong. Clicking on the game data, it was as expected.

A large number of players suddenly appeared after midnight last night. Many of them only logged into the dream game and stayed in it for exactly 30 minutes before exiting and rating. The game progress has always remained at 1%.

Looking at their comments, it is even more like Yui Aragaki is married to someone else, which is far from the truth.

"From "The Best Horror Shot of the Year", it is not scary at all, it is nothing more than the creator's own marketing."

"The first C**** of the year."

"Garbage, all garbage, run!"

"I recommended this dream to my girlfriend who was alone in the dormitory, and then she broke up with me because of fear, so I entered the game in anger and tears flowed out. I don't know if it was because of the breakup or because of the fear, so I gave it one star."

This is 100% game progress, it seems to be a normal player, but it's right!

Qin Ge gritted his teeth in anger, and his girlfriend broke up with him, so he beat his girlfriend! What's the matter with giving my dream game one star?

It can be said that "Sadako" went from being a popular horror masterpiece to being the worst thing that even ghosts would hate in one night.

He knew that someone was behind it, but the problem was that he and others were not enemies today, but they were not enemies in the past. Who would be so idle as to hire a group of Internet trolls to stir up trouble?

"System, this doesn't count, right? It's obviously maliciously scored by someone." Qin Ge tried to call out the system to check the completion of the task, and the unfinished status was so conspicuous.

[As a dream maker, it is also your responsibility to find ways to protect the innocence and rights of your work. ]

The system's machine sound without fluctuations was cold and heartless.

Qin Ge's expression suddenly darkened, and he kept thinking about the mastermind behind the scenes and how to save the score.

In fact, it is not difficult to analyze. Although it is possible that some jealous dream makers are purely harming others and not benefiting themselves, the biggest possibility is that their dream game creation hindered someone's interests.

Going in this direction, there are other works competing with him in the same recommended position. The promotion rules for the recommended position are very simple. One is the number of purchases, and the other is the evaluation. Qin Ge is not clear about the specific algorithm, but this is enough for him to narrow the scope to 4 at once.

Tianlan Studio's "School Rules", the other three seem to be independent dream makers, but who could it be?

The problem is that even if you find out who it is, it is difficult to restore the score. Although you can complain through Xinghai, it usually takes seven working days to process, and it will have failed by the time it finishes the task.

It is impossible to raise the score by yourself by spending money to buy water army, and the system will punish you.

Your grandma's Coke without sugar, don't let me know who it is, otherwise I will fight you to the end.

At this moment, Jiang Li knocked on the door, "Are you awake? Are you going to class today?"

"No, answer for me." Qin Ge tried his best to control his tone and not let his bad mood affect others.

"You are wasting your life and tuition fees by not going to class again."

"I won 30 million."


There was silence outside the door, and then there were footsteps going away.

He opened the private message list and the backstage comments, and read them one by one, trying to get useful information from them, but he got nothing. However, a private message caught his attention.

[Baihua-Narcissus]: ​​"Hello, I am the editor of Baihua column. I want to interview you. Do you have time?"


Qin Ge frowned. This name is well-known. They specialize in digging out various dream games with potential for evaluation. They are the authoritative media in the dream game industry and have a huge influence. It can be said that a word can make a dream, and a word can also destroy a dream.

The members of Baihua are also named after flowers.

Because there were too many private messages in the past two days, he didn't check them. Narcissus sent several messages without getting a reply. He was indomitable.

He was just a small boat now, so it was better to stay away from the storm that could overturn him at any time. Besides, it was more important to find out the mastermind behind the scenes.

He was about to close the private message when Narcissus popped up another message.

[Baihua-Narcissus]: ​​"It was maliciously downgraded from four and a half stars to two and a half stars overnight. It was a waste of a good dream."

[Coke Sugar Adder]: "?"

[Baihua-Narcissus]: ​​"Teacher Coke, you are here. I want to do an interview. Are you free?"

[Cola Sugar Master]: "Do you know anything about malicious scoring?"

[Hundred Flowers-Narcissus]: ​​"A little bit."

[Cola Sugar Master]: "Who is it?"

[Hundred Flowers-Narcissus]: ​​"I want to talk to you in person, is that okay?"

Narcissus is obviously a difficult person who doesn't want to see the rabbit, so he directly bypassed the question.

Qin Ge touched his chin. After a short chat, he had roughly understood what kind of person this Narcissus was. Although he didn't want to contact them, in order to find out the mastermind behind the scenes, he might have to contact them.

[Cola Sugar Master]: "At 12 noon, Coconut Chicken on Shifang Street, Chunhua District, please have dinner."

[Hundred Flowers-Narcissus]: ​​"Okay, see you there."

As the saying goes, knowing yourself and the enemy will ensure victory in a hundred battles. Qin Ge didn't want to meet her without any preparation. He closed the chat box and directly entered Narcissus's ID into the search box. Baidu immediately popped up various pages.

In addition to her basic personal information, there are also various articles she has written.

The main areas of my dream are love and role-playing. I joined Baihua right after graduation five years ago. That year, I became famous for discovering a love-development game called "AI Beautiful Girl". I won the Best Newcomer Award within Baihua, and my dream maker became famous.

But I didn't achieve any outstanding results afterwards, so my resources are getting less and less, and the number of articles I published this year is even less.

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