Starting to make a ghost story game from Sadako

Chapter 100: One flower blooming alone does not make spring

Qin Ge and Zhu Yin chatted almost as if they had met each other so late. The more they chatted, the more enthusiastic they became. They reached an unprecedented consensus on the thousand ways to cut leeks.

Zhu Yin also agreed to join Lihua Studio under the salary plan of 50,000 yuan per month plus commission after completing the target. Although the basic salary is lower than that at Tianlan, considering the subsequent bonuses, it is also inferior in all aspects. Not going anywhere.

Because he has gone through the resignation process at Tianlan Studio in the past two days, he can come to work at any time. However, considering that the office is still under renovation, Qin Ge can only let him work at home first and come up with an activity plan.

"Congratulations on planning." A middle-aged man with pigtails and a neat beard came over to say hello. He was a little unsure and said, "Qin Ge?"

"I am." Qin Ge raised his eyebrows. Is he so famous now? You can be recognized wherever you go.

"I am Xie Guhong, the chief dream maker of Tianlan Studio. I have always wanted to communicate with you, but unfortunately I have never found a chance. Can you sit down?" Xie Guhong sat down after receiving the agreement. The first thing The thing is, he lowered his head and said, "I have to apologize to you first."

"How do you say this?" Qin Ge quickly waved his hands and said in surprise. He couldn't remember where this person offended him. If the self-destruction didn't come from Tianlan Studio, he couldn't even remember his name.

"As for the previous incident involving the navy, although Chen Wansheng acted on his own will, as one of the persons in charge, I am also responsible for not stopping him."

When Zhu Yin received the questioning look, he smiled and explained: "That's true. Teacher Xie had a quarrel with Chen Wansheng when he found out later."

This is an honest person like me.

"It's nothing." Qin Ge didn't doubt Zhu Yin's words. After all, he had no reason to lie to himself now, so he comforted him: "Don't take it to heart. Although I don't agree with this despicable approach, it is undoubtedly one of the business methods. , the most important thing as a businessman is how to get the highest return at the lowest cost.”

"Is Teacher Xie leaving Tianlan Studio too?"

Xie Guhong nodded and said, "I will officially go through the resignation procedures tomorrow."

"Why? Didn't the head office ask you to return to Qianqiu?" Zhu Yin looked extremely surprised.

"It's just that my time at Tianlan Studio suddenly made me feel that it was meaningless. Every time I had to follow the studio's instructions to create a dream that I didn't want to create." Xie Guhong took a sip of coffee and smiled calmly: "The more I do it, the more I do it." The more I feel tired, the more I think about following the rules for half my life. Why not become a free dreamer, overthrow the past, try new styles, and create the dreams I want to create.”

"This is not easy." Qin Ge couldn't help but sigh.

Every dreamer has his or her own unique style and approach. It is hard to change what is engraved in one’s bones, so this is why some dreamers will be recognized by fans no matter how they change their vests and want to try a new start. reason.

Part of it is a forced change of style, which ends up being nondescript. There is always a strange smell in the dreams created, and the results are not as good as before.

Only a very small number of people can be reborn, especially for dreamers like Xie Guhong who have already achieved results. It takes a lot of courage to make this decision.

After all, the fans who have followed him until now are undoubtedly very fond of his style. To change his style now means abandoning the audience that he has accumulated over the years.

"Who doesn't have some dreams in their heart?" Xie Guhong said calmly: "I have played "Immortal". Although I have not completed it, I still feel that you have set up an extremely grand world, especially the extreme fear. "

"I want to know your ideas and thoughts. I wonder if you can share them. If it's too abrupt..."

"No, I can only hope for someone willing to communicate." Qin Ge said with a smile: "Dream-making needs to be perfected through constant communication and competition. After all, a flower blooming alone is not spring."

“The Cthulhu Mythos is all about extreme fear and madness, allowing humans to realize that they are a small, pitiful and humble existence in the vast universe. In addition, the rules-based structure breaks players’ inherent sense of security about the rules. ..."

Qin Ge unreservedly told the core points of Cthulhu and the strange stories about rules, but he did not tell about the gods in it, because that was what he wanted to create next, and even if he told it, Xie Guhong would not be able to understand it.

Ideas are useless even if you don't cherish them. There are no fools in the world. After he succeeds, countless people will definitely study it, and sooner or later he will be thoroughly studied.

Just like online writing, as long as one style becomes popular, similar styles will always spring up like mushrooms after a rain. This is also the choice of the times and the market.

All I can do is to run ahead of all latecomers, surpass them, and prove myself with better works.

Xie Guhong's eyes became brighter and brighter as he listened, and he said excitedly: "Can I create in the Cthulhu worldview?"

"Of course you can. Cthulhu is a developed and free system. All works created based on this concept can be called the Cthulhu system." Qin Ge did not refuse. It depends on how far he can achieve it. himself.

"I have benefited a lot." Xie Guhong expressed his thanks and asked: "Are you planning to use "Immortal" to participate in this year's Dream Maker Silver Star Award?"

"Silver Star Award?" Qin Ge was stunned for a moment, but he had forgotten about it.

Xinghai will award three awards every year, the Golden Sun Award, the Green Moon Award, and the Silver Star Award. They are awarded at the end of each year and there is no need to register for the competition.

Xinghai will span all categories and all levels of dreamers. In the dreams released this year, they will be evaluated from multiple dimensions such as the game itself, ratings, sales performance, influence, etc. The Silver Star Award is specifically for medium-sized dreams.

Small dreams are not eligible for the competition. After all, they are for new dreamers to practice their skills, so they are not of much value.

This competition can be said to be the grandest event among dream makers. Winning this award proves that you can gain a firm foothold in this industry.

"If there is no dark horse in the second half of the year, I feel that "Immortal" has a good chance of winning the award." Xie Guhong said with a smile: "But it feels unlikely. Basically all dream makers start to work hard in the second half of the year. Yes, and I estimate that there will be a lot of people following your dream, be careful not to be beaten to death on the beach by the waves behind you.”

"Do your best, there's still a long time before the end of the year." Qin Ge shrugged nonchalantly: "It would be a good thing if more and more outstanding horror dreams appear. At least it proves that I have brought some great benefits to this stagnant water. There was a ripple.”

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