The astronauts are in the launch cabin, waiting for the launch time, and outside the launch cabin, many people are also waiting for the ignition at the same time.

As time continued to pass, the value displayed by the timer also entered the last minute.

Li Zhenhua's originally calm heart became more and more excited as the launch time approached.


Seeing the numbers decrease one by one, an inexplicable emotion emerged in his heart.

[10, 9, 8... 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 ignition. 】

I saw a person in the command room twisting a red key on the console after reading the last ten seconds.

In front of the outdoor launch pad, the Chang-2H manned launch vehicle stood quietly a second ago. At the second the key was twisted, a large amount of high-temperature gas was ejected from the tail of the rocket, pushing the rocket into space.

The five astronauts in the launch cabin felt the huge load delivered to them by the rocket, and quickly reached the 4-5G load, which made them somewhat uncomfortable physically.

And their discomfort is not that serious, because of the role of space suits, it can also minimize this discomfort to a certain extent.

The rocket flew into the air, and in twelve seconds, the entire rocket turned under the control of the program.

The speed is still accelerating, and the astronauts in the cabin also have some changes in their facial muscles due to the increased load.

When the rocket flew for 120 seconds, the escape tower began to separate, and after another 34 seconds, the booster separated.

Then the first-stage rocket completed its mission, shut down and waited for separation, and after 0.5 seconds, the first-stage and second-stage rockets began to separate.

At the moment of separation, the second-stage rocket intervenes and continues to complete the next launch mission.

The second-stage rocket continues to fly, and the rocket will jettison the fairing midway. The main engine of the second-stage rocket will shut down at 463 seconds on the ground, and at 582 seconds, the second-stage rocket will shut down.

In five hundred and eighty-five seconds, the launch vehicle completed its mission, and it was time for the arrow ship to separate.

[Jiuquan optical tracking is normal]

[Dongfeng Optical USB radar tracking is normal]

【Telemetry signal is normal】


After the arrow ship is separated, the launch vehicle is useless. They will continue to drift in space, some will re-enter the atmosphere, a huge part will burn up during re-entry into the atmosphere, and some will float in space.

After the manned spacecraft and launch vehicle were separated, the commander of the five astronauts began to operate on the console in the cabin.

And with Mu Yiwei's control, the manned spacecraft sent to the predetermined orbit suddenly stretched out two small wings to the side, and these wings are the solar panels of the spacecraft.

When the solar panels are turned on, the spaceship has energy input and can perform the next series of orbit changes.

The moment the spaceship opened the sailboard, everyone in the entire command center was boiling. Many people who had been staring at the computer screen before stood up from their seats and applauded silently.

Kyushu sent astronauts into space again. Compared with only one person in the first time, it has now successfully sent five people into space, which is much stronger than before.

The scene in the cabin has been broadcast live on Kyushu TV, and people all over the country can also follow the progress of this manned spaceflight through this platform.

And not only live broadcasts are carried out on traditional TV channels, but also on Kuaijiu.

As for Li Zhenhua, in the command center, since the moment the rocket was launched, his heart has never calmed down, and he was nervous for no reason.

But when the spacecraft entered the predetermined orbit, his previous nervousness no longer existed, and he also felt sincere pride.

The spacecraft has entered the predetermined orbit, and under the control of the astronauts, it is adjusting its attitude, and the direction of advancement is facing the direction of Tiangong. The next step is the docking between the spacecraft and the space station.

It will take four to five hours in the middle. Of course, the command center can't rest, but the people who came to watch the launch can set off and return, and it doesn't make much sense to stay here now, because nothing will happen. If you can't see it, it's better to go home and watch the live broadcast online.

Li Yun was in the viewing area, raised her head until she could no longer see the rocket, and then shifted her gaze to the big broadcast screen. Besides, she could not only see the rising rocket, but also the simulated animation of the rocket, The status of the five astronauts in the spacecraft cabin is finally the scene of the command center.

Several parts of the screen divided the entire screen into five parts. When she looked at the command center, she saw Li Zhenhua who had been called away in a corner of the command center.

The moment she saw Li Zhenhua, she couldn't believe her eyes, but looking at him wearing a blue space overalls on the screen, she felt proud for no reason.

'This is my man, so he also contributed to Kyushu's aerospace industry! come on! '

With this kind of pride, when the spaceship reached the scheduled orbit, Li Yun watched the ceremony area for more than ten minutes, seeing her man on the screen who had no intention of coming back, Li Yun chose to leave here and went to the guest house to wait for Li Zhenhua to come back.

Li Zhenhua sat in the seat assigned to him in the command center, watching the manned spacecraft adjusting its attitude on the screen. Although the launch has been successful, it has not yet reached Tiangong.

He doesn't want to go back now, he wants to wait here, watch, watch the spacecraft arrive near Tiangong, and watch the docking between the spacecraft and Tiangong. witness.

The spaceship is moving towards the Tiangong in space. In the vast space, the distance between Tiangong and the spaceship is actually not far, but they are not close either.

For this distance, the spacecraft moved for more than five hours before reaching the vicinity of Tiangong.

When the spaceship came near the Tiangong, it was already 5:18 pm Beiping time. At the moment of the docking, the common people of Kyushu once again cast their eyes on the not-too-distant space.

Docking is about to begin, and the spacecraft is adjusting its attitude. When the speed of the spacecraft and Tiangong remains relatively static, they both meet all the conditions for docking.

The Tiangong space station kept its posture unchanged, but the spacecraft continued to adjust the direction of its docking port.

On Kyushu TV station, the images received now are the observation shots on the Tiangong, and the Chang'e spacecraft not far away is adjusting its docking port and flying towards the Tiangong.

Inside the Chang'e spacecraft, Mu Yiwei switched Chang'e to manual mode, and then the spacecraft slowly approached the Tiangong dock under his control.

After seeing the spaceship approaching Tiangong, the director of Kyushu TV station immediately changed the picture to the real-time picture of Chang'e TV camera.

Immediately, the screen displayed the scene at the docking port, a lens with a crosshair aiming at the docking port of Tiangong.

At the moment when the white cross of Tiangong coincided with the aiming cross of Chang'e spacecraft, the spacecraft was attached to it at a constant speed, and the docking ports of the two sides collided immediately, and then Mu Yiwei immediately pressed the locking button.

When the locking button is pressed, the Tiangong and the spaceship are locked together, and at this moment the spaceship becomes a temporary part of the Tiangong.

[Papapapa...] There was a burst of short but enthusiastic applause, and then it calmed down.

[Attention everyone, I am Jiuquan. According to Jiuquan's real-time telemetry monitoring and judgment, the docking mechanism has been locked, and the combined mechanism has been connected to each other normally. The follow-up work will be carried out according to the normal flight control plan! 】

When the ground commander of the command center read out this passage, the entire command center boiled again.

Some technicians were sitting on their seats, throwing their hats into the air, while some staff hugged their neighbors.

Li Zhenhua is like a spectator at the moment, sitting in his own seat, but judging from his clenched fists, he should also be extremely excited at the moment, because the clenched fists have turned white.

Up to now, the first phase of the mission of this launch has been successfully completed, and the next five astronauts will take a short rest on the Tiangong, and use the robotic arm to reposition the docked Chang'e spacecraft.

The robotic arm of the Tiangong space station transferred the Chang'e spacecraft to the Guanghan Palace, and combined Chang'e and Guanghan Palace to form a lunar landing assembly.

These follow-up tasks will be completed within a day, and at this moment, Li Zhenhua looked at the lively scene in the command center, stood up and greeted Academician Luo.

"Mr. Luo, the first stage of this launch is considered complete, and I won't wait here to watch.

To be honest, I got the news from Minister Wang Yuesheng that I was the one to watch the Peking Parade, so I left directly and went to Peking! "

Originally, Academician Luo wanted to keep him in Jiuquan and continue to observe the follow-up performance of the spacesuit, but after hearing his follow-up arrangements, he did not continue to keep him. After all, this invitation from above is also a recognition of him.

"Okay, then I won't keep you, you go to Peiping to watch the parade! This can be regarded as watching for me.

However, it's fine for you to leave, but you have to take care of our affairs.

You have also been paying attention to Wu Gang's space suit for a long time, and we will send you Wu Gang's running status regularly! "

Li Zhenhua nodded, agreeing to the other party's request, and then they didn't say much. Li Zhenhua disappeared into the hall of the command center under the watchful eyes of Academician Luo.

He came out of the command center, then went straight to the Jiuquan guest house, and found Li Yun who was watching TV.

Afterwards, without much delay, the two packed up their salutes, dragged their suitcases, got into the car and rushed towards the airport when they came.

This time they not only watched the rocket launch and the docking between Chang'e and Tiangong, they also received souvenirs that Academician Luo had prepared for them long ago.

It is the scaled-down model of the launch vehicle that was launched this time. This model is placed in their suitcases, and each of them has a set.

The model is very delicate. The total height of the 1:100 launch vehicle is 32.6 cm. It is very playable. Everything on it can be separated. It can be said that the model looks like it looks like.

The model is a very good souvenir. This time they went to Peiping, and they took the military plane again. They took the bumpy Yun-8 plane and headed for Peiping again.

Because the plane was too turbulent, Li Yun couldn't realize his idea of ​​squinting for a while, so he could only find something to play with on the plane.

And the rocket model that Li Zhenhua brought back became Li Yun's first choice to pass the time.

On their way to Beiping, in the Space Tiangong space station, Mu Yiwei and other five people got out of Chang'e and entered the core module of the space station.

After entering the airlock of the space station, they took off the helmets of the spacesuits, but the spacesuits on them did not take off, but they were still worn on themselves.

Because next they will start to transport all the cargo they landed on the moon to the Guanghan Palace from the cargo spacecraft.

Although in space, everything is in a zero-gravity state, even without the use of a powered spacesuit, it can be completed, but what if something unexpected happens during the transportation?

The space suits on their bodies can be regarded as a guarantee for them in the middle of moving the goods, and with the help of the power of the space suits, the moving of the goods will be relatively faster.

The cargo spacecraft and the Guanghan Palace are not in the same place, there is some distance between the two, which requires the astronauts to transport the cargo from the cargo spacecraft, UU Reading through many cabins, and finally put it into the Guanghan Palace. In the cold palace.

The goods they transported this time contain very important things, organic matter necessary for the growth of many plants, and some soil brought up from the earth.

These things prepared actually have a lot to do with the genes engraved in Kyushu's bones, that is, Kyushu's ancestral farming genes, farming and lack of firepower phobia, both of which claim that as long as Kyushu exists, these two racial talents will exist one day.

Moreover, among the goods, there are not only some farming materials, but also some building materials. These materials will talk about another racial talent of Kyushu-infrastructure.

They will use these materials on the moon in the future, combined with the facilities for landing on the moon this time, to build the Guanghan Palace base on the moon.

The five people were resting at the space station. They seemed to be in a hurry to transfer the cargo.

In fact, they are really in a hurry. They want to land on the moon before the National Day, and on the day of the National Day, present a unique gift from the moon on the moon to the birthday of the motherland.

The goods were transferred from the cargo spaceship to the Guanghan Palace. When all the goods were transported, Mu Yiwei took three people to rest in the Tiangong, and the remaining one of them stood in front of the console of the Tiangong mechanical arm and began to use the mechanical arm. Transposition Chang'e spacecraft.

The astronaut who controls the robotic arm is the only female astronaut among the five. Because of the carefulness of women, the operation of the robotic arm is handed over to Wang Ping, the only female astronaut.

The other four were replenishing their physical strength with dry space food, while Wang Ping concentrated on controlling the robotic arm.

And on the Yunba military plane heading to Beiping, Li Zhenhua was a little too tired from the previous high concentration, so he fell asleep on the bumpy military plane.


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