Twelve people came to the airport, looked at the two Z-8s ready to go, and boarded the plane in two groups.

To board the helicopter again, for the twelve, it felt like a century had passed.

They didn't have missions in the past six months, and they never had a chance with helicopters again. With a hint of novelty, they felt extremely comfortable sitting in the butt-sucking seats in the cabin.

After the freshness passed, someone chatted in their communication channel, and the chat was still related to Chi You's exoskeleton.

"Captain, the powered exoskeleton we obtained in the past this time, is it the same as our current one?

I am now particularly interested in the power exoskeleton optimized by the manufacturer. I don’t know what is the difference from what we use now. "

Xiao Falcon was the most curious one in their commando team. He couldn't help but asked their captain on the way to the Kyushu Divine Beast.

The captain also fell into deep thought about Xiao Falcon's question, and he himself was very curious about what the manufacturer's optimization would look like.

Since the moment he received the news last night that he was going to take over the equipment from the Kyushu Divine Beast today, his mood has never calmed down.

Because he knows that the powered exoskeleton they have now is only the most basic product produced by the manufacturer.

"I can't think of it either, we'll know when we see the real thing, everyone stop talking and cheer up.

Also pay attention to the movements around you, our mission this time is top secret! "

After speaking, the captain himself became serious, and the other team members also became serious like the captain.

The guns in their hands were also checked. As long as there was an accident on the road, they might shoot at any time.

The two straight-eight pilots looked at the latitude and longitude of the destination on the instrument, and flew towards the location of the Kyushu Divine Beast.

After more than an hour's flight, they also arrived at the sky above the Kyushu Divine Beast from their base.

The pilots looked at the runway below for the plane to take off, and they felt very lucky in their hearts. There is no more secure way to land than landing on the runway.

When the commando arrived above them, Li Zhenhua also heard the characteristic sound of the helicopter overhead in the workshop.

He knew that the phone call to Wang Yuesheng yesterday had worked. It should be that the person who received Chi You's powered exoskeleton armor had arrived.

Hearing the sound of the helicopter, he walked out of the workshop and walked towards the test flight field.

When he walked to the test flight field, the two helicopters in the sky also landed on the runway, and walked towards the helicopters, while he was approaching Naohachi.

The door of Zhiba opened, and the special forces personnel filed out from the cabin, and soon lined up in front of the plane.

Twelve fully armed teams with a full set of light and heavy weapons lined up neatly and appeared in front of his eyes.

He walked towards the queue, and when he came close, one of the school officers came out of the queue and came in front of him.

The two greeted each other without exchanging too many greetings. After confirming that the other party was indeed here to take over the power armor, he led the team towards the workshop.

This fully armed team walked in the Kyushu Divine Beast Aircraft Manufacturing Factory, forming a different kind of landscape.

Fortunately, this is the attribute of the aircraft factory, which determines that their appearance will not have any impact, otherwise, their appearance in any place in Kyushu will make people imagine.

Li Zhenhua brought twelve people to his own workshop, led them to the twelve **** boxes, and pointed to the boxes.

"These boxes contain the things you need, and you can take them away directly. As before, there are specific instructions inside!"

The captain followed Li Zhenhua to the workshop, but the scene in front of him was somewhat different from what he had imagined.

In the scene he envisioned, twelve Chiyou-powered exoskeletons are in an empty room, besieging the city in a semicircle and waiting for their reception.

But what about the reality? Twelve large black boxes over two meters long were placed neatly together, but none of the powered exoskeletons were seen.

Shocked by the scene in front of him, the captain was a little speechless, turned his head and looked at him with dull eyes, then looked at the black box, and then asked him.

"This is the equipment we are going to take over this time?"

"Yes." Li Zhenhua nodded.

"Don't you need to teach us how to use it? Just leave it to us? Okay?"

"There's nothing wrong with it. Since you have used the first generation of Chi You, you can use this optimized Chi You as well. They all operate in the same way, nothing special!"

His answer was really beyond the captain's expectations. The captain thought he had asked this question, and Li Zhenhua would open a box and teach them how to use it!

But the reality is very skinny, Li Zhenhua did not follow the direction set by the captain at all, and the captain could only nod his head.


Facing the team members who were still lined up neatly, he then issued an order.

Soon the queue was no longer orderly, and every two people walked towards a box, and when they came to the two ends of the box, they began to lift the box vigorously, but the weight was unexpected for those who carried the box.

They didn't expect the box to be so heavy, it didn't mean they couldn't lift it, it was just that they had some difficulty lifting it.

Each of these boxes contains a Chiyou power armor, and the weight of each box is not light. The Chiyou power armor weighs 165 kilograms, while the outer box also weighs 15 kilograms. The tools and other things together weigh a total of 190 kilograms.

No one shared an average of 95 kilograms, which was close to 200 kilograms. No wonder it made them feel a little strenuous. Don't forget that these team members are now fully armed.

Although it is heavy, it can still be lifted, and each group is still insisting on carrying it to the workshop door.

Twelve people went back and forth twice before lifting all twelve boxes to the door, and Li Zhenhua waited until all the boxes were lifted to the door before he mentioned that there was a manual hydraulic forklift in his workshop.

Looking at the captain with some embarrassment, they pulled out the hydraulic car they owned.

The team leader looked at the hydraulic truck in front of him, and felt like he was about to cry. He and his party managed to move twelve large boxes out of the workshop. Only then did the owner tell you that he had tools.

The captain now wants to vomit three liters of blood to express his current grief and indignation.

Later, with the help of tools, their efficiency in moving boxes was significantly improved, and twelve large black boxes were lifted onto two straight-eights.

Then he took off in front of him and flew towards the original direction. After the plane flew away, Li Zhenhua walked back. While walking, he took out his mobile phone and called Wang Yuesheng directly.

"Chief, the boxes are on the way. The two Z-8s just took off less than five minutes ago."

Then he heard Wang Yuesheng's familiar voice coming from his mobile phone.

"Okay, I see. The Ministry will pay you 100 million through the account of North Industries tomorrow. It is the cost of Chiyou's power armor this time. Don't think it is too little. Recently, military expenses have been a little tight because of the replacement of J-36, and then you will be able to afford it." The Ministry will make up for you."

100 million was entered into the account, this money is completely indifferent to the current Li Zhenhua, and this money can actually offset the twelve Chi You at the cost price.

Anyway, he didn't lose money but just put in some effort, and this kind of work happened to be of his interest, so it wasn't considered effort.

"Okay, I know the chief, but what you asked me to do is a bit naive, why do you want me to embarrass these soldiers?

It has to be carried manually from the workshop to the door! "

Hearing him asking questions like whining, Wang Yuesheng immediately explained to him.

"Actually, it's just a small test. Let you embarrass them. It's just to tell them that this equipment is not easy to come by. Let them cherish it."

Listening to this explanation, I don't know what other people think, anyway, he can't understand, why can't I just say it? This method must be used.

He was also not interested in knowing how the soldiers were trained in the army, so he chatted with Wang Yuesheng for a few more words before hanging up the phone, and then he returned to his workshop to manufacture a powered exoskeleton for his own use.

The two Z-8s that returned to the base were flying back to the base quickly.

The commandos sitting on the plane were very curious about the **** boxes on the plane. At that time, they had a desire to take it apart, but they knew that it was on the plane and it was not suitable for opening the box.

Along the way, every team member endured their curiosity again, and after another hour, they finally returned to the base.

The two Z-8s landed at the base, removed the boxes from the plane, borrowed a car from the ground crew here, and then carried the boxes back to their lair.

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When they returned to the warehouse, the brigade commander had already been waiting in their warehouse. The reason was simple. The brigade commander was also full of curiosity about the equipment that arrived this time.

After all, the commando team reported that Chi You's performance was strong enough, but now he was really curious about the performance of the twelve optimized planes in a row.

The box was moved to the warehouse by everyone, and the car was driven back to the airport ground staff by the brigade commander's driver.

In the warehouse at this moment, there are twelve large black boxes neatly placed, and these boxes are more than a circle than the boxes that housed the Chi You powered exoskeleton at that time.

The same unpacking method, the same instruction manual in the box. This time, no one was interested in the instructions.

Thirteen people, all twenty-six eyes were fixed on the inside of the box. When the lid of the box was opened and the power armor inside was revealed in front of the eyes of the thirteen people, all eyes changed.

All of the thirteen people were stunned by the armor in the box for a moment. The things inside the box were truly astonishing.

Looking at the armor in the box that only appeared in movies or games, even the brigade commander with the strongest psychological endurance showed a slight change on his face.

The brigade commander approached the box with some uncertainty, pointed to the armor in the box, and turned to look at the commando captain.

"Haitongqing, are you sure you took this thing correctly?

How do I feel that this thing is more suitable for young people? It's called comic exhibition, section.

Are you sure it's not a prop, let us move it back? "

Listening to the brigade commander's question, the captain felt suspicious for a while, but then thought that the superior would not be joking with him, so he stretched out his hand into the box.

When his hand touched the armor in the box, the tactile sensation told him that the material he touched was iron, and even if it wasn't iron, it was some other alloy.

After being confirmed, he quickly turned to his brigade commander.

"I confirmed that at least it is real, not a prop."

The brigade commander was also a little speechless by his actions. He just interrupted, but he didn't expect that he, the commando captain, would be so upright.

Then the captain greeted the team members, helped the box up on the ground, and opened the box on all sides. Only then did Chi You's power armor reveal his true face.

Although all the people present were well-informed, they had never seen a scene where equipment like movie props was placed in front of him.

It really shocked them, that feeling can only be felt, it cannot be expressed in words.

After they reacted, the captain and the brigade commander hurried forward and carefully observed the armor of the figure in front of them.

Xiao Falcon was still the smartest one. When others came back to their senses, they all turned their attention to the mecha itself, but he put it on the manual that was ignored by others.

Looking at the very formal manual in his hand this time, it gave him a different feeling, it was the feeling that things were normal.

Then I went to look at the name on the cover, the instruction manual for the soldier master Chi You (JZSS-CY-DLZJ-02) type powered exoskeleton armor.

‘The name is really long enough, two words more than the previous one—armor. ’ Xiao Falcon thought to himself, and then looked at it seriously.

While he was reading the instructions, the team members crowded together to surround the armor, the brigade commander, and the captain.

Looking at the armor in front of him at this moment, the captain is also overwhelmed. The situation encountered this time is completely different from the previous one. Last time, he could understand it at a glance.

You can see the locking buckle, UU Reading www. knows how to wear it, but this time, looking at the perfectly fitted armor in front of him, he felt a sense of powerlessness.

This made it difficult for them to do it, not to mention using it, even wearing it became a problem, they couldn't even wear it!

After turning around the armor several times, I found a locking buckle at the connection between the helmet and the upper body.

The captain immediately opened the buckle on the helmet, and after he operated while thinking, he finally took the helmet off.

But it was only up to this point, and then they looked at the armor and didn't have a clue.

And Captain Haidongqing saw the screw holes of various shapes on the armor, but he was not sure where the key to opening the armor was.

However, Xiao Falcon carefully studied the instruction manual, and he stood up when he had some ideas in his mind, found the box that had just been thrown aside, and took out the carry-on toolbox from it.

As if to show off, he walked over to the brigade commander and captain nervously.

"Stand back and see how I dismantle it today."

As he said that he was about to start, the captain quickly stopped him and controlled him.

"This is not the time to mess around, be honest!"

Xiao Falcon was caught under Hai Dongqing's arm, waving the manual with difficulty.

"Captain, I just read the instruction manual. It's very detailed, and there is a dressing tutorial!"

Xiao Falcon's shout made everyone stunned, because like last time, they didn't think the manual was useful.

Everyone who knew what was going on watched Xiao Falcon pretending to be aggressive in front of them. Smugly swinging the tools in his hand, he walked towards Chi You's power armor and moved his hands. Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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