Starting Off Survival With A Small Treehouse

Chapter 217: the enemy that once hid around the treehouse

"Why don't you just wait for me in the tree house, I'll come back to you after I've dealt with it." Xu Xin said to Li Wenxi who was about to take him away.

"...Are you disgusting me for holding you back?" Li Wenxi pursed her lips and pulled the trigger, "I can help you shoot from a distance, boom!"

"Of course not, it's just... If it's a three-story tree house, I'm going to test it first, it's inconvenient for two people to move."

The owner of the three-story tree house is likely to have some special abilities or means of survival like them, which is absolutely not to be underestimated. Just like Lou Feier, if Xu Xin didn't happen to have an increase in hearing that day and heard what she said, Xu Xin would have been planted in her hands.

As a prudent person, he would never directly attack such a person's territory or treehouse. Who knows what means he will have. The top ten in the area should not be underestimated.

If he encounters it in the wild, he is really not afraid. In terms of single-player combat effectiveness, except for Wen Guixin, he is really worthless, but attacking the treehouse is not that simple.

Take his treehouse, which is pretty safe even if he's not near it right now. There is a tree house armor, an automatic heavy crossbow, and A Fu and Aifei are guarding, and most importantly, he has a mutant plant heart.

Although all survivors are defaulted as neutral units, once they dare to attack the treehouse, they will definitely be directly classified as enemy units. In this case, he may not even break the armor of the treehouse. The heart will shoot, coupled with the attack of Afu Aifei, the automatic shooting of the blue-level heavy crossbow...

Even Xu Xin didn't know how he could survive under such circumstances.

Since her treehouse is so strong, Xu Xin has no reason to think that the treehouses of strong people in other areas are weak.

Caution is always good.

and many more……

If the owner of this tree house is in the top ten in District 187, then he should have been reminded by their boss Zhang Daoguang to clean up the surrounding survivors.

He may have attacked the surroundings like Lou Feier!

Among the dozen or so people who died yesterday in District 188, there may be his achievements!

"Have you met anyone in the past two days? Or, is there anything strange?" Xu Xin asked Li Wenxi suddenly and seriously.

"Ah?" Li Wenxi was frightened by Xu Xin's sudden serious tone, and her voice became smaller, "No... no, what's wrong?"

"Think about it again, did anything weird happen yesterday?"

"Strange thing...? Hmm..." Li Wenxi frowned and thought, "Yesterday I basically digged outside all day, and I didn't come back until night. It seems that nothing happened... Oh yes!"

Li Wenxi seemed to have thought of something, clapped his hands, and pointed to Anniu, "When he came back yesterday, Anniu was a little restless, he was obviously fine before he came back, but when he got near the tree house, he suddenly became restless. !"

"Agitated? How agitated?"

"I just kept panting in front of the jungle, and it seemed that I wanted to rush over. I thought Anniu was going to run away, so I quickly took it back to the third floor of the tree house, and it became quiet. Is this a strange thing? "

Gasping for the jungle, want to rush through?

Xu Xin narrowed her eyes and asked A Niu, "A Niu, did you notice anything when you came back last night?"

When A Niu heard Xu Xin's question, the body that had been lying down immediately stood up and mooed twice, as if answering.

"Hey!" Coco once again acted as a translator and began to gesture with his small paws.

"Yeah! Coco is so cute!" Li Wenxi wanted to go up and hug Coco, but was pulled by Xu Xin.

Xu Xin looked at Coco's gesture, then glanced at Li Wenxi who was looking at him suspiciously, and asked, "What did you wear yesterday? Steel armor?"

"Yes," Li Wenxi nodded. "The steel armor is my strongest suit. Naturally, I have to wear the steel armor, and it can increase my strength and make mining easier."

"Did Ah Niu keep moving in the same direction yesterday?"

"...Yes, um...what are you trying to say?" Li Wenxi seemed to have noticed something, and her expression changed.

"...When you came back, there was a person hiding in the jungle next to the tree house, and Aniu noticed it."

"Ah?" Li Wenxi's expression instantly became a little frightened, and she grabbed Xu Xin's arm subconsciously, "At that time, was there anyone around?"

"That's right, he might be waiting for you to come back and kill you." Xu Xin speculated, "However, fortunately, you are riding a huge mutant cow and wearing a steel armor that he has never seen before. , protected the whole body, probably because he decided that secret shots could not hurt you, and he couldn't beat you in frontal confrontation, so he didn't do it."

Li Wenxi was a little dumbfounded. She turned to look at A Niu, "A Niu, did you really notice someone yesterday?"

The huge blood-striped cow nodded lightly.

"This..." Li Wenxi grabbed Xu Xin's arm with some fear.

"Your heart is too big. You should have thought that there are enemies around you with the reaction of Aniu." Xu Xin was a little helpless. She was a little rich woman with a carefree personality. Fortunately, she had a fully armed steel armor, so she was not afraid of being attacked. , otherwise I don't know how to die.

However, the most intimidating thing is Anniu, whose body is bigger than the Silver King, and there are blood lines all over his body. The very strong muscles on the cow's body look very powerful, and most people will not provoke riding on such a head. Strong in cattle.

"Well... I'm sorry..." Li Wenxi looked down at her toes and apologized.

"What are you doing when you tell me I'm sorry..." Xu Xin was a little speechless, "Okay, you can stay in the tree house first, I'll go to the south and have a look, if it's not a three-story tree house, I'll solve it for you directly Well, if so, I have a solution too, don't worry."

If it was a three-story tree house, Xu Xin had already thought of the most reasonable solution.

Lou Feier.

She is the best person to do this.

As a person who is still in District 187 on the bright side, with her acting skills, appearance, and her physical strength now enhanced by mutant pills, it is too simple for her to solve a survivor of District 187 who regards her as a companion. Now, there is no need for him to work hard and risk his life to solve this matter.

"I...Okay..." Li Wenxi pouted and didn't insist any longer. How could she be embarrassed to ask to go with her again, she herself felt that with her carelessness, it would only be a disservice to go, "Then how long are you going to go?"

"It won't take long, if it's a three-story tree house, I'll come back after a look."

"oh oh."

Li Wenxi sent Xu Xin, Keke and Yin Wang to the tree house. Xu Xin turned the wolf on his body and rushed towards the green patch to the south.

"Go and come back quickly!" Li Wenxi shouted from behind, Xu Xin waved her hand behind her, and got into the jungle.

"Coco, are there any enemies around?" Xu Xin generally asked while observing the green patch that was gradually approaching in front.

"Huh." Coco shook his head.

The silver king quickly shuttled through the bare jungle. Soon, Xu Xin had already seen the whole picture of the tree house.

"Sure enough, it's a three-story tree house..." Xu Xin narrowed her eyes.

He stopped a few hundred meters away from the treehouse and observed the treehouse.

"Hey!" Coco suddenly pointed at the tree house with his little paw.

"Anyone in the tree house?"

"Hey!" Coco's little head nodded.

The owner of the tree house, didn't he go out today?

Around this three-story tree house, although a large open space was cut down and some plants were planted, there was no parasitic tree house, which made Xu Xin feel a little relieved. It seems that this survivor should not have Killed people in Area 188.

But this does not mean that this person is not strong, just the dense circle of heavy crossbows on the canopy of the tree house is enough to make people feel a little terrified. There is no parasitic tree house around him, probably because the survivors in Area 188 near this person have long since died.

Although more than 3,000 people in their 188 district survived, nearly 7,000 people died. It is very possible that only Li Wenxi is still alive around him.

Xu Xin told Yin Wang to stay a few hundred meters away from the tree house and not approach it, while she walked forward slowly with Coco.

The Silver King is a mutant beast, a friendly unit for Xu Xin, but not necessarily for others, especially those from different regions. If the Treehouse Crossbow has autofire turned on, it will likely detect the Silver King and shoot at it, or it's better to keep it out of the way.

Moreover, now that the forest is desolate and there is no tree canopy to cover, the silver king is so big, and his body is covered with blood, which is too easy to be found. On the other hand, his scale armor looks like a roadside stone when it is not wet, which is very suitable for concealment.

Xu Xin tried his best to choose a place with few dry leaves, otherwise the sound of crushing the leaves would be too loud.

Just when he was about to get out of the jungle, Coco on his shoulder suddenly pushed Xu Xin's face with a small paw, and whispered, "Hey." Then he jumped off his shoulder and hid. behind a tree.

This is, let me hide?

Xu Xin immediately hid behind a relatively thick poplar tree.

At this moment, a man suddenly appeared from the window. It was a man with short hair. He held a bow and arrow in his hand. Zhang Xian aimed at Xu Xin's position.

"Who! Come out!"

Gee, he was so careful, but he was discovered anyway.

Although he didn't know how the other party found out about him, the survivors with three-story tree houses should not be underestimated.

Don't be reckless, this is a survivor who is protected by a tree house in a tree house, and he doesn't know his strength yet, the opponent has home field advantage.

"Don't shoot! Your own people! Area 187!" Xu Xin gestured for Coco to stay behind the tree with his eyes, and then appeared from behind the tree with his hands raised.

With his current equipment, even if the opponent shoots arrows, he can't hurt him, so he dares to do so.

"Area 187?" The bow and arrow in the opponent's hand slowed down slightly.

"Where are you from? What's your name?" the other party asked.

"I'm from the north. My treehouse is in the northwest. I passed the treehouse in the north that is similar to yours. My name is... Gu Honghao." Xu Xin shouted with his hands up.

He wanted to try to see if he could trick this man out of the tree house.

As long as this person dares to walk out of the tree house and come to him, he is completely confident to subdue him with his own strength!

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