As the afterglow of the Trojan civilization completely disappeared during the Trojan War, the place where this city is located has been empty for hundreds of years. It was not until around 700 BC that Greeks settled here.

Because it is located on one of the top two floors of the entire ruins, these settlers left many more traces than the previous civilizations, such as the Temple of Athena.

The history of this Greek city-state came to an abrupt end in 85 BC. According to historical records, the city was eventually captured by the ancient Romans and turned into an ancient Roman city.

As a Roman city on the trade routes, the city prospered during the Roman Peace, but with the decline of Rome, especially the reduced level of control over its eastern territories, the city also declined.

Until around 450 AD, the city was completely abandoned and never built again, and the exposed buildings eventually collapsed into a pile of stone ruins.

Because of the existence of these ruins, this site has always been regarded as an ancient Roman site, and the secrets of Troy have been hidden to this day.

After completing the preliminary mapping and exploration of the ruins, everyone quickly discussed and wrote about the city. At this time, a student led by a Golden Dawn scholar raised an important question.

Why hasn't this city been rebuilt again like it was before? I mean, this city is in a really good location and it's totally worthy of being rebuilt.

This matter is actually easy to explain, but you need to lift your sight from the city to a height where you can observe a wider range. Nelson stood up at this time and said.

“The reason why this city was prosperous before was because there was no commercial city in the entire strait that could compete with it, so it would naturally be more prosperous if it had an exclusive business.

But with the completion of the construction of the new Roman city, Constantinople, in 330 AD, the trade center of this region quickly turned to this new capital in the eastern part of the Roman Empire.

So between the decline of the empire and the emergence of a strong competitor, Troy naturally declined completely and was eventually abandoned -

It seems that Troy has a very strong appeal among Westerners. Now this place feels like it is about to become a large-scale gathering of European historical circles. Liang En said to Joan of Arc next to him while looking at the lively meeting scene. .

Maybe it's because the reappearance of Troy, the epic city, is shocking, or maybe it's because everyone who comes feels a bit of a loss if they don't come. In short, there are now a lot of scholars from all over the place gathered here.

And precisely because of their arrival, a lot of exchanges naturally occurred after different people and different ideas collided together, and even the style became more and more like a formal academic exchange meeting.

This is certainly not a bad thing, at least for these scholars, especially those who often conduct field archaeology and never stay in school. It provides them with a rare opportunity to communicate with their colleagues. place.

The arrival of so many people should be considered a good thing. Let's not talk about how much new knowledge and results can be produced by the collision of human wisdom. The mere gathering of so many people can have an impact on our excavation work this time. Positive effect.”

Joan of Arc was very satisfied with this exchange meeting overall. After all, in her opinion, Liang En's mission this time was to dig out Troy, and so many people coming here can obviously make Liang En famous, which is already very good.

After all, for Liang En, who is now a scholar, apart from a very few visible things, the most important treasures are academic knowledge and his reputation.

Therefore, being able to gather a large group of scholars to this ruins and hold discussions is the best way to make Liang En famous. After this inspection, Liang En should be able to break through the barriers caused by age and become the top scholar in Europe.

Although many places believe that there is no such thing as seniority in Europe and the United States, this is not actually the case. It is just part of countless Western propaganda.

Just think about it and you will know that if there is no seniority, the competition will be fierce. In this case, involution is basically inevitable, and this is in contradiction with some propaganda that the overall work of Europe and the United States does not involve involution.

The actual situation is that Europe is relatively relaxed, but the tendency to rank based on seniority is more serious. In the United States, the overall work is busier, but the situation based on seniority is also less.

It can even be said that compared to the East, the entire Western world has more non-work elements that affect wages. For example, in the United States, for two professors with the same job and the same qualifications, men do earn more than women.

At the same time, in terms of enrollment, under the same circumstances, it used to be easier for white people to enroll, but now it is easier for black people. As for yellow people, their quotas are used to bribe other races.

Under such circumstances, it would be much more difficult for Liang En to become a recognized top scholar in Europe than for a white or black middle-aged scholar.

At least based on his current academic achievements, if he were compared to other middle-aged people of different colors, he should have become the top historical and archaeological scholar in the entire West at least a year ago.

However, this kind of implicit discrimination still has certain limits, and the specific circumstances are also different. For example, things like skin color and race are unspoken rules, but they must not be made explicit.

As for age, it can be stated openly, but there is a certain limit. When your achievements reach a certain level, this rule cannot become a powerful obstacle.

To take the simplest example, Liang En was awarded a doctorate last time, which is the most obvious symbol of the gradual breaking of this restriction as his research is accepted by more people.

Of course, under normal circumstances, the breaking of imprisonment is slow and progresses bit by bit, but Liang En's archeology on Troy this time may greatly improve this progress.

This is why Liang En, who doesn't like to deal with strangers, is very active in everyone's gatherings, because he needs to accumulate more reputation through this method.

Yes, the current situation is not a bad thing for me, but I have been thinking about one thing, and that is what the Thule Association is doing? Liang En said seriously to Joan.

We are now destroying their future, and they are obviously aware of our existence. Under such circumstances, their lack of movement recently seems a bit abnormal.

What's abnormal about this? Joan of Arc didn't feel anything was wrong now. I admit that the Thule Association does have some capital, but they are not omnipotent gods.

A careful analysis will reveal that there are only the following methods that the other side can adopt: large-scale attacks, poisoning or assassination, and using background to exclude, but these are of no use to us now.

Considering that this place is located in a bustling area rather than in the wilderness, and there are Turkish naval schools and military garrison a few kilometers away, the other party will certainly not and will not dare to launch a large-scale attack.

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