——What you said makes sense, so we must stop the Thule Association's actions now. After listening to Liang En's analysis, President Charles nodded slightly.

But now you also know that except for you and the other Lord Viscount, we lack sufficient armed forces. It is very good to be able to defend. It is difficult to take the initiative to attack.

We actually don't need to go head-to-head with each other. After all, we have our principles. Once we choose to go head-to-head, there is actually not much difference from the Thule Association.

Liang En answered seriously, because he felt that if violence-on-violence tactics were adopted, then the Golden Dawn would become as corrupt as the Thule Association.

More importantly, the Thule Association is obviously more experienced in this area, and as a pure novice in this area, the Golden Dawn would be really stupid to fight the enemy where the enemy is good at.

Then what do you think is better? President Charles looked a little helpless. Now we can only adopt defensive tactics. In this case, it is difficult to prevent the opponent's actions.

No, we still have a way to stop it. Liang En immediately understood what President Charles was worried about. This was mainly because the internal structure of the Golden Dawn was very loose and he could not ask others to do dangerous things.

But for Liang En, the next work is not a big problem. After all, this kind of thing is not difficult for him with extraordinary power and a lot of security forces, so he will naturally choose this opportunity to gain a wave of goodwill.

Then do you need any help? I believe everyone will be willing to help. President Charles asked proactively after Liang En volunteered to take on this job.

Although we are temporarily unable to dispatch in a short period of time, we have absolutely no problem with various auxiliary work, so please feel free to ask for any requests.

I now want to know the recent personnel and material mobilization of the Thule Association. Liang En smiled and said, I believe that everyone should be able to grasp this information after so many years.

Of course, this can certainly be controlled. President Charles nodded and said. We may not be able to monitor a single person at all times, but if the other party wants to explore, the flow of materials to that level can definitely be monitored.

The search work consumes a lot of materials. Unless someone like Liang En is directly carrying it, searching for any ancient ruins will require a large amount of resources.

Some of these supplies will be ordinary supplies, but some will be very professional equipment, which can be easily locked as long as it flows.

Although the Golden Dawn is average in various covert operations, pure intelligence collection is more powerful than the Thule Association, so the flow of materials like this can basically guarantee real-time tracking.

Although the Thule Association will also choose measures such as separating people and goods to avoid being locked out, they will still converge, so that the position of the Thule Association can be roughly locked.

However, the next action will take some time, so after discussing the next action, Liang En and President Charles re-entered the next social activities.

The core of this type of communication is mainly about possible cooperation in their respective industries, and for people like Liang En, who are mainly involved in production and manufacturing industries, they can find important partners here to expand sales channels.

Of course, this kind of social activities cannot be all about discussing all kinds of serious matters, or in other words, no more than 1/3 of the time will be spent discussing various serious topics.

Most of the time during the exchange, everyone discussed lighter matters, which even included some gossip about the nobility and upper class.

Although many people think that communication in the upper class is a very high-class thing, in fact, except for some different topics caused by different backgrounds, the content that everyone talks about when they are bored is very close.

For example, many non-Europeans and Americans may think that Westerners respect privacy, but this is just the result of years of propaganda. After all, things like gossip are human nature and do not change due to changes in race.

If I insist on saying something different, it is true that the content of ordinary people's gossip is just ordinary people, but the protagonists in the so-called upper class are often newsmakers.

In short, Liang En and the others ate a lot of melons at this party as if they had broken into the melon patch. Although many things were not suitable for leaking, even if they only knew about it, it would greatly satisfy their gossip mentality.

It was at this time that Liang En discovered that Joan of Arc was definitely a standard social person. When she was chatting with those women, she quickly became the focus of everyone's attention.

On the one hand, this is because Joan of Arc has a special leadership ability and affinity, and on the other hand, everything she has experienced is worth hearing even for these professional scholars.

This is especially true for some archaeological details. After all, there are many scholars here who are pure researchers but do not participate in field archaeology, so they are very interested in these details.

What's more important is that for these dedicated research scholars, those field experiences are definitely something worthy of attention, so now it is very normal to obtain this knowledge through chatting.

This exchange was a very meaningful exchange for Liang En and the two of them. After the exchange, the two did not stay in London, England, but went to Paris, France.

After all, Mr. Dulis' illness has worsened in winter, so during this festival, it is obviously a good choice for Joan of Arc to meet her only blood relative in the world.

More importantly, because Joan of Arc is French, many upper-class aristocratic gatherings in England actually vaguely exclude them. After all, although the nationality of the aristocrats is not traditionally important, holding such a gathering is another matter. thing.

To be honest, Joan of Arc is not very interested in British aristocrats. So in this case, she would naturally not ask for trouble by going to the UK to participate in social activities where she was not very welcome.

Fortunately, this is not a big problem traditionally. After all, the previous Dukes were all prodigal sons and have been kicked out of the social circle for many years, so it makes sense for the new Duke not to participate in such social circles.

What's more important is that they have actually begun to try to integrate into the entire British system, but their approach is to extend outward through the Golden Dawn circle.

Because in Joan's view, the circle created by the previous dukedom had already disappeared when the previous generations of dukes were messing around, and even left a lot of infamy. At this time, he entered in the name of a duke. Social circles are not necessarily a good thing.

For most people, even if they are despised, being able to join this circle is definitely a worthwhile thing. But neither Liang En nor Jeanne is the majority.

After all, they now have the capital to be willful in this regard, so they feel that instead of taking over this mess for a higher starting point, it is better to start all over again.

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