Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 959 Attacking and Being Attacked

The Golden Dawn has received part of the news, and part of it is about Mohenjodaro. Just the night before departure, Joan of Arc came to Liang En with the news she got from Elizabeth.

They got the information themselves, but considering that they had been monitoring the situation before, it is very likely that the information they got was coming from someone else.

In fact, Liang En and the others had been guarding against this before, so when they entered the military camp, they came in through their connections with China under the pretext of studying the southern route of the Silk Road.

Obviously, when there is official help to provide cover, it is indeed difficult for the Thule Association to track Liang En's actions as before, so the other party obviously focuses its attention elsewhere.

At the same time, teachers and students at the University of Peshawar were also cut off from communication lines a year ago. The reason was to avoid leaks that would lead to early excavation of the ruins.

This excuse was echoed by teachers and students at the University of Peshawar, where archaeological research has always faced difficulties in a conservative and religious country.

For example, in this country, due to religious reasons, people have little interest in protecting cultural relics that are inconsistent with current religion. At the same time, poverty makes them more willing to exchange those things for money.

Under such circumstances, various illegal excavation activities naturally emerge in endlessly. Therefore, it is very common for such large-scale archeology to be kept strictly confidential beforehand.

Therefore, it is normal for these teachers and students at the University of Peshawar to require them to maintain strict confidentiality. At least they have experienced a lot of similar things before.

What's more important is that after they arrived here, they discovered that the research goal was indeed very important and worthy of the highest level of confidentiality.

As for the specific situation of the Thule Association, Liang En and the others didn't know, but from the other party's next actions, it could be seen that the other party should have been deceived by these deceptions.

If the Thule Association really has a conspiracy, then it will probably take action at this time when everyone is gathered together. After analyzing the current situation, Liang En came to a conclusion.

And this kind of conspiracy against so many people at once will definitely require a long time of preparation, so tomorrow I think we can mobilize the soldiers who provide us with protection to see what the specific situation is.

After making up his mind, Liang En quickly notified the soldiers who were preparing to protect them, hoping that they could check the site where the archeology was about to begin. The reason was naturally that he was worried about safety.

This worry is obviously defensible. After all, the fact that Liang En is living in the military camp can already explain some problems.

Therefore, the officer who contacted them quickly promised that they would urgently inspect Mohenjodaro and its surroundings tonight to ensure the safety of Liang En and the archaeological teams from China during their scientific expedition tomorrow.

One thing that is very lucky for Liang En and the others is that a large-scale military exercise will be held in this area recently, so some elite troops are also stationed nearby.

Therefore, after considering Liang En's safety needs, the officers quickly discussed and decided to conduct a large-scale live-fire exercise tonight and complete the inspection work.

After all, apart from this village, there are no other settlements in the area, so it is completely possible to launch a large-scale night exercise.

So that night, when Liang En and the others were about to rest, they heard huge noises in the military camp, and then armored vehicles and off-road vehicles drove out of the military camp and drove towards the south.

Sorry, your trip may have to be postponed for a few days. After breakfast the next morning, Liang En and the others were stopped by a major as they were preparing to set off.

During the inspection yesterday, we discovered that there was a group of terrorists preparing to ambush around us. Although we defeated the opponent, some people were still fleeing.

Therefore, for safety reasons, it is best for you to stay in the military camp temporarily in the past few days. Next, we will mobilize the exercise troops to launch a large-scale operation.

Mr. Liang, is there any problem? After the major left, Professor Zhao, the leader of the Chinese team, asked Liang En nervously.

For these people who live in a peaceful environment, the things they just heard about terrorist attacks are a bit exciting.

For us, the start time is just pushed back a little. As for other things, you don't have to worry about it. Liang En said with a relaxed smile.

I know that terrorists often give people a scary feeling, but in fact, what's scary about them is just the stealthiness before launching the attack and the suddenness of the attack.

In a head-to-head battle with regular troops like this, the terrorists do not have the upper hand. This is especially true when they are suddenly attacked. I believe we will be able to start our work soon.

This is indeed the case. During the search yesterday, the special forces discovered terrorists in a forest, and then directly used mortars to bombard the hidden camp of the terrorists.

Judging from the violent burnings and explosions in the camp, this group of terrorists was obviously planning a large-scale terrorist attack, but ended up shooting themselves in the foot during the military's raid.

Although supported by extreme ideas, they performed no better than a group of frightened sheep when faced with heavy military firepower.

Especially when the last artillery shell was still flying in the sky, the surrounding troops launched an attack with the support of armored vehicles and helicopters, almost completely wiping out this group of terrorists.

Therefore, in the afternoon, Liang En and the others learned about the attacker's situation. As expected, only a few soldiers were injured, and the terrorists were either killed or killed, with only a very small number possibly escaping.

It seems that the current situation is much better than we imagined. If there are no accidents, we should be able to enter the archaeological site in two days. After returning to the room, Liang En expressed his judgment to Joan.

But then again, don't you think this terrorist attack is a little unusual? At least in my opinion, this kind of directness is a bit weird.

It is indeed abnormal. They are more suitable for spreading out and carrying out surprise attacks, rather than confronting the regular army head-on like now, so I guess that the other party's appearance here is probably related to what we were worried about before.

Joan of Arc thought for a while and then directly expressed her guess.

That is to say, this group of people is most likely related to the Thule Association's previous conspiracy. I even suspect that these people are simply thugs raised by the Thule Association.

It's very possible what you said. After all, the other party has a lot of illegal business in the local area, but we have never been able to find out who the other party's people are here. Liang En nodded.

After all, you must have enough power to do this kind of illegal business, but it would be weird if you can't find out. If the other party is a terrorist, then everything will make sense.

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