Because there are ravens in the sky leading the way, Liang En and the others can ensure safe driving even at night. After bypassing two gathering points of unknown people, they entered Larkana the next afternoon.

The reason why it is so slow is mainly because the road conditions are really bad, so even if there is a national highway, the speed is really difficult, so it takes so long to arrive.

Fortunately, after repeated strengthening, Liang En and the others' physical fitness far exceeded that of humans, so they were able to work non-stop for several days without causing any problems.

After entering the city, they found that the most eye-catching thing here was the colorful buses passing by one after another. The buses were covered with brightly colored decorative patterns of animals, landscapes and people.

Not far away, at the entrance of the largest hotel, several armed security guards were responsible for guiding passengers through the security gate. The hotel gate was equipped with soldiers using bottom-view mirrors to check incoming and outgoing vehicles.

In the distance, armed security personnel stand at the entrance of a large company. The AK-47s on their shoulders are reflected in the huge McDonald's advertisement standing beside the road, telling the current situation and cultural entanglement of Pakistan.

Unlike before, Liang En and the others did not book a hotel, because they believed that in such a small city, the attacker's network was likely to penetrate into all aspects, and it was best for them to stay away from those hotels and other places.

As for the clues on the surface, they are not worried about missing them, because the other people at Golden Dawn are mainly responsible for the clues on the surface, so they can be informed of any news soon.

Soon, the vehicle drove out of the city towards the western suburbs. Half an hour later, they had appeared at the foot of a hill not far from the target manor, stopped the vehicle, and then directed the raven to start observing.

What did you find? Ten minutes later, Liang Enzhengde asked nervously as she opened her eyes. Because he noticed that Liang En's expression became more and more confused.

This place is really too normal. Liang En stretched out his hand to let the raven fall on his hand and fed him a piece of prepared food, then turned to Joan of Arc and said.

The target vehicle is now in the yard down there, but the problem is that the yard looks like an ordinary yard, there is nothing unusual about it.

Isn't there anything abnormal? Joan of Arc also fell into deep thought, because from the fact that the other party was able to hijack so many people, it can be seen that the other party must be a very cunning opponent and needs to be taken seriously.

But the current situation doesn't seem to be the case. Both the vehicle sold by the other party and the current layout of the building look extremely amateurish.

This is the simplest example. This building has walls and towers. There are also armed guards on the towers, but these guards look like amateurs.

To give the simplest example, a raven even tried to dock three or four meters away from them just now, but the other person just took a look and continued to doze off without any vigilance at all.

Under normal circumstances, these sentries should be on alert at all times and be ready to attack at any time after hearing any noise, but judging from the situation of the group just now, they were completely unprepared for this.

It's hard for me to believe that this group of people is capable enough to make the Golden Dawn team disappear, because the level they are showing now is very amateurish.

The only thing that is questionable is the cellar of this house. Although the locals are very accustomed to hiding all kinds of materials in the cellar, a cellar that specifically places a camera on the cellar and requires people to patrol it always makes people uncomfortable. People tend to be suspicious.”

But let's get back to it. The locals themselves have the habit of using cellars to hide all kinds of valuables, so we can't be sure what type of cellars are so tightly guarded in this place?

What you said makes sense, but how can you be sure that these people below are not performing. Joan of Arc thought for a while and said, You know that for a hunter, the best disguise is to pretend to be prey.

Yes, so now our only way is to get closer and conduct reconnaissance. Liang En sighed and said, Go and see for yourself, and then look for any clues.

Although ravens can now do many things, they still cannot replace humans. Therefore, in many cases, Liang En and others directly act as the only way.

So after hiding the vehicle in a small forest in a depression, the two of them took out some food and water and had dinner, then lay down on the seats and rested while waiting for nightfall.

Soon, night fell. Liang En and the others, who had already rested, packed up various tools needed for their actions, and then quickly moved towards the manor on the other side of the hill.

Because they had already investigated in advance, Liang En and the others easily bypassed the area monitored by the other party and quickly approached the wall. Then they used the blind spot on the tower to use their extraordinary power to open a hole in the wall and drilled in.

The next action suddenly became a lot easier, because they were in a corner where the other party didn't pay much attention, and at the same time, no one could have imagined that someone would actually pass through the wall.

So in less than two minutes, they successfully reached the vicinity of the cellar, but the big lock on the cellar made it impossible for them to proceed with the conventional method.

Fortunately, Liang En and the others happened to have mastered unconventional tactics, so with the help of a low wall as a cover, they quickly used their extraordinary strength to open a passage to the cellar, and then got in.

There is no one inside. Liang En said after sending out a raven to investigate, but there are some interesting things inside that we need to investigate closely before we can determine it.

Is this the special thing you were talking about? After entering the room where the items were stored, Jeanne looked at the thing hidden under the oilcloth in front of her with a serious face and said.

There were two assault rifles with optical sights in the box under the oilcloth. Although the gun number was obviously worn off deliberately, judging from the appearance, they were indeed part of the missing rifles.

Obviously, unlike those vehicles, the people here are obviously interested in all kinds of weapons, so they will take a certain risk to keep these weapons and wait until the search is no longer strict to take out these weapons for use.

Yes, it is now almost certain that this group of people is indeed related to the disappearance of the professor and the others. Liang En looked at the guns and said, But I believe there should be another group of people involved in this matter, otherwise the previous actions cannot be explained. .”

So let's look here again. If they use this place to store important items, then it is very likely that besides these firearms, there are other things hidden.

Okay- Jeanne nodded and started searching. Five minutes later, when Liang En opened another box, she suddenly started knocking on a wall.

Have you found anything? Liang En closed the lid of the box in front of him and asked.

Yes - Jeanne bent her fingers and knocked on the wall on the side, and there was a sound of metal colliding where she hit. It seems to be empty in the back.

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