Liang En had a series of plans for the development of this land, especially after he obtained the status of chief, he adjusted the planning direction based on the original.

If this plan is followed, Liang En guarantees that in at least ten years, this area will receive tremendous development and will no longer be as desolate as it is now.

In other words, this ruins is different from the previous discovery of ruins. The discovery of this ruins was purely an accident. Although the ruins will definitely have an impact on the local area, it will not have a decisive impact.

Fortunately, these influences are mainly positive. For example, after a series of communications, Liang En raised a batch of funds from the United States and prepared to hire a Chinese engineering team to build a simple road connecting the future train station.

It has to be said that building roads first is very valuable in most places if you want to get rich, and it is a benefit that you can get a little profit by doing a little bit.

For example, since the water channel was opened, even a 200-ton boat has brought about some very important changes, and as subsequent ships are put into use, this road will become the most important channel before the construction of the railway.

This is the plan we made, Your Excellency. After coming down from the ruins above, they went to the conference room at the construction site and set up a sand table. Then Liang En came to the sand table and pointed at the sand table and said.

Eventually we will purchase three 200-ton inland river cargo ships and use those cargo ships to build a waterway to the capital, Luanda, for the exchange of various materials and even people.

In addition, I plan to build a simple dock and supporting warehouses and other facilities on this rocky beach, and serve it as a place for external exchanges in the entire region.

Of course, I also hope that everyone can make their own contribution to this small terminal and share the convenience that this terminal can bring.

If this is the case, I am willing to invest more in the dock. As soon as Liang En finished speaking, the Tuwang was the first to say it. If you need manpower, I will also send manpower over to help you.

Me too - Count me in! After King Tu said, several chiefs who came this time also expressed their willingness to invest again. After all, for people who have received education in this area, it is natural Know what a pier represents.

In addition, they also asked Liang En what help he needed in this operation, and Liang En indeed needed their help in this regard.

Mainly due to safety issues, the area around this river is not safe. Liang En said after thinking seriously for a few seconds. In addition to the lack of complete hydrological data, the lack of security and mid-section supply points is also a huge problem.

There is no doubt that it is almost impossible to sail at night in this kind of river with incomplete hydrological data and lack of navigation system, so several anchoring places must be set up in the middle for overnight use.

As we all know, in this country that has been engaged in civil war for decades, even if the large-scale war has ended, small-scale conflicts still continue, which is extremely bad from a security perspective.

This is especially true in towns far away from big cities. For example, in the desolate jungles along the river, there are often hidden former participants in the civil war who have completely transformed into criminals.

There is no doubt that for those guys who are suppressed into the jungle and work as savages, these ships loaded with various supplies are like a floating warehouse, and they will definitely take advantage of these ships.

The only good news is that the combat effectiveness of these attackers is not very high. If Liang En's security personnel are prepared, there will be no problem in attacking three or four of them.

However, considering that those people are the owners of half of the jungle, it is almost impossible to eliminate them in the jungle.

But considering that only a thousand days of being a thief does not mean a thousand days of guarding against thieves, one must be prepared for these possible attackers. Otherwise, if an attack does occur, there will be great trouble.

A simple solution is to dispatch white knight security personnel on the ship. With sufficient equipment and preparation, an ordinary team can withstand an attack of 30 to 50 people.

This is not to say how powerful the White Knight Team is, but the attackers who stay in the bushes may not be as powerful as armed civilians in some countries, and more importantly, their morale is very low.

Since they were completely broken up, they were no longer an army, but just some gangsters who gathered together to keep warm. Therefore, when facing an opponent that was difficult to defeat, it was naturally impossible to have a life-threatening style of play that dared to sacrifice everything.

But the problem is that these people will never foolishly run out of the cover of the jungle to confront others. For them who are familiar with the jungle, it is very likely that they will use the terrain to launch a series of attacks that are difficult to prevent, which is extremely difficult for outsiders. defense.

More importantly, Liang En's white knight security mainly followed the elite route rather than the human wave tactics, so it was simply impossible for them to directly dispatch several teams to be responsible for the security of the entire river for a long time.

Therefore, a feasible solution at this time is to train local security personnel. Even if they are slightly inferior in individual combat effectiveness, sufficient manpower is enough to make up for this shortcoming.

But if this plan is adopted, some heavy weapons may be needed to cooperate, but it is not a simple matter to obtain an application for the use of heavy weapons.

However, this problem was quickly solved by the Tuwang. As a Tuwang of the largest ethnic group in the country, he had huge connections that almost no outsiders had.

For example, he was able to contact many chiefs and earth kings along the river and ask them to prepare some safe places for parking at night.

On the other hand, they can communicate with the Angolan officials and ask them to allow the ships under Liang En's command to install some heavy weapons for the use of the security personnel.

After all, although the remnants of the rebels in the forest were able to successfully survive by relying on the special terrain and environment, and mastered the ability to deal with the army, they also paid a price.

For example, they lost almost all their heavy weapons, which greatly reduced the entire team's ability to attack difficult problems, and there were not many ways to launch an effective attack on prepared armed forces.

Therefore, once certain heavy weapons are installed on the ship, they can cause fatal damage to possible attackers. In this way, even if the operator is poorly trained, he can still have a great advantage.

Of course, Liang En also has to pay a price if he wants to achieve his goal, but the price is completely acceptable.

For example, the price paid by the former is to allow their cargo and merchandise personnel to board the ship, and to impose fees on this type of cargo. The price paid by the latter is to pay a certain amount of money every year as a license fee.

In short, because of the Tuwang's face and the chief's tradition, these requests were easily approved, and this was one of the reasons why Liang En raised these issues in front of the Tuwang.

But now it seems that this kind of request is very effective, so the earth king will make this guarantee to Liang En, guaranteeing that all these problems will be solved in a very short time.

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