Obviously, such a ruin is attractive enough to everyone present, so the drivers and attendants who came with them under the orders of the Tuwang and the chief also devoted themselves to the excavation work.

At this time, I fully realized the true meaning of strength in numbers. After ten minutes, the entire cave entrance was cleared, allowing Liang En to see more details.

The first key detail lies in the steps. It can be clearly seen that the steps should have been dug out with metal tools, and the traces of the digging at that time are very obvious.

It's very possible that no one has ever used this place since it was excavated. After checking the ground regardless of the image, Liang En found that the traces on the steps were very new.

You can tell at a glance whether a stone step like this has been used. If it has been used, the patterns will gradually be smoothed out, or even the step will directly turn into a slope.

For example, when Liang En was studying ancient Egyptian texts during previous exchanges, he saw many photos showing the same situation. The steps of the temple were almost worn into a slide because of the frequent movement of people.

This is definitely an important discovery because the history of southern Africa as a whole is shrouded in mystery and almost no one knows what the region was like before colonists arrived.

Judging from the traces of metal tools on the steps, this proves that the diggers at that time should have mastered a certain method of smelting metal, and this method can produce metal tools in large quantities.

Because this can explain why there are a lot of traces of the use of metal tools in this ruins, because if the amount of metal produced is relatively small, then no one will consume them in this kind of work.

In addition, the steps that left almost no traces also attracted Liang En's attention. Although it is not difficult to dig these steps by hand, it is not simple either, so it is very difficult to just dig the steps without anyone walking on them. strangeness.

More importantly, he could feel the air flow from the entrance of this cave. This cave only had one entrance and exit, so he was very curious about what exactly such a cave was used for?

Because the matter was decided to be made public, the Chinese engineers who were underneath the cave were invited to study the situation of the entire cave. Soon, these engineers confirmed the safety of the mountain where the cave is located.

Their judgment was approved by Liang En, because these people were specially invited by the government and had experience in building high-speed rail tunnels in the western part of Shu. Therefore, they would basically not make mistakes when facing these geological conditions.

After thoroughly confirming safety, Liang En put on a fully enclosed protective suit and entered the cave with an oxygen mask on his back, followed by two security personnel wearing the same clothes.

The reason why he was so heavily armed was because there was no other entrance or exit inside the cave, so he was worried that there might be some harmful gases inside that could not be discharged through natural ventilation.

Under the bright lights, they discovered that there were some small holes in the wall that were slanted into the mountain. Judging from the faint black marks on the top, these small holes should have been used by ancient people to insert torches.

Perhaps because the cave was not sealed, all the torches that might have existed have now disappeared, leaving only some traces of black carbon ash that have remained unchanged for thousands of years.

This should be a natural cave. Liang En muttered quietly while inspecting the stone walls of the cave. But many places have obviously been renovated manually, and they were renovated using metal tools like the steps.

Liang En walked toward the depths of the cave while inspecting the mountain. Different from what he had imagined before, the cave was not very deep. After only walking a dozen meters forward, a hall appeared in front of them.

This also reflects the uncanny workmanship of the cave: they were walking uphill from the moment they entered the cave, and this slope was just enough to block the line of sight projected from the entrance of the cave, making it impossible for people to see what was inside the cave.

So when Liang En walked into the bottom of the cave, he first saw the large cave hall deep in the cave and everything in the cave.

Different from the almost pure natural cave outside, the cave here suddenly became wider. It was about two stories high from the ground to the top of the cave. What was strange was that the diameter of the cave was also the same.

Different from the previous bare mountain walls, there are some pictures appearing on the mountain walls here. Although these carvings are purely simple images composed of lines, something can still be seen.

The most conspicuous position is a few ships that occupy half of the screen. Although the simple painting style like a kindergarten child seems a bit difficult, at least the general appearance of these ships can be seen.

These ships are short and thick. There is a mast in the middle of the ship, with a square sail hanging on it. The bow is slightly curved, and a bird's head is carved on the top.

The hull of the entire ship is divided into two layers. On the lower layer are some people rowing, while on the stern of the upper layer there is a person manipulating two wide oars on both sides of the ship that serve as rudders.

It is obvious that this is a merchant ship, because in the era when oars and sails were used, warships often had a forward bulging angle, but this kind of thing does not exist on merchant ships.

Judging from the contents of the surrounding murals, what the other party drew should be a voyage, but the voyage seemed to be a long journey, and there were no supply points in the middle, so they had to stop and plant some crops to replenish supplies.

In addition, Liang En also saw the protagonist of this entire set of murals in the center of the mural: this was a man who looked gorgeously dressed, like a noble or a high-ranking warrior, fighting with an elephant during a hunt. perish together.

A very heroic way to die. Liang En said in an admiring tone. At least even today, few people have the courage to face a furious elephant with only cold weapons.

So if this person is really a warrior, then it can be said that he died in a way that matches his status as a warrior.

In addition to the surrounding murals, the most eye-catching thing is the circular altar. There is a pillar on the altar, and a fixed stone urn is placed on the top of the pillar.

Next to the altar is a stone tablet that looks a little rough. After gently brushing off the soil on it, densely packed text is revealed on the stone tablet.

Phoenicians! After looking at the appearance and the words on the stone tablet, Liang En immediately recognized what these things represented.

Because both the strange-looking altar and the words on the stone tablet pointed to this point, especially Liang En who quickly recognized what the words on the stone tablet were.

It is obvious that this place should be a Phoenician cemetery. This is pointed out by the ashes placed on the top of the pillars and the tombstone with delicate acanthus pattern in relief.

There is no doubt that this is a shocking discovery, because the discovery of these things in southern Africa, far away from the Phoenician range of the Mediterranean, is definitely something worth studying, and there must be no small secrets hidden behind it.

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