The only large-scale smuggling of high-quality goods in Europe in the past 30 years was related to war. Whether it was the war in Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria, a large number of cultural relics from those regions appeared in the underground markets in Europe and the United States.

This batch of lost cultural relics includes some fine products. Although it appears that Europe and the United States will crack down on the smuggling of cultural relics and return them, in fact this is not the case.

Except for a few particularly famous cultural relics, or those that were confiscated during a certain operation, most of the cultural relics eventually disappeared in Europe and the United States and became the private collection of a wealthy person.

So the strength of the country is the foundation of everything. Dr. Liu obviously thought of the history of the motherland, and then said with emotion, and then inspected the cultural relics in his hand.

During the inspection, Liang En took the opportunity to inquire about the police's actions in this case. The facts were just as he imagined. The police did have an action plan to search the port area, but it has now been terminated. In other words, , Liang En’s actions indeed achieved his previous goal.

After completing these tasks and arranging the property in Greece, Liang En and the others returned to Ireland. After being away for several months, he could finally go home and relax for a while.

Of course, this quiet period does not mean that he can rest during this period, but that he can do some paperwork, such as writing some papers or doing some design, and naturally there will be some investment content.

The largest investment income recently comes from Japan. The Fate animation of the investment month has received a good response after it was broadcast, so the income is naturally very good.

Encouraged by the success of the first season of the anime, Xingyue naturally launched the theatrical version of the anime called Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works], which is much faster than the progress of Another World.

Maybe it’s because we are in the Internet age, so some high-quality works are spread much faster than before, so the timeline for the release of works is obviously different from that in another world.

However, Elizabeth believed that this was related to Liang En's investment. After all, the advancement of many things was directly related to the adequacy of money, and with money, Xingyue could naturally launch new works at a much faster speed than before.

Of course, the help Liang En himself can provide is also very important, in addition to recalling content related to this setting in another world. His archaeological data also brought a lot of inspiration to Nasu Mushrooms.

After all, his archeology is sometimes closely related to the plot of the fate series, so as one of the creators of the fate script, Xu Xuanyuan can indeed get something he wants from these histories.

Mr. Liang, because of your archaeological work, especially the discovery of Uruk, I think the proportion of the plot about Gilgamesh can be increased. Nasu Mushroom said to Liang En on the phone Made next plans.

After all, we are all working on commercial novels, and when it comes to business, sometimes it is not a bad thing to make some hot topics, not to mention that Liang En, as a director of the company, is the discoverer of this important discovery.

Okay, as long as you think it's appropriate. Liang En expressed his support after hearing what the other party said. After all, literary creation has an obvious personal style, and it is best for others not to interfere too much.

According to the plan, the new novel will be released in more than a month, so he hopes that Liang En can go to Japan to participate in the first book signing event to boost the popularity.

I'm not the author of this work. Is it appropriate to appear like this at a book signing? After hearing the other party's invitation, Liang En asked with some doubts.

Of course, of course it's very suitable. Nasu Mushroom said with certainty. After all, you are our most important director, and because you are an internationally renowned scholar and an important historian, it is very appropriate to appear there.

Well, if that's the case, I'd love to attend your autograph session. Liang En responded with a smile, because being invited at this time made Liang En feel valued.

The invitation from Japan made Liang En very happy, and what made him even happier was that the report given by Elizabeth showed that the overall income this year was rising rapidly.

My dear lord, I must say that although your academic level is not low, in other aspects you are very average. At least in the past, our industry did not receive any overall planning.

Just when Liang En asked why the income suddenly increased, Elizabeth Bathory subconsciously complained and told the truth. In her eyes, Liang En's previous management was terrible.

Your management was really rough in the past, and there was basically no connection between all the industries. Being able to operate for such a long time and still be profitable can only mean that you are lucky enough.

Of course, the luck here is not bullshit, but you are very lucky to find a reliable partner, and at the same time, you invest in some industries, so you can still make some profits even in a chaotic situation.

More importantly, because of your kindness, you have made a long-term investment in most of your profits and invested in local infrastructure construction, and this construction has provided sufficient help for my operations after taking over.

Liang En has always known that he is not a very professional person in business, so he chooses the safest plan in terms of business, which is to operate the most basic industries and invest in local infrastructure construction.

The biggest problem with this kind of investment is that the initial investment is relatively large and the speed of return is also slow. However, the advantage is that if you always follow this investment philosophy, the probability of losing a lot of money in one go is not high.

Investing money is a very normal practice. After all, if you just save money, it will become less and less valuable with inflation, so you must let the money increase in value.

However, how to increase the value of money is a very important issue. For most people, investment can be regarded as one of the most important issues they face in their lives.

To give the simplest example, according to statistics, the majority of the reasons why the second generation of rich people squander all their family assets are due to wrong investment, not the kind of squandering that everyone imagines.

It was also because of reading too much information in this area that Liang Encai became so cautious in investing, even a little too cautious. However, the main advantage was that after Elizabeth took over, subsequent investments became simpler.

Because Liang En’s previous approach successfully clarified the relationship between the investment location and its surroundings, it created the best platform for Elizabeth.

Of course, all these historical followers are based on Liang En's will, so Elizabeth's investment naturally follows Liang En's will, and will not do those messy things just for profit.

However, after refined and systematic management, both efficiency and overall profits have indeed been greatly improved, which fully reflects Elizabeth Bathory's management capabilities.

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