Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 798: Exploring information.

Within five minutes of entering the village, Liang En and the others discovered a problem in the village. At least a normal village, especially an almost deserted village, could not theoretically have so many cameras.

Although they had doubted whether this would be a facility installed in the goods yard, from the layout point of view, this name was unlikely, because if the goods yard was to be installed, it would be enough to monitor the few roads leading to the goods yard.

More importantly, these cameras are installed somewhat covertly, and they do not look like normal lenses set up in public places. They clearly look like privately installed equipment.

Relying on their vision, which was much stronger than that of normal people, and the ravens they carried with them, Liang En and the others quickly figured out the protection level of this town.

It has to be said that the protection level of this town is strong enough. A total of 14 cameras are placed in an area of ​​nearly 1,000 square meters close to the street, leaving almost no blind spots.

The reason why it is said that there are almost no blind spots is because the other party's monitoring only takes into account the possibility of normal human penetration, but does not take into account some extreme situations.

For example, Liang En activated the card [Shen Zu Tong (pseudo) (SSR)] at this time to teleport Joan of Arc to the opponent's blind spot, and then penetrated further into the core of the area.

You are right, there is indeed a problem in this place. Looking at the surrounding situation, Joan of Arc said in a low voice. I can feel that there are probably some enemies in this place.

The reason why Joan of Arc is recognized as Joan of Arc is because she was able to lead her subordinates to victory in battles where victory was impossible, and the achievement of these victories was closely related to her extraordinary perception.

This is because the current world is not a world with extraordinary power, so Joan of Arc can only be super sensitive to some things.

But if it were a world with extraordinary powers, especially gods, she would definitely make the church break its head, because she is the most suitable person to become a clergyman.

After becoming a historical follower, she has been comprehensively improved, especially in those aspects where she left legends, so her intuition can now basically be used as a kind of early warning radar.

If you feel like you are being watched and feel that there are enemies around you, then you should be right. After looking at the surrounding situation, Liang En gestured with a symbolic wave to follow him, and then pointed to the second floor of the building next to him. window.

This is the building closest to the room with the light on, and judging from the surrounding situation, there are not many monitoring facilities here, which is just enough for Liang En and the two of them to hide temporarily.

It is very normal not to install surveillance here. After all, if the other party is really that group of criminals, they certainly don't want anything to record their criminal behavior.

Did you hear the screams? Just after climbing to the second floor, Jeanne suddenly turned her face and looked at the window that was no longer in the pot, and frowned at the same time.

It does seem to be there. It's vaguely invisible. Liang En also turned his face to the window and closed his eyes to listen for a few seconds. Liang En also became serious. I'll let Raven go take a look.

The reason why Liang En was so cautious was also very simple, because he discovered that there was another circle of surveillance equipment surrounding the house in front of him, which was enough to illustrate the importance of the other party's room.

Even though Liang En felt that the combat power of himself and Joan of Arc plus the weapons stuffed in the space were enough to kill everyone in this stronghold, he still felt that collecting information secretly was more meaningful.

Under his command, the raven quickly landed on the opposite roof, then crossed the damaged fence and entered the ventilation duct.

Perhaps because it is a Victorian-era house, the ventilation ducts in the house are very narrow. It can even be said that it is a little too small, and it is no wonder that it has become a blind spot for surveillance.

This is naturally good news for Liang En, because he can control his raven to infiltrate the room and observe what is going on in the room.

Although based on previous judgments, this place is likely to be a criminal base, Liang En does not intend to take any action before obtaining accurate information. After all, there are some things that cannot be returned once done.

It took less than five minutes to follow the ventilation duct, and the three ravens successfully found their target. As they had guessed before, this was indeed a criminal organization:

The three ravens alone saw twenty or thirty cultural relics from several countries, as well as some boxes containing white powder, weapons, and cash.

For a criminal smuggling gang, since they have taken such great risks to engage in smuggling business, the things they smuggle are naturally high-profit items.

More importantly, when they carefully searched the building, they found some graffiti around it, and the graffiti was mixed with many Suzhou codes, and these were the same characters that Liang En and the others found on the cargo boxes before. .

And when Raven avoided the sight of those in the room and followed a staircase into the basement, they also found the source of the screams: in the basement. Four burly men were beating a man.

Judging from what the other party said, this was actually an internal punishment, and the reason for the punishment was that the things he hid were discovered by the customs, resulting in the loss of a very important batch of goods.

Through eavesdropping work, Liang En determined that the things that this group of people said were missing were the ones previously seized by the police, which meant that they were indeed the targets Liang En and the others were looking for.

If that's the case, we have found the target now, what do you think we should do next? After listening to Liang En explain his findings, Joan looked at the raven flying out of the room and asked.

Yes, Joan of Arc is a person who belongs to the good camp, but she is definitely not the kind of bad person, so after hearing that the guy being beaten in the room is an accomplice of this group of people, naturally she has no intention of going in to save people now. .

First take photos to collect evidence, and then find a way to pass the news to the police. After thinking for a while, Liang En came up with the safest plan. This solution is also the most suitable for him.

This is a good method, but the problem now is how we can hide our true identity while passing on this information. Joan of Arc showed a helpless expression.

You know, our identity makes us not suitable for publicizing such secretive actions. More importantly, there are too many contents in the current actions that are not suitable for others to know.

You're right, but it shouldn't be too difficult to solve this problem. Liang En said with a smile. I can summon my Tombak and have it stuff the information into the police station.

Although Tonbach is just a ghost and can only do some simple things, it is not too difficult to simply send something from a to b, and safe delivery can be guaranteed.

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