Although Liang Enqian had heard some guys' remarks before, claiming that Germans were of high quality and did not throw away garbage, the garbage in this room now proved that this statement was just fabricated.

But now it seems that this pile of garbage is not all bad, because Liang En and the others can figure out the situation of this property through these things.

There shouldn't be anything here. After an overall inspection, Liang En came to a conclusion. The entire building should be from the 1960s, and there are no traces of earlier construction.

Yes, I can confirm this. Fan Meng also nodded and said, There is only a very shallow layer of soil here, and it is all covered with stones, so it is easy to see the texture of the local buildings. Year of construction.”

Could it be in the vegetable patch next to it? Joan of Arc asked after pointing to a small piece of land on the slope on the other side of the platform. For example, dig a cellar or something here.

It's unlikely. Liang En shook his head. If the requirements for building a certain facility in that field are too high and cannot be achieved by ordinary people, otherwise it will be very easy to tell that something is wrong here just from the water seepage in the cellar.

As long as you have studied archeology, you will know that this type of underground construction will affect the moisture content of the surface soil, and thus affect the surface vegetation.

So if there is any building structure underground, the crops on the land at the entrance will be obviously different from the surrounding plants, which is not conducive to hiding.

On the other hand, this land is on the side of the hut, and it is a place that people can see at first sight when they come up. Even if the changes in vegetation are not taken into account, the entrance buried underground is very troublesome to check and easy to be discovered.

Then where do you think they will locate Dong XZ? Joan of Arc said after looking at the previously searched ruins, If I remember correctly, Hans should only have two locations: this and Dresden. It’s just real estate, and that’s not possible in urban areas.”

Let me think about it, let me think about it, I seem to have some inspiration. Liang En waved to Jeanne, and then looked at the room in front of him in a daze.

I think I know. After walking around for half a minute, Liang En suddenly stopped and raised his head. Then he quickly walked towards a room. Seeing this, Joan of Arc and Fan Meng followed him.

Soon, they walked half a circle around the house and came to the southeast corner of the room, which was the side against the mountain. Then Liang En climbed over the window and came to the room, and then inspected it carefully.

Sure enough, this place is just as I thought. After looking towards the north through the window for a few seconds, Liang En showed a smile on his face. From here you can see some unusual things on the mountains over there.

You mean, there may be some buildings over there that are not marked on the map. After hearing what Liang En said, Joan of Arc stood beside him and looked around, then looked at the top of the mountain to the west and said arrive.

Look carefully at the vegetation there. Is it different from the vegetation on ordinary mountains? Liang En said, pointing to Joan of Arc on the opposite side of a mountaintop in the distance.

Vegetation - After hearing what he said, Joan of Arc and Fan Meng turned their heads to where he was pointing at the same time, then raised the telescopes in their hands to inspect it carefully.

Sure enough, although that place doesn't look very different from the surrounding area at first glance, if you look closely, you will find that the trees there are slightly sparser.

Could it be because of fire or felling? After putting down the telescope, Fan Meng frowned and thought for a while and asked.

You can see that the place on the top of the mountain is prone to lightning fires, and this place has been dominated by logging industry for a long time, so I think this may be due to fire or the loss of vegetation caused by logging.

It's unlikely. After hearing Fan Meng's words, Liang En raised his telescope and looked carefully at the mountains to the west, and then quickly made a judgment.

Neither fire nor logging will be concentrated in such a small area. More importantly, if it is logging, it will usually be logged from the bottom of the mountain. There is no logging from the top of the mountain.

What you said makes sense. I think the other party was probably standing here to observe the place on the top of the mountain in the distance. Jeanne looked at the window and said.

This also has an advantage, that is, if you don't come up for long-term observation, you won't be able to see the abnormalities on the opposite mountain. So here, you can observe the situation on the opposite mountain for a long time without being discovered by outsiders.

That seems to be the case. Fan Meng nodded at this time, then turned to look at Liang En and asked. But how did you discover this situation?

Because I previously found that in addition to the destroyed living room, one of these houses was a study and the other was a bedroom, and this house is the study. Liang En said while observing the road on the opposite mountain.

Although houses in Europe are not told to face north or south, some basic house orientations still need to be talked about. For example, the mountains here are in the south, so normal people should not put the study room in the south, otherwise the lighting will be too bad. .”

And this house is very strange. He placed the bedroom on the north side and the study on the south side. This is obviously unconventional. Unconventional things often hide many secrets.

So I guessed that the other party also had something similar to an astronomical telescope placed in the study, and then used the excuse of his hobby of astronomy to place this thing next to the window of the study for observation.

After further inspection, I found that the ground in this place had traces of long-term wear and tear. It looked like it was a tripod. This also confirmed that the other party was using an astronomical telescope. Liang En said and chopped it gently. foot.

Joan of Arc and Fan Meng immediately lowered their heads and found that the dust and garbage under their feet had been roughly cleaned up. As expected, there were three worn spots on the floor, which looked like they were left by a tripod.

Well, it seems that we will probably have to live in the wild tonight. Fan Meng looked at the mountains in the distance and sighed, I should be grateful that it is summer.

There is a saying in China that one can run to death in Wangshan Mountain, and now Liang En and the others are encountering the same situation. At least according to the observation of the raven brought by Liang En, it is considered fast to reach the opposite mountain peak in one day. .

Eat something first and rest for a while before leaving. Liang En said after using the raven to see the road clearly, and then greeted everyone. This way, after we get there, we can camp at the foot of the mountain and have dinner.

That's right, you're right. Jeanne nodded, then prepared to open her backpack. When he was about to take out his lunch, Liang En suddenly saw something through the raven's eyes.

Be careful! Liang En warned immediately the moment he saw the thing, and pulled Fan aside who was about to look for food.

Bang - Just as Liang En and Fan Meng were entangled with each other and rolled to the side, a small smoke column appeared where they were standing just now, and made a crashing sound.

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