Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 781 On-site Investigation

Sometimes the way to unlock a secret is very simple, but it is almost impossible before you find the right idea. Based on the current information, Liang En and the others successfully found the key key.

According to public information, the man named Hans worked as a warehouse keeper in a machine processing factory in Dresden until his retirement. The overall life seemed not much different from the countless workers at that time.

According to records, he was not married and had no relatives. This is not so surprising considering the proportion of German casualties in the previous World War II and the situation of Hans himself.

But in the eyes of Liang En and Jeanne, another possibility is that the other party did this in the hope of avoiding their secrets being discovered. After all, one more person means more risks of exposure.

Look at this, he doesn't just have one property in the city. After putting all the clues together, Liang En quickly discovered something interesting, that is, he had a house somewhere in the Erzgebirge Mountains. Vacation cabin.

This was actually a habit during the Soviet era, when residents of those cities often had their own holiday cabins in the countryside where they could relax and grow some vegetables.

Therefore, East Germany during the Cold War also imitated the Soviet Union and adopted this recuperation system. However, considering security issues, East Germany did not open the mountainous areas between it and West Germany, but only opened the border with Czechoslovakia. Shi Mountains.

The Erzgebirge Mountains is located at the junction of northwest Czech Republic and Germany. It extends from northeast to southwest, is about 150 kilometers long and 40 kilometers wide, and is regarded as the natural dividing line between the two countries.

The German name of the mountain range is Erzgebirge, the Czech name is Krunéhory, and the English name is Ore Mountains, which literally translates to mines. The German side of the mountain range is gentler, but the Czech side is quite steep.

The name of the Erzgebirge Mountains is very consistent with its historical status. As early as the Bronze Age before BC, it was the mining and smelting center of tin, an important auxiliary material for bronze casting.

When the area was included in the territory of the Roman Empire, it became one of the important mining centers of the Roman Empire. In the third century AD, the Roman Empire began to decline, the European continent's extensive transportation network gradually became desolate, and the status of the mining center of the Erzgebirge Mountains gradually declined.

When Europe entered the Middle Ages when the princes were divided, the new mining center had moved to the relatively stable Devon and Cornwall in the southwest corner of Great Britain in northwest Europe. The mining industry in the Erzgebirge Mountains temporarily fell silent.

In 1168, rich silver deposits were discovered in the northern part of the Erzgebirge Mountains, which made the area prosperous again. Shortly thereafter, the newly established Kingdom of Bohemia also discovered tin deposits in the southern foothills of the Erzgebirge Mountains.

In the 15th century, richer mineral deposits were discovered in the Erzgebirge Mountains, and a series of new towns were established, bounded by the Erzgebirge Mountains.

The Electorate of Saxony and the Kingdom of Bohemia, governed across the mountains, relied on mining and mints to gradually become extremely wealthy states in the Holy Roman Empire.

Unfortunately, the peaceful days did not last long. In 1618, a large-scale civil war broke out in the Holy Roman Empire and involved many European powers in the surrounding areas. The Thirty Years' War broke out.

The tragic war caused a massive economic decline in the Holy Roman Empire. By the end of the war, the mining activities in the Erzgebirge Mountains were almost completely destroyed. This mining center in Central Europe was once again abandoned and has never recovered.

Especially after the reunification of Germany, the economy quickly shifted from the original copy position to the gold standard, which led to the large-scale bankruptcy of the silver mines in the Erzgebirge region.

In addition, the long excavation process makes the mine dig deeper and deeper, and the drainage and excavation costs naturally become higher and higher. So much so that in 1913 the last silver mine in this ancient European silver mining area was closed.

But at that time, the minerals mined in this area became cobalt and uranium. Even in the late 1930s, the uranium mine in Yahimov in the Ore Mountains became the only one in the world with mining capabilities. of mining areas.

Fortunately, due to various reasons, the Germans during World War II did not invent the method of making and using weapons, thus saving the world from a catastrophe.

During the Cold War, the Soviet Union launched a search for the heritage of the nuclear research project in Germany, and the uranium mines in the Erzgebirge Mountains became the largest uranium supplier within the Soviet sphere of influence until the end of the Cold War.

In other words, the terrain of that place is easy to hide various things. Jeanne showed a troubled expression after listening to Liang En's introduction.

Think about it, the entire mountainous area has been dug for 2,000 years. To exaggerate, it can be said that the entire mountain has been hollowed out, so it is very reasonable to find some abandoned mines to hide things.

Yes. That's right, and because we don't know what was hidden back then, there is so little content available for analysis that it is difficult to determine where the treasure is hidden.

For Liang En, one way to figure out the location of the treasure is to analyze the possible means of transportation and routes of the treasure through a series of clues such as the size and weight of the lost items, and then conduct investigation and analysis.

But the problem is that the current clues do not have specific clues about the missing things at all, and during World War II, especially during the post-war chaos, a large number of things were missing throughout Europe, so it is basically impossible to identify the target through elimination.

It seems that there is an on-site survey method. Fortunately, we know the specific location of Hans's holiday cabin in that area, so the next observation can be simpler. Liang En shrugged helplessly.

I finally walked around and went home, but I didn't expect that such a problem would occur now, causing us to have to go out again after such a short rest.

It's okay, I understand, and I'm also looking forward to the next work. A relieved expression appeared on Jeanne's face, I'm actually quite interested in this unexpected adventure.

She is actually a very curious girl, so she naturally hopes to solve this mystery as soon as possible.

For Liang En and the others, the search was public, so Liang En, Joan of Arc, and Fan Meng simply took a plane straight to Saxony, Germany, and then rented a car to head to the Erzgebirge Mountains in the south. .

Since the beginning of the 20th century, due to the gradual decline of the mining industry, these ancient mining cities have also begun to undergo brutal transformation. Some of them have completely declined, while others have successfully transformed.

Relying on the resources of various surrounding places, some cities have turned their original side businesses into their main businesses. For example, some towns have developed the toy industry and wood processing industry, while others have chosen tourism.

It is also because of these developed tertiary industries that the entire region has escaped the fate of complete decline, and even achieved new development after entering the mid-20th century.

Although it was bombed during World War II because of the uranium mines, fortunately most places except the mining area were not attacked, so now the whole place is developing very well.

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