Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 772 Clues from the East

Manually searching files was not fast, so it was not until three days after the last contact that Mr. Frey found content that might be related to his father, and took photos of those documents and sent them to Liang En.

I'm sorry Mr. Liang, I didn't find many relevant documents. After receiving the photos, Liang En also received a call from Mr. Frey.

For Mr. Frey, this clue search was not successful. He had thought that he could get detailed information through those simple queries, but he later found out that this was not the case.

Because he only learned during the inquiry that his father's action was actually a secret operation of the Swiss government, so to this day the most important part still has not received permission to declassify.

It's nothing. The information you found is quite complete. After the other party finished speaking, Liang En comforted him, At least for me, these things should be able to deduce a lot of valuable content.

After all, Mr. Frey didn't find out anything. For example, he discovered that in addition to his father, there were more than a dozen people who went to China together.

Although it is impossible to tell from the existing public documents what exactly they did when they went to China, some interesting content can still be analyzed from the public content.

For example, those who went to China back then were all weapons or weapon-related technicians. In addition to artillery designers like Mr. Frey, there were also some engineers in light weapons, pyrotechnics and even mechanical processing.

Judging from the resumes of these people, these people are all above-average technical personnel. Although their level is not very high, they are also the backbone of various enterprises.

And these backbones basically come from famous arms companies, such as Krupp's branch in Switzerland, Rheinmetall's partners in Switzerland, and the famous Oerlikon Company.

From a certain perspective, this team can be called a mixed team, because everyone in the team has basically different backgrounds.

This is actually a very strange approach, because the weapon design of that era can no longer be done alone, especially those heavy weapons that require a team to do it.

Although there are talents in all aspects in this group of people, it is not impossible to put together some teams, but it is really strange to not choose a mature team and just piece together like this.

Mr. Frey also realized this when he was investigating, or the professionals around him realized this, so they conducted a deeper investigation and then sent the findings to Liang En along with other information.

Did you find that these people actually have some similarities? After hanging up the phone and studying the documents carefully, Liang En said to Joan of Arc who was also looking at the computer next to him.

Yes, for example, these people are all Swiss, and for example, after they return to China, they basically work in various arsenals in Switzerland, and their positions are relatively critical. After reading these things, Joan of Arc thought for a few minutes and said.

I think there is only one reason why they have become so critical, and that is that their overall level has improved significantly during the time they left Switzerland for China. But the problem is that I can't figure out how--

Joan of Arc said this because China at that time was poor and weak, so it seemed a bit too far-fetched to want to learn knowledge related to military production in this place.

I understand your thoughts, but you haven't considered one thing, that is, sometimes you don't need someone to teach you to learn. Looking at the confused Jeanne, Liang En shook his finger and said.

These people are not novices, but a group of real professionals. In this case, if the other party wants to improve, what they need is not learning, but an opportunity to integrate their knowledge through practice.

I understand, you mean these people did mail in China and then improved their level through practice. Joan of Arc is actually a very smart person. So she quickly understood something after Liang En mentioned it.

But after the old problem was solved, a new problem soon arose in Joan of Arc. It sounds like a normal collaboration, but why are those files still not declassified to this day?

Sorry, there is no direct evidence in this regard yet, so it is difficult to determine what the situation is, but I have a guess in this regard. Liang En looked at the documents and thought for a few seconds before saying.

Switzerland is a permanently neutral country, so it naturally has various restrictions on foreign military cooperation. However, the situation of World War II also forced them to consider strengthening their armed forces.

For example, many of the fortifications we see on the Swiss border now were built before and during World War II. The reason why the Shampoos gave up their invasion of Switzerland has something to do with their troops.

Of course, the Swiss have also made a lot of preparations, some of which are now public, but others are not, such as those foreign military cooperation-

Many people feel that the Swiss are very good at disclosing information. But this is not actually the case. For example, the missing Jewish wealth and transactions with Germany during World War II are Swiss secrets that have not been made public until today.

And practices such as foreign military cooperation that clearly break the neutral status are obviously not suitable for disclosure, so to this day they are kept confidential and refused to be disclosed to the outside world.

And judging from the resumes of this group of people, after the war, this group of people basically went to various core military industrial companies in Switzerland, so it is unlikely that they have no national support behind them.

At least judging from the information obtained so far, it seems that that group of people is heading to China in large numbers under the command of the state. Study weapons manufacturing, and then return home to improve Switzerland's weapons manufacturing level.

In fact, similar news can be found in public information on Switzerland, such as those branches of famous German arms factories in Switzerland, and some outsourced heavy weapons.

But buying these things and proactively sending people abroad are two different things. At least for the Swiss, taking the initiative to send these engineers abroad would obviously be detrimental to its neutral status if it were made public.

This was especially true during World War II. For the country of Switzerland, there are actually many reasons for being able to be independent when the Germans swept Europe, but the status of a neutral country is also a very important reason.

That's why Switzerland is very cautious about secretly sending people abroad. It even established a secret base in Germany for the purpose of gathering and distributing people and hiding their identities.

At least for the Swiss, it is not too difficult to build a cover base in a small village on the border, especially since the Swiss Germans can quickly blend into the German environment and will not cause any problems. Attention.

Anyway, there are too many foreigners of all kinds for that tourist town, so there is nothing strange about a few or even a dozen Swiss.

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