Because it was basically impossible for anyone to disturb him at night, Liang En used these cards immediately. Because the previous enhancement allowed him to cross the boundary between ordinary and extraordinary, the entire enhancement process was not very quiet. .

Of course, this is also related to the fact that physical strengthening is a long-term and slow strengthening, so just raising the upper limit will not have a great impact on him.

Therefore, Liang En only felt as if his whole body was soaked in warm light throughout the night. As for when he got up the next morning, he didn't feel any changes.

However, after further inspection, he did find that there was a variety of foreign language-related knowledge in his mind. At the same time, I can feel that my mastery of extraordinary power seems to be one step closer.

Obviously, the demigods hide extraordinary power, so this harvest is definitely an unexpected harvest for Liang En. Of course, there are also gains in archeology and history.

In this archaeological excavation, in addition to the most important work of locating and judging the ruins, Liang En and the others also found some important cultural relics, which can be regarded as overfulfilling the previously entrusted task.

As for the remaining work, it is purely a matter of water grinding. It requires a lot of manpower and material resources to conduct a complete and thorough inspection. It will take several years or even more than ten years as a whole, so it can be completely handed over to the professional archaeological teams.

What are you doing over there? After completing the handover work, Liang En looked at a big guy standing up in the village not far away with some curiosity. This thing looked like a well-digging equipment, with the words China written on it. The four square words for petroleum.

Don't tell me they found oil here and are ready to dig it out. I know there is oil everywhere in Iraq, but unless it is a top oil field, this ruin should definitely make way.

There is no oil here, we are very sure. Professor Wang came up and said at this time, The drilling machine was invited from a nearby construction site after everyone discussed it, and was going to drill water wells for the six villages around the ruins.

Many times archeology, especially long-term archeology, must be supported by local people, otherwise it will easily cause problems, so they have previously decided to take some measures to maintain friendly relations with local people.

However, because Liang En had been busy with on-site archaeological work at the time, he was not involved in this type of chores, so he was naturally a little surprised when he heard the news.

But this is very reasonable when you think about it. Although this place is not far from the Euphrates River, the villagers still need to spend a lot of time fetching water every day.

Because for them, whether it is building drinking water pipes, digging canals or building machine wells, they cannot afford the project, so they can only waste a lot of time and energy on transporting water.

After discovering this, the archaeological team contacted the nearby Chinese engineering team to donate wells to the surrounding villages. After all, the groundwater in this place was replenished very quickly. The only problem was that the groundwater level was too deep, and there were certain technical requirements for drilling wells.

The surrounding area will get better day by day in the future, because this ruins should gradually attract tourists and drive the development of the surrounding area. Professor Wang said while looking at the machine that was drilling the well.

In fact, it has had an effect now. The well drilling has communicated the relationship between us, and now we can also hand over some tasks such as garbage cleaning to them, which not only improves efficiency but also brings the two parties closer. connect.

This does sound like good news. I believe everything will go smoothly here. At this time, the handover was basically completed. After confirming that everything was OK, Liang En shook hands with Professor Wang and said goodbye.

Yes, we believe it too. Professor Wang nodded and said. Also, I will pass on any subsequent information to you in a timely manner.

After completing the handover work, Liang En and the others said goodbye to the others, and then took a plane to Dubai together to prepare to transfer back to Dublin, Ireland.

However, while at Dubai Airport, Liang En received a call from his partner in India, Mr. Varma, hoping that he could attend a jewelry exhibition in Abu Dhabi with him.

Considering that this jewelry exhibition will launch his own cooperative brand, plus he has nothing to do during this period after the archaeological event. So Liang En and Joan of Arc chose to stay and participate in this exhibition.

I think you should bring out the Goldsmiths' Craftmanship \u0026 Design Competition, that is, the Goldsmiths' Craftmanship \u0026 Design Competition's Gold Medal Certificate for the High Jewelery Category.

When driving from Abudha to Dubai, Joan of Arc suddenly thought of something and said in the car. When the certificate was awarded before, Liang En was digging a hole in the Uruk ruins, so he could only ask Mary to receive the award for him.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of award is not suitable for someone to accept the award on your behalf, but considering that Liang En is participating in an important official cooperation project, the awarding party understood the situation and completed the awarding work.

Ah, by the way, I really should ask someone to help me send that thing over. After being reminded by Joan of Arc, Liang En also thought about it, It's okay, this thing should be sent over tomorrow, it won't be in the way.

Although Liang En is shown as a shareholder and designer of a jewelry company in this exhibition, it would not be a bad thing if he added the identity of a jewelry maker.

After all, having three titles at once sounds obviously more popular than two titles, and it can better highlight his professionalism in jewelry and make it easier to attract the attention of wealthy people.

After all, the jewelry industry is a standard luxury goods industry, and from the perspective of the luxury goods industry, if you want to get enough eyeballs, you must show what is unique as much as possible.

As for how to do this unique thing, it depends on the individual's ideas. Fortunately, Liang En's method of showing his genius should be regarded as the safest and most effective one.

Of course, the only difficulty in this approach is that the genius character must be able to withstand the test, otherwise it will definitely end up in a mess. For example, many celebrities have turned their own characters into very ugly ones after overturning.

However, Liang En is not worried about overturning in this regard. Although his skills are not learned as diligently as normal people, he will not fall behind in live performances when faced with various tests.

In fact, compared to other people, he can even use this to eliminate other people's suspicions. For example, after watching him create art live several times, few people pay attention to where he learned some of his skills. .

Although it always feels strange that he has mastered so many skills, as long as it can be proven through live demonstration that he has mastered these skills, then everyone will naturally try their best to help him figure out how to learn these skills.

After all, there have always been geniuses in this world, and compared with those geniuses in history, what Liang En is showing now is even inferior to some geniuses in history, and it is completely acceptable to everyone.

Therefore, Liang En is now more willing to show off the skills that he has mastered that have nothing to do with the extraordinary. After all, sometimes it is convenient to do many things with more reputation.

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