Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 750 Scientific Examination (Part 2)

During further exploration of the ruins as a whole, Liang En and the others proved that there were not just temples here but the ruins of an entire city-state inhabited by humans.

In addition to the large-scale temple complex, remote sensing detection near the entire ruins and surrounding village ruins also revealed a large-scale water conservancy and irrigation network, including canals, ditches, dams, weirs, reservoirs, reservoirs, etc.

Judging from the distribution of villages, towns and urban ruins, people during this period no longer relied entirely on natural tributaries for water sources, but began to rely on straight and long artificial canals intercepted by dams to ensure water supply.

The presence or absence of large-scale public building projects has always been regarded as one of the important differences between city-states and settlements, because the construction and maintenance of large-scale public building projects (such as the temple complex and irrigation system at this site) requires the organization of a large number of non-governmental organizations. Agricultural laborers performed forced labor.

The existence of a large number of non-agricultural labor is only possible when there is sufficient surplus of agricultural products, and only government departments can organize the recruitment of labor for such large-scale construction activities.

Take the temple as an example. The temple in the ruins has a very obvious Sumerian style: the temple is built on a multi-layered tower-shaped high platform, with layers of staircases built with huge stones to form a magnificent tower. architecture.

This pyramid-like stepped temple building is called Jikula Tower. Ruins have been found repeatedly in Ur, Babylon, and the Chaldean region, the most famous of which is the famous Temple of the Moon in Siur.

Judging from the temple named the Great Pagoda Temple in the current ruins, this Uruk Great Pagoda Temple, which was built around 3200 BC, is a typical representative of the Pagoda Temple.

There are four layers of earthen platforms at the bottom of the Great Pagoda Temple, which are painted in four colors: black (representing the underworld), red (representing the human world), green (representing heaven), and white (representing the sun). Each layer is painted with exotic flowers and plants.

The top floor is the temple sacrificial chamber, and the top of the pagoda temple is the observatory where the temple priests observe the sky at night. At the same time, it also means allowing the gods to enter the human world to enjoy sacrifices.

According to discussions and speculations by Liang En and others, it would take about 1,500 workers to work 10 hours a day for 5 years to complete the temple with the productivity at that time.

In addition to the magnificent Great Pagoda Temple, the same is true for other palaces in the ruined temple area. For example, the Cone Palace was built with precious local limestone, covering an area of ​​2,900 square meters. The colonnade is 30 meters wide and is arched by two rows of pillars with a diameter of 2.62 meters. .

The columns and double-sided staircases adopt the earliest mosaic inlay technology, using colored gemstones, shells, copper sheets and pottery to form exquisite mosaic patterns, making the building more dazzling in the sun.

Although the mosaics here are just simple triangular patterns, the energy and materials consumed to build such a building in that era were no less than today's aerospace program.

There is no doubt that the construction of such a magnificent and gorgeous temple complex was to strengthen belief and make people at that time feel that such huge buildings could not be built by humans, but must have been built by gods.

Sumerian epics discovered from other areas have always emphasized this point. For example, they repeatedly described that the temples in the city were built by gods descending from the sky, thereby consolidating the theocratic rule of the Sumerian priest class.

While the main force of the archaeological team was surveying the entire ruins, Liang En and several teams also conducted more in-depth research. The method of research was to select a location for excavation.

In the previous choices, Liang En, Joan of Arc and Prince Aziz chose the ruins they named the White Temple as their excavation target. The temple was named this because there was a white streak. wall.

This location was chosen by Liang En, because for Prince Aziz, he knew that his level in this area was almost zero. Considering that his goal was just to gain reputation, he chose to completely listen to Liang En, a professional, in this regard.

The reason why Liang En chose this place was simple, because he had used extraordinary power to perform a divination before setting off. The divination results told him that he would make some big discoveries here.

It has to be said that finding the target in such a large temple area is not a big deal. Even a divination with such a vague final conclusion cleared all his legendary points at once.

However, Liang En and the others found nothing in the first round of metal detector testing. Even though they brought high-level metal detectors, they checked the entire top of the table and found that there was no metal reaction on the table.

I remember that the Sumerians should be able to make copperware in the era, and they could also smelt precious metals such as gold and silver. Joan of Arc looked confused after finishing the detection. Why is there nothing in this building that looks like a palace or a temple?

This may be related to the fact that humans have lived in this ruins for a long time. Liang En frowned and thought for a while, So the valuable things have long been taken away.

Fortunately, this situation has also protected this site. Unlike the Seleucid palace ruins to the east that were riddled with holes, there are no traces of manual excavation on the slopes here.

So they felt that there should be something in the ruins of this white temple, but those things were not metal, so they wanted to find some time.

Since scientific methods are temporarily ineffective, metaphysics should come into play. Fortunately, this place is not too big, so after using four [Detection (N)] cards, the core area of ​​the entire ruins has been destroyed by him. Fully inspected.

After tallying up the results of these inspections, Liang En found that there were actually two noteworthy locations here, and they were both located near the center of the building.

This shows that those things are most likely to belong to the original items of these temples, and are likely to be some items related to sacrifices. From a research perspective, such items can often bring a lot of information.

Soon the excavation work began. Considering that this is above a very important ruins, even though they carry a lot of high-tech tools, they can only dig little by little with shovels.

It turns out that this is what archeology is like, it feels great. Prince Aziz said excitedly while digging with a small shovel. For him, there are not many opportunities to experience it personally, so this time he got started He seemed very excited.

No, it's definitely not that simple. What you have is just the appearance. Liang En shook his head and said. He felt that he had better explain the matter clearly to this powerful prince, otherwise there may be unpredictable bad consequences.

If nothing else, if you can't lock in as accurately as I can, then you may have to dig a football field-sized area with that shovel in your hand to find anything of value.

I understand, it's just like finding a water source. It's just that it's not difficult to dig a well on the ground. The real difficulty is finding where the water is? After hearing what Liang En said, Prince Aziz nodded.

He just suddenly thought of that place and didn't react, but after Liang En reminded him, he quickly realized what was wrong with his cognition.

During the subsequent excavation process, the site became quite quiet, with only the rustling sound of excavation remaining. Everyone on site devoted themselves to the excavation, and it was not until night fell that things changed.

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