After checking all the findings, Liang En could confirm that what he obtained this time was a batch of manuscripts left by Paracelsus during his lifetime.

Paracelsus left as many as 364 papers during his long wandering career, and Liang En now has the original manuscripts of 160 of them.

The most famous of these manuscripts are the Three Works of Para: Woman Paramilon Miracle Medical Book, Paragranan Miraculous Medical Food, and Opus Paramilon Miraculous Medical Skills.

Of course, compared to these cultural relics, the most important thing Liang En obtained this time should be cards. Since Paracelsus plays an important role in many legends, the harvest of cards this time is very good.

For example, in terms of pure consumable cards, although only four cards were obtained this time, they included two [Appraisal (N)] and two [Legendary Power (N)].

As an important part of Liang Enfan's power improvement, the increase in the upper limit of legendary power is very important, and this alchemist and medical scientist who has left his name in the legend can provide strong help in this regard.

As for the last card, it is a card that has never been seen before [Extraordinary Alchemy, Medicine (SR)]. This is a card purely used to manipulate extraordinary power.

At first, Liang En thought this was similar to his previous [Potion Manufacturing (N)] card that was combined with [Alchemy (R)], but it was actually quite different.

[Supernatural Alchemy, Medicine (SR): In that ancient era, when the light of current science was not lit up. Alchemy was the most cutting-edge science of that era.

Paracelsus was the founder and leader in this area, although his life was very bumpy: when he arrived in a city, his reputation would attract a large audience; he could cure diseases that others could not treat, and gain the friendship of powerful men;

However, the good times did not last long. He was soon disliked by authorities, colleagues, students and even past friends. In order to avoid imprisonment or death penalty, he always left behind his property and left in a hurry and secretly.

In addition to his own character, his affront to a medieval medical dogma inevitably brought him into conflict with his colleagues: the sharp distinction between physicians and surgeons.

In traditional medicine, internal medicine mainly studies theory, while surgery is only regarded as a craftsman's profession, so physicians are considered to be superior in intellectual hierarchy.

Paracelsus believed that what patients needed was a cure, not a medical theory, which was a matter that only doctors should be concerned with.

In fact, physicians' theories are generated and tested through surgical practice, so surgery and physicians are inseparable and interdependent.

Paracelsus himself has always been regarded as a surgeon by his contemporaries, and he always calls himself Doctor of Medicine and Surgery in his books. This challenge to the inherent order also makes it difficult for him to be recognized by his peers.

But it was also because of his deviant and innovative spirit in that era that he was able to redefine alchemy as the art of transforming impure substances into pure substances and put forward the three-element theory.

Moreover, he advocated that the main purpose of alchemy was to prepare things that met people's needs, especially for medical purposes. Paracelsus's main contribution to medicine was the introduction of minerals as medicines.

In order to make medicine, Paracelsus systematically investigated the chemical reaction processes of many metals and summarized the general characteristics of standard reactions.

This is of great significance in the history of chemical development. It inspired future generations to discover the chemical properties of substances through experiments and then classify them based on their chemical properties.

Skill card (permanent), this skill can not only master the configuration of various traditional European medicines, but also use the power of legend to observe the patient's disease from an alchemical perspective and understand how to treat it.

In addition, card owners can use the legendary journey as a medium to strengthen these potions by injecting legendary power, so that the potions have legendary attributes. At the same time, we create something that only exists in mythology.

However, because the source of power comes from doctors, all alchemical creations are related to medicine, and the legendary power required for alchemy is directly linked to its effects. 】

Because of the upgrade of the overall extraordinary power last time, the use of extraordinary power has become much more flexible now. Therefore, the use of power is also more precise.

Let me take a look at the production list. With the acquisition of cards, a large amount of knowledge was also introduced into Liang En's mind. Soon, driven by curiosity, he began to compile a list of the alchemical substances in his mind. .

What is a little shocking is that the number one thing that can be made by alchemy is actually the legendary Philosopher's Stone, which is also the sorcerer's stone mentioned in the novel.

Since ancient times, the Philosopher's Stone has been a substance that exists only in people's imagination and never exists. The magic stone is imagined to be the magic stone that can turn stone into gold and make elixirs that can cure all diseases and make people live longer.

The concept of the Philosopher's Stone first came from an Arab-Yemeni alchemist named Jaber who was born in Persia in the eighth century AD.

He analyzed Aristotle's four elements: heat, cold, dryness, and moisture, and linked them to the four elements of earth, water, fire, and wind. Fire is hot and dry, earth is cold and dry, water is cold and wet, and air is hot and wet.

Based on this theory, he further established the theory that all metals are a combination of these four elements: two are internal elements and the other two are external elements.

In this case, the process of metamorphosis of one metal into another is deduced to be a recombination of these four substances. The agent responsible for this transformation is hypothesized to be a substance known in Arabic as al-iksir.

This Arabic word gave rise to the Western elixir word for elixir. The substance is imagined to be dry powder made from a mysterious stone, the Philosopher's Stone.

According to legend, the only person who successfully obtained the Philosopher's Stone in history was the French alchemist Nicolas Flamel, or Nicolas Flamel (1330~1417?) according to the French translation.

According to records, on January 17, 1382, the Flamel couple completed the lead → silver transformation experiment based on the Philosopher's Stone. On April 25 of the same year, the lead → gold transformation was successful.

After making the Philosopher's Stone, he used the wealth gained from alchemy for charity, built fourteen hospitals in Paris, and built and renovated churches.

In March 1417, Nicholas died at the age of 87. His residence and donated tomb were filled with strange symbols and incomprehensible reliefs, which led alchemists from all over the world to dig deep to find the secret of the magic stone.

In the end, this group of tomb robbers finally dug up the coffins of Nicholas and his wife - just like the plot of a legendary story, there was nothing in the coffin, so some people said that they were still alive.

From the early 18th century until the 20th century, news that Nicholas was still alive appeared intermittently. The most famous theory is that in 1761, someone saw Nicholas and his wife at the Paris Opera House.

Unfortunately, making a stone requires a one-time investment of 49 legendary points, which is equivalent to twice the number of legendary points that Liang En can use at the same time. This means that this thing can be seen but cannot be eaten for the time being.

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