Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 730 Mission Completed

The moment Joan finally revealed her identity, the mission was completely completed. All the noisy noises in the city disappeared, and the whole world became quiet.

Liang En saw that everything around him had stopped moving, whether it was the blue sky in the distance, the church steeple or Mr. Dulis with a surprised expression, it was as if the whole world had been pressed on the stop button.

Then both Liang En and Jeanne felt that they began to rise slowly, and the whole world began to go away. In the blink of an eye, only a bright white light was left, and they felt exactly the same as when they came.

Then, as if they had crossed some unknown barrier, Liang En and his two feet stepped on the ground again. The black light around him made his eyes white for a moment, and then he found that he had returned to the previous room in Bern. .

In front of him, the area of ​​light that he entered before began to shrink rapidly, and finally turned into nothingness. The room also completely returned to its original state due to the loss of this light.

A very interesting trip. Zhen turned her head and looked at Liang En, who was holding her hand, and said with a smile, and then looked at the surrounding environment. Honestly, I'm very curious about how this is done.

I'm also very curious, but with our current level, it's basically impossible to explore the reasons. Even now, I can only vaguely feel the nature of the power inside. Liang En said with a smile.

Judging from the extraordinary power he currently possesses, if he can figure out how these historical fragments operate, he estimates that he should be able to reach the level of the legendary gods.

To be honest, when Liang En found out that his card had been upgraded to [Historical Explorer (Advanced) (UR)], he subconsciously thought that he had reached the top of the road to transcendence.

However, after repeated research, he realized that he was not even at the top of the extraordinary road, not even halfway to the extraordinary road.

At least judging from his current perception, he has at most obtained a ticket to true transcendence, which means that he now only knows how to take the next road.

But this is already very good for Liang En, because for a person who grew up in a world without extraordinary power, it is definitely a job to get a key to the top of the extraordinary and know how to go next. A generous gift.

After finishing using this card and completing the recruitment of this new historical follower, Liang En and the others had concluded their treasure hunt.

I have to say that this work was very successful. Not only did I get precious jewelry worth tens of millions of dollars, I also got a historical follower.

Just after completing the recruitment work, they learned who the recruiter was. As they had guessed before, their target for this recruitment was Marie Antoinette.

As for why the task just now was to send the princess and prince abroad, it was also very simple. After all, no matter what kind of person Marie Antoinette was, the fact that she was a mother would not change.

For a mother who loves her children, the one she cares about most when facing danger is her own child, so the task to recruit the other party is to take her child to a safe place.

To be honest, I am skeptical about this historical entourage. After coming to the living room to pour each of them a cup of tea, Joan of Arc raised the tea cup and took a sip.

Whether it is a willful little princess or a queen who indulges in carnival and refuses to fulfill her obligations, I am very worried about whether such a person can complete the cooperation with us.

Although Joan of Arc is a commoner and Elizabeth Bathory is a noble, the two of them have one thing in common, that is, they are both good at living.

Therefore, I naturally have some worries about this Queen Joan of Arc who has lived a chic life. This is not because I am worried about the other party's loyalty, but because I don't know how to cooperate with someone who is incompatible with me.

Don't worry, everyone will have their own use. There is no one who is completely useless. Liang En said with a smile, And this queen is not just a vase.

Leaving aside Marie, Antoinette's ability at the last moment showed that her level of art appreciation was no less than that of the top art connoisseurs today.

Not to mention the other party's contribution to the development of Rococo style art, which can be regarded as leading the trend of a generation. His status in today's fashion industry is at least as high as that of Coco Chanel.

Rococo art is an art form or art style that originated in France in the 18th century and spread throughout Europe. It was popular during the reign of Louis XV, so it is also called Louis XV style. This art form has the characteristics of lightness, exquisiteness, delicateness, Complex and other characteristics.

This kind of art pursues the ultimate. For example, some complex patterns must be carved on a chair. The same is true for paintings, which pay more attention to color and brilliance.

The most important thing is that, unlike the Baroque art, where this art originally came from, this art tends to serve people rather than religion. Art is an end in itself, impacting human vision.

It can be considered that one of the hallmarks of this period was the spread of the use of porcelain in Europe in the early 18th century. Previously, people had been eating and drinking with bulky silverware and using large stones to create huge sculptures.

After that, fragile porcelain was used to make tableware and small and exquisite porcelain statues, thus reflecting the life interests of the court nobles of the period.

Compared with the early Baroque and the later Neoclassicism, Rococo reflected the social atmosphere of that time that was intertwined with pleasure, luxury and love.

In addition, painters of this school were inspired by the foreign cultures of the time and added many exotic elements to their creations. For example, I will add specious Chinese elements to some works.

Queen Marie succeeded Madame de Pompadour and became the core figure and leader of Rococo art at that time. These two women brought the core of this art to its fullest.

From a modern perspective, with the explosion of productivity after the Industrial Revolution, the Rococo style once again came into people's view, so today this style is still very popular in many art fields.

For example, this is true from the perspective of jewelry. Both young people and those with wealth are interested in gorgeous jewelry in the Baroque style.

In addition, whether it is architecture or anything else, the Baroque style can still attract the attention of a large number of people, so people like Marie Antoinette who have a vision for art will naturally have an interest in Liang En and his group. benefit.

As for the things Joan of Arc was worried about, Liang En wasn't too worried. After all, with the changes of the times, many things would change, so a queen like this should not be out of tune with everyone.

And anyway, this queen is a naive and somewhat straightforward person, so she is not suitable for the complicated palace life, but from a dealing point of view, this kind of person is obviously easier to deal with.

The most important thing is that Liang En believes that after completely switching time and space and being resurrected, everyone will undergo tremendous changes. Even this princess should be no exception.

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