Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 694 Development Direction.

It's such a bad thing. After listening to Liang En finish talking about what the so-called investors did, Joan shook her head and sighed. In her eyes, agriculture is very important, and this approach is obviously inappropriate.

Yes, it's very bad, even worse than if they did nothing. Liang En nodded and said, Because the other party grows these things, those diseases and insect pests will also affect the surrounding plantations.

You are right. Viruses and pests do not care about the division of human plantations. If there is a problem in one plantation, there will also be problems in the surrounding plantations. Liang En nodded.

Last time there was an outbreak of stem rot on the property and it spread around the property and as a result we had to spend a lot of time, energy and money trying to deal with the problem.

Then the owner of this plantation didn't compensate you? Jeanne asked with some confusion. For problems like this that are obviously caused by the other party, the other party should pay compensation.

That's the theory, but this kind of investors basically have a thorough understanding of the law and have enough legal personnel to litigate cases. Liang En shrugged helplessly.

The other party has taken advantage of legal loopholes and can drag out a very ordinary small lawsuit for several months, and at the same time make those who want to litigate spend a lot of time, money and energy on it.

It's so wicked. Zhen has a very bad opinion of this kind of guy who plays with the law. After all, she suffered a loss in this regard back then. So you didn't file a lawsuit?

No, because my lawyer told me that the benefits of this lawsuit outweigh the losses. Liang En raised his eyebrows slightly. The money and effort they spent were more than the money they lost. It's not worth it at all.

Fortunately, everything has changed now. At least now that we bought this plantation, our land has been connected together, so we can carry out overall planning.

Commercial agriculture has high requirements for scale. The larger the scale, the lower the average cost and the higher the profit. Therefore, for Liang En, the acquisition of this plantation is very valuable.

It's just that it will take some time to adjust the newly purchased plantation to the level of Liang En's other plantations. After all, neither infrastructure construction nor the adjustment of plants in the plantation is a simple matter.

After completing the inspection of the newly purchased plantation, Liang En and the others walked along the road and observed other plantations. From a purely visual perspective, these plantations were obviously better than the new plantations. A lot.

This is true even for the roads that pass through the plantation gate. Although the roads are still dirt roads, it can be seen that these roads are managed by someone, at least they are not full of potholes like the roads in other places.

This is what our people helped to repair in their free time. After listening to Liang En's question, Huang Tao quickly replied, After all, this road is mainly used by us, and some trucks often pass by, so we have to repair the road. It’s very meaningful.”

In addition to this road, they also built a 6m and a 9m reinforced concrete bridge on two small rivers respectively to replace the original temporary bridges made of wood.

In addition to transportation, they also built more than 60 street lights, 5 biogas digesters, a health room, a nursery and a primary school, which can be regarded as the construction of public facilities in the entire area.

Then what did those guys who were supposed to be responsible for these tasks do? After listening to Huang Tao report on the construction achievements in the past few years, Liang En seemed a little shocked.

Because the work they are doing now should be done by local officials, but local officials are completely absent from the construction of infrastructure in the region.

They didn't do anything. After all, we are in the countryside in the southern Philippines, and the core of the country is the city near Manila in the north. Huang Tao felt a little ashamed when he talked about these things.

So when we operate here, we either choose to endure the harsh environment, or we have to solve these problems ourselves. Fortunately, we have also received a lot of help.

For example, we only built a venue for health clinics, primary schools and child care, and the staff inside are volunteers recruited through cooperation projects with the United Nations.

In addition, because of your international reputation, local officials have done some things, such as counting this investment as charity to reduce our taxes.

It doesn't sound too bad. Liang En nodded. He had heard about the situation in the Philippines before, so now this situation is the best guess.

Soon, the car arrived at a small town that Liang En had visited before when he got his first manor. It was a somewhat seedy town at the time.

Although the town still looks a bit chaotic now, it is much cleaner than before. At the same time, the town has obviously become much more prosperous in terms of scale.

To take the simplest example, many houses that were originally made of iron sheets and thatch have now been transformed into red brick and cement houses. Although they do look very simple, they are obviously much better than before.

At the same time, the business here also developed. In addition to the original two small restaurants and a pharmacy, more small restaurants, small supermarkets, a bicycle shop and a small repair shop appeared here.

The prosperity here has something to do with us. Huang Tao said softly. Because we are willing to use more money to hire those workers and provide them with a certain level of benefits. In this case, they will naturally have money for consumption.

It seems we have done a very good thing. Joan nodded with satisfaction, then pointed to the construction site with a cement mixer truck not far away and asked, What are you doing over there?

The reason why Joan of Arc felt strange was that the construction methods of buildings in this area were very primitive. They were basically built by hand. Occasionally, an electric winch could be considered mechanized.

At the same time, when the rooms are built locally, they are basically made of red bricks and prefabricated boards. Rich people may put some ceramic tiles on them. The overall construction style is full of the urban village construction style in China in the 1990s.

Therefore, the current modern construction method looks a little out of tune with the surrounding environment. Anyone who comes to the town will be attracted by such a scene.

What is being built now is a bank, the Philippine Branch of the First State Bank of Barboursville. Liang En said with a smile, You know, this bank can set up a bank in the Philippines.

So based on the results of what Elizabeth and I discussed before, we will build a new bank branch in this place, mainly engaged in small loan business for local people.

There is no doubt that the financial industry is definitely profitable, but the difference is that you make more and less. The banks here are not just for making money, but to complement the local business.

This does sound like a good idea. Jeanne nodded. I know how important the financial industry is to the economic development of the entire region in modern society, and what you do now will make a difference here.

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