Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 691 Planning and Negotiation

Because Liang En himself was a person involved, President Charles quickly told Liang En about the next action plan. For Golden Dawn, it was very meaningful to weaken the Thule Association as much as possible.

Of course, unlike the violent methods of the Thule Association, Golden Dawn will conduct a thorough investigation after confirming the industry belongs to the Thule Association, and squeeze and destroy the other party's industry through commercial means and legal means.

In addition, all exposed Thule Society members will also face large-scale investigations. Any illegal behavior will be reported by Golden Dawn to local law enforcement agencies.

According to the previous experience of the Golden Dawn, there are indeed people among the members of the Thule Association who have never committed a crime, but the number of these people will never be higher than 1/30, so this plan is very effective against the other party.

Unlike the Thule Association's reckless approach, Golden Dawn is a formal organization after all. No matter what these members do in private, abiding by the law is the bottom line in the overall actions of the organization.

After all, unlike the Thule Society, which is an organization between gray and black, the Golden Dawn is an open organization, so there are some things that can be done or not done as much as possible.

After briefly talking about the possible actions that Golden Dawn would take next and coordinating the next actions, Liang En and the others left the conference room.

Although Liang En's power in North America is not great, he has a bank of his own, so he can play his role in the next actions.

I always feel that the Golden Dawn is not as powerful as it sounds. When returning to the hotel they had booked before, Joan of Arc asked Liang En curiously. “I always feel that there are a lot of restrictions on how to deal with things.”

Your observations are quite keen. Liang En nodded and said. But that's not because the Golden Dawn isn't great.

You know that the Golden Dawn is a legal organization. This status allows the Golden Dawn to obtain a lot of resources, but the corresponding price is that it is subject to more restrictions.

I understand what you mean. Jeanne nodded. Rights and obligations always correspond. No one can only enjoy rights without assuming any obligations.

Compared to the Golden Dawn, the Thule Society has very few restrictions on their actions, but most of the time they run around like shady rats.

Of course, there is another important reason for the current situation, and that is that compared to a well-organized criminal organization like the Thule Society, the Golden Dawn is just an association of enthusiasts.

Therefore, the Golden Dawn is far inferior to the Thule Association in terms of action speed and personnel mobilization. It can even be said that the level between the two in this regard is more than an order of magnitude different.

It's just that Golden Dawn can suppress the opponent with greater strength and has better relations with various official organizations. Therefore, Golden Dawn has always had the upper hand in the confrontation between the two sides.

The next confrontation work basically has nothing to do with Liang En. After all, there are many talents in the organization, so naturally this matter must be left to those professionals.

However, Liang En did not choose to go home for the time being, because he planned to process the video he had taken before and send it out, and to do so he would need to find some information locally.

In addition, they also have to deal with local aboriginal issues during the gold mining process. According to their investigation, gold mining may affect the lives of 800 to 900 people.

In fact, gold mining is often accompanied by pollution. Even if various environmental protection measures are taken in accordance with regulations, it will cause harm to the local environment and will take a long time to repair.

It's just that many mining giants don't care about this aspect at all. For example, when Liang En and others were salvaging sunken ships in the Arctic, they fully realized the deprivation of indigenous peoples by the gold mining industry.

This also led to the fact that when the Golden Dawn was preparing to start negotiations, it was discovered that the three indigenous tribes in the area had a strong rejection mentality.

Because for Golden Dawn, reputation is more important than profit, so we really have no intention of imitating the immoral things done by those mineral mining companies. It's just that the locals lack confidence in Golden Dawn because of those companies.

Therefore, Liang En, who originally did not need to come forward, had to discuss with the representatives sent by these aborigines. Fortunately, the identity of the yellow race and the elders of the Otter tribe made these aborigines willing to try to trust them, the developers, again.

Thanks to you this time, otherwise we would not be able to convince these aborigines at all. After signing the preliminary agreement, the staff member who was hired by Charles to take charge of this matter thanked Liang En.

This is what I should do. After all, the gold mine also has a part of me, but I hope you can fulfill all your promises. Liang En looked at the person in charge seriously and said.

But trust is only temporary. The core of the whole thing is not whether the other party believes what we say, but whether we can fulfill the promises we made before.

Don't worry, we can definitely do it. The person in charge shrugged and said, Those companies are doing so unethically just to make more profits, but we don't have such high requirements on profits.

Although money cannot solve all problems, at least if you have money, it can solve most of the problems in the world, such as the more difficult resettlement of people in mining areas.

Therefore, negotiating with these indigenous people if they are willing to spend money is much simpler than imagined, and seven to eight hundred people are not a particularly large number in the specific resettlement work.

In addition to completing the negotiations, Liang En and the others also waited for the information provided by Golden Dawn and successfully filled in the missing link in the search.

After all, the Brown expedition was killed in western Canada, and the last Bible was found in eastern Canada. How on earth could the book complete this journey across thousands of kilometers without long legs?

What could be confirmed before was that the imposter should not be a member of the murderous gold digger group, because if he were one of those gold diggers, it would not have taken him a lifetime to locate the previous aboriginal tribe.

According to Yukon police records recovered from the Golden Dawn, there were very few crimes recorded outside the cities during that era. This is not to say that security was very good in that era, but because there were no police in the wild.

Fortunately, after learning that the expedition team was killed by a group of so-called gold diggers, they finally had a specific search direction, so they finally found clues to the whole thing in a murder case that year.

According to local police records, an incident occurred in a hotel in the city that summer. A group of people were drunk. An argument broke out for various reasons due to a group of gold diggers who were drunk, and then broke out. Internal strife.

The result of the internal strife was that six people died and three were seriously injured after several people shot at each other. The three seriously injured people all died of their injuries shortly after being sent to the hospital.

According to local police records, a search of the men's belongings after their deaths revealed more than 25 ounces of gold, 9 ounces of silver and more than a dozen cut precious and semi-precious stones.

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