This should be a pot used by Indians. Looking at the dug-out hemispherical pot that had been smashed flat, Liang En quickly recognized the owner of the pot.

This pot looked very familiar to Liang En because it was very similar to the large stew pot he had seen in the Otter Tribe before. It could even be said that it looked like it came from a factory.

In fact, it is very normal that these pots look similar, because the iron pots traded by early Europeans and Aboriginal tribes did come from a few European steel factories.

For those Western colonists, it was a very profitable thing to exchange various metal tools and weapons with these indigenous people for various furs.

According to records, to buy a gun, the Aboriginal people needed otter skins that were stacked as high as the gun when standing up, and a pot required fur that was as heavy as the pot.

Later, although the aboriginal tribes learned the metal manufacturing technology, most of the metal craft products, except for a few items, were made in imitation of European style.

The broken iron pot that Liang En and the others found now was a crude imitation made by the aborigines to imitate the products made by Europeans. It was considered one of the indispensable daily necessities for the Indians.

After expanding the excavation area along the spot where the iron pot was dug out, Liang En quickly discovered the charcoal in the ground and the half-length hook used for cooking that was rusty.

You are right, this is indeed related to the place where the aborigines live. Looking at the charcoal in the pit, Liang En patted Tyson's arm and said. The settlement looks like it was buried due to a landslide.

The reason for this judgment is also very simple, because it can be judged from the pot that seems to be in use that the tribe said that it did not receive any warning before the collapse.

However, with subsequent excavations, more things were unearthed that proved that the collapse of this collapsed area was not a natural disaster, but a complete man-made disaster.

As the remains of a woman and a child were dug out of the soil, the faces of several people became ugly. Even though security companies like the White Knights are equivalent to mercenaries, this approach still exceeds the lower limit of everyone's acceptance.

They were shot at close range, execution-style. After checking the bullet holes in the backs of those people's heads, Louis said in a deep voice. This is really—

That is to say, this landslide is most likely artificially caused to cover up the crime scene. Jeanne stretched out her right hand and touched her chin.

That's right. At least the hillside in the distance looks relatively stable and doesn't look like a dangerous location. Not to mention that this aboriginal tribe has lived here for such a long time. If there were any safety issues, they would definitely not live here.

The overall situation in this area looks very good, with hills and hills blocking the cold winds from the north, while sheltered areas have vegetation cover and animal activity even during the coldest times.

For this reason, there are a lot of areas in the entire area that can be used as territory by a small tribe, so as long as this place is a bit risky, the aborigines will probably not set up camp here.

Okay, let's rest tonight. We will continue digging tomorrow. When everyone dug out the remains of the fifth sentence, Liang En signaled that everyone could stop and rest.

Although everyone is full of energy now and hopes to dig out some things out of curiosity about the unknown history, considering that they are in the wild and there may be attackers from the Thule Association around, Liang En does not dare to overwork everyone.

After a simple dinner, everyone went to rest, but Liang En and Jeanne did not go to bed immediately after returning to the tent. Instead, they chose to record a short video, which was very important for publicity.

These sketches are very good. Joan of Arc nodded as she watched Liang En gradually draw the relic pits and aboriginal tribe sites that everyone discovered today. I think every time you show your talents, the effect will be better than the photos.

Of course, because people always want to see something different. Liang En nodded and said seriously. Although this will make me a little tired, it is obviously a good thing to let more people understand the protection of cultural relics.

As Liang En painted each stroke, Joan of Arc became more and more relaxed when filming with the camera. In the end, they even lay there half leaning against the backpacks on their backs, humming an ancient folk song.

In this atmosphere, Liang En felt that his inspiration was flowing from a fountain, and he was able to complete the task in less than half the usual time. But just when Liang En was about to finish the last stroke, an accident happened suddenly.

What's wrong? Seeing Liang En suddenly stop writing and looking towards the way he came, Joan of Arc immediately sat up and grabbed the five-six-and-a-half on the side and sat up.

Those German guests are here. Liang En had a weird smile on his face, What they did this time was much smarter than we thought.

What are those people doing? Are they rushing over directly? Jeanne asked curiously.

Of course not. They should have seen the vehicles we parked there before, so they should be able to roughly estimate how many people we have now. Naturally, it is impossible for them to hit us head-on like this. Liang En shook his head and said.

There were eight people in this group, and each of them had an assault rifle. It's just that we couldn't tell whether it was an automatic weapon. They should have parked their cars at the landslides like us, and then chased them on foot.

This is completely different from the information we received before. Joan frowned and said. Both the number of people and the number of weapons are clearly higher than what the intelligence reports.

This is not surprising. After all, the Golden Dawn is a global organization, so the Thule Association is likely to be the same. Liang En shook his head seriously.

So if there are no accidents, the other party should have received support from the Canadian branch when it arrived in Canada, so it could be quickly armed.

That doesn't sound like good news to us. Joan of Arc subconsciously clenched the rifle in her hand, But what did you mean when you said they were smart?

Because the other party didn't give us a chance to attack them. Liang En said with a smile. My ravens discovered that the other party was setting up something in a canyon we must pass through.

They probably plan to use explosives. Jeanne exclaimed in a low voice. Although there is no definite evidence now, some things can be guessed with a simple guess.

President Charles is not saying that both sides generally don't-

Yes, the two sides usually won't kill each other, but sometimes there will be exceptions - such as this kind of lawless place. Liang En looked into the distance with cold eyes.

The other party does not dare to take action purely because of the intimidation between different organizations, but from another perspective, as long as there is no deterrence, the other party is not taboo about killing people. Don't forget their origins.

For those crispy remnants, Liang En is never afraid to imagine the opponent's actions from the worst angle, so in the next time, Liang En will also use all his energy and strength to launch unlimited counterattacks.

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