Everything was calm after that, as if nothing had happened. The only news Liang En received was that Mrs. Hannah had fired a certain regional action team in Canada.

Of course, considering that this group of people just attempted a fraud, they just told the other party to check out and get out for the sake of their previous work, and did not ask for compensation or sue the other party.

Yes, Europeans have a strong sense of law, but the idea that legal principles are nothing more than human relationships is also a globally accepted idea, so for Mrs. Hannah, it is completely unnecessary for this group that has been following him for several years. Killed with a stick.

The team didn't say anything after they were expelled, but simply chose to pack their packages and leave. However, Liang En had already ordered Elizabeth in the United States to keep an eye on the other party.

Don't worry, leave this kind of thing to me. Elizabeth said after listening to Liang En's instructions, I have some reliable private detectives in the United States and Canada. It won't be too complicated to track the whereabouts of this group of people.

That's good. I hope our plan goes well. Liang En gave a brief blessing and then hung up the phone. Then he picked up a pen and began to describe the design of the next quarter's jewelry.

Liang En also seems to be very busy during this time. He has been staying in London to write various papers. By the way, he has designed several sets of jewelry in the space provided by the jewelry company and used 3D printing technology to produce them. Model.

After all, he was not on the treasure hunt for the past year, but at the excavation sites of those ruins, so he really didn't have much time to spend on coding and artistic creation.

Although it is a very normal thing for artists, especially those who are not professional, to let go, Liang En feels that he should love what he does, so now he naturally wants to make up for it when he has time.

Fortunately, he can draw on the power of several masters and have the knowledge of another world to carry, so it is much easier to do it than normal people.

However, just over a week after starting work, Liang En spent most of his energy on an oil painting for the rest of the month, because when he picked up the brush and began to paint, he suddenly realized that this painting was very important to him. It will be very important for yourself.

So much so that after he started writing, he didn't dare to put down his painting except for eating and sleeping, for fear that if he slacked off a little, the inspiration that appeared in his mind would disappear.

You must know that although Liang En has gained so many talents now, he usually does not focus on it and therefore does not integrate skills in this area. Therefore, he will naturally catch the inspiration he gets in his daily life.

Liang En used all the techniques he had mastered in this oil painting, from Mucha's oil painting techniques to Nicola Fischen's sketches, especially the figure drawing techniques and Gaudí's feelings about the natural world, which were integrated into this painting.

Although Mucha is famous for his poster paintings, he is actually also very good at oil paintings. For example, in terms of oil painting, he created the epic masterpiece Slavic Epic series of oil paintings.

As for the name of this painting, it is Joan of Arc, but it is different from the content of most of the armors worn in this world or the oil paintings facing the burning. This painting depicts her listening to the angel's revelation when she was a shepherdess. One scene.

This painting depicts Joan of Arc standing in the backyard of her home nervously listening to the revelation, and behind her can vaguely see angels and Joan of Arc's figure in armor.

In Liang En's view, although the person in this painting really looks like a pure village girl rather than a saint, let alone a future saint, this is the beginning of a future legend and is worth remembering.

And unlike similar oil paintings, the degree of restoration of the realistic parts of Liang En's painting exceeds all current oil paintings related to Joan of Arc.

Because Joan of Arc not only told him in detail what happened when she listened to the divine revelation, she also took the initiative to be a model to help Liang En complete the details of the character.

It's finally done. I actually spent almost a month on one painting. After finishing all the contents of the oil painting that day, Liang En said with emotion as he looked at the fully formed oil painting and Joan of Arc standing beside it.

At this time, his painting process has ended. The next step is to let the oil painting dry for a period of time, and then apply a layer of varnish on it for protection.

This process simply takes time and cannot be rushed. In fact, for normal oil painters, after the first pass of painting is completed, after the oil in the paint evaporates, they can continue to apply thick paint on it for further processing.

This step is more time-consuming. If you want to paint better, you can spend more time on it, strengthen the details, and make the paint thicker.

It is normal to not finish an oil painting in one day. Many large works are completed in months or even years, and the main time is spent on modifications. The advantage of oil painting is that it can be continuously modified and piled up.

For Liang En, he does not need to make repeated revisions, because in the process of painting, he truly integrated the artistic talents of several masters and had bursts of inspiration, so the painted things are not suitable for excessive revisions.

It's just that he spent a lot of time before this, and even scrapped more than five drafts. After all, those who left him with talent and skills are masters in the art world, and it will definitely not be easy to integrate them.

The only good thing is that he doesn't have to wait for the grease in the paint to dry out like ordinary painters. His extraordinary power allows him to make modifications directly during the painting process.

I think spending a month on this painting is completely worth it. Looking at the final product of a size of 60×80, Joan nodded with approval. Looking at this painting, I seem to smell the smell of sage and rosemary in my garden, and at the same time, I recall my mood at that time. What you painted is not just the part that people can see, but the part that people can see. It is what gives this oil painting the soul.”

To be honest, Joan of Arc is at best a layman in terms of art, but her sensitivity far beyond ordinary people was able to capture the core part of this oil painting.

Through this oil painting, Liang En depicts the transformation of Joan's soul at the important point when Joan of Arc, a young girl at the time, transformed from an ordinary peasant shepherdess to a saint.

In other words, this painting should not only depict the country-like innocence of Joan of Arc as a shepherdess, but also the sacred aura contained in this innocence that is about to burst out.

It was not easy to do this. Fortunately, with Joan's detailed explanation, he finally understood the essence and painted it with his own brush.

As long as you like it, I'll give it to you. But you may have to wait for a while to get it. Liang En smiled and nodded. This painting was actually a gift from him to Joan, so in He was naturally very happy after seeing Joan of Arc satisfied.

Although his extraordinary power can make the oil in the paint on the canvas evaporate immediately, in order to avoid unnecessary suspicion, he decided to follow the normal process.

Did you give it to me? Thank you so much. After hearing what Liang En said, a bright smile appeared on Jeanne's face. I will treasure this painting well.

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