You mean that old lady is lying to us? Joan of Arc frowned and rode up in thought, But according to me, that person shouldn't have lied to us.

The reason why Joan of Arc said this is because she has a special talent, that is, she is very accurate in identifying people. Almost all cover-ups cannot escape her eyes, and according to her feeling, Mrs. Hannah did not lie just now.

At the same time, from a rational perspective, Mrs. Hannah should not lie, because doing so has no meaning at all to her, let alone bringing benefits to her.

No, I didn't say that the old lady wanted to deceive us. Liang En shook his head gently and said, It's just that the situation of those who helped him investigate is hard to say.

That's why I just asked them for those original documents, because in the context where the specific situation cannot be confirmed, the only thing we can do is to see if we can find any clues from the original documents?

Two days later, Liang En and the others received a parcel sent by Mrs. Hannah in the hotel where they lived. It contained all the clues found in Canada this time.

Let me see what this is? After opening the package, Liang En immediately checked the previous photos. As Mrs. Hannah said before, these photos had obvious signs of wear and tear.

There should be nothing wrong with the photos. After carefully examining the five photos in front of him, Liang En frowned. Although it is a lot blurry compared to the repaired version, the important information inside is the same.

In other words, although these things look abnormal, they are actually real? The expression on Jeanne's face softened. It seems that we were a little too nervous before -

No, our nervousness may be justified. Liang En, who took off his gloves and gently touched the letter, suddenly said, then put the letter under his nose, smelled it gently, and nodded.

These photos may not be as old as they appear, because I smell a very distinct smell of potions, which are usually used to make things look older.

Antique counterfeiting is a very common problem in the antique industry around the world, and the UK is no exception. Liang En learned a lot about cultural relic counterfeiting from Pierce when he was working in this industry.

After touching and smelling, Liang En was able to determine that these photos must have been chemically processed to make them look older.

After all, few normal people would use carbon 14 to test antiques when they see them, so this ancient scam still exists today. It’s just strange that the professionals hired by Mrs. Hannah didn’t see this.

Because although the distressing on this thing looks very similar, anyone with professional training should be able to tell that there is something wrong with these photos as long as they examine it carefully, but no one has ever mentioned this in previous reports.

He randomly selected a photo and used the [Appraisal (N)] card to authenticate it, and the appraisal result also proved his previous conjecture, because the appraisal content showed that this photo was the product of a new photo that had been aged.

Is this to defraud money? Jeanne asked with some confusion after hearing Liang En's final judgment. But I think the lady will find someone to check these things. Little tricks like this will not fool the other party.

It should be like this under normal circumstances, but the current situation is hard to say. Liang En showed a serious expression. What if these two groups of people could collude to deceive?

Collusion? Jeanne frowned. I don't think that old Mrs. Hannah would be on guard against this. At least she is a qualified businessman and it is impossible not to be on guard against this.

But the problem is that she is running many industries now. It is impossible for her to invest the same energy in every industry. What's more, she is older now. There is a high possibility that something will go wrong in this regard. Liang En quickly thought of a possibility. sex.

You know, for those rich people, raising an institution is to bring benefits to themselves, and an institution that only spends money for a long time obviously does not have much value.

So these institutions often use various means to ensure they get enough funding, and this kind of fictitious results is one of them.

It's possible, at least it's more reasonable than the reasons those people told Mrs. Hannah. Joan of Arc nodded. This is just like those guys who lied to me about the military situation when I was leading the army.

After confirming that the five photos were fake, Liang En felt that he had roughly figured out what kind of tricks these people were doing, but the strange thing was that when he checked the Bible, he found that the situation was completely different from what he thought.

Because this Bible is actually a real antique from a hundred years ago, and the important signature on it does not look like it was forged later, but like it was written in almost the same era as this book.

Something is wrong. Liang En felt that things were getting weirder and weirder. Faced with this situation, he once again consumed the card, and then looked at the content of the card's feedback and was stunned.

[The Bible used by Brown’s expedition pastor came from the Ottawa Church and accompanied Brown’s expedition deep into the Arctic Circle in northern Canada. 】

The old Mrs. Hannah's maiden name before she got married was Brown, so if you combine the age and content of this book, you can judge that this Bible is indeed a relic of that expedition team.

What on earth is going on? After learning Liang En's identification result, Jeanne seemed even more confused. Because the current situation is obviously unreasonable.

According to their previous speculation, the other party used those fake photos to defraud money. However, when Liang En and Joan of Arc determined that the Bible indeed belonged to that expedition team, they immediately overturned their original views.

After all, this Bible is enough for the job. It would be enough to hand it in for a year or two, so there is no need to add to it with such fake photos.

I don't know either. Liang En shook his head gently, But I think the key to unlocking these secrets should be in this Bible and those photos.

In addition to the Bible, the five photos are not normal when I recall them now, because there are various techniques for photo fraud, but the technique used here is really too crude.

At least the photos that are truly high-tech fakes will never have that special potion smell that can be smelled by the human nose, nor can they be distinguished from normal old photos by human touch.

Although Liang En's enhanced body is indeed much stronger than that of normal people, these differences can be found by professionals as long as they are careful.

When such things are put together with the Bible, which is truly a historical relic, the contrast is very obvious. It is not so much a flaw, but a clue that was actively left behind.

I think this is someone planning to play an intellectual game with us. Liang En looked at the pile of things in front of him and said, But it may take some time to find the answer to this game.

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