Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 662 Follow-up Processing

The excavation of antiquities at Sutton Hoo went very smoothly, but the next series of trivial matters were not so easy to deal with, such as the ownership of these cultural relics.

Indeed, legally these things should belong to Liang En and the others, but because the excavated things are so precious, the British side needs to conduct a series of communications with Liang En and the others.

At first, the British hoped that Liang En and the others would donate these items, but after being rejected, they stopped mentioning it. After all, Joan of Arc is now a noble and represents the true ruler of this country.

Yes, the Western world does traditionally pay attention to the spirit of contract, but the prerequisite is that the person who signs the contract with them is considered equal to them. In addition, they can tear up the contract at will for the sake of profit.

To take the simplest example, the Spaniard Pizarro captured the Inca emperor and demanded ransom, so the emperor's subjects gathered a huge sum of gold and silver to redeem his freedom.

The ransom was so huge that it is now said to be between 300 and 400 tons, and there was also almost twice that amount of silver. But having received the ransom, Pizarro killed the Inca emperor in his cell on August 29, 1533.

This example shows that according to Western tradition, there are very few people who can be treated equally by them. It can even be described as rare. Fortunately, in most cases, the British aristocracy basically belongs to those who are considered to be equal.

Of course, this is also thanks to the fact that Joan of Arc is a pure white person and a devout Catholic. If it were a yellow person like Liang En, it would not be so easy to keep these things.

Although the entire Western world now repeatedly promotes racial equality, racial discrimination still exists vaguely, or it is precisely because they lack awareness of equality in this area that they have repeatedly emphasized it.

However, even if there is equal treatment, it only means that the other party will abide by the law. For the British side, they will try their best to restrict the holders of these national treasure-level cultural relics.

For example, there will be certain restrictions on the storage and location of those items to ensure that these national treasures will not be destroyed and to try to prevent such national treasures from being lost abroad.

This is why many aristocratic families are overwhelmed by expenditures, because if they want to keep their family treasures, they must spend huge amounts of wealth in this area every year.

In other words, unless Liang En and the others choose to sell these things immediately, they will have to spend a large amount of extra money to find ways to preserve these things. That means we need to build a museum next.

After reading this series of documents, Jeanne shrugged helplessly. She learned this action from movies. In the past, Joan never knew how to do this particularly modern American-style action, but now she feels that this action best reflects her mood.

That is to say, we spent a lot of time, energy and money to find two treasures in less than two months. As a result, not only did we fail to make any cash, but we also had to lose money to repair the museum.

This is called long-term investment. Liang En said with a smile, I believe these museums will bring us huge benefits in the future, and these benefits are not only economic, but also other aspects.

Of course I believe this. Even if I don't know much about it, I know that this kind of museum can bring long-term benefits to a family just like the territory of our time. Joan of Arc nodded.

But the problem now is that your liquidity has been basically occupied by a series of investment projects and museums in the United States, so where are you going to get the money to complete the construction of the museum here.

I know that if we ask Mr. Dulis, he will definitely be willing to lend money, but I think we just received this manor as a gift, so I don't think it is appropriate to owe so many favors in a short period of time.

You are right, but you don't have to worry about the funding issue this time. Liang En comforted Joan. Golden Dawn has said that it is willing to provide long-term interest-free loans, as long as I agree to open the license for cultural relic research to them.

Sutton Hoo Cemetery is definitely a treasure trove for the Golden Dawn, so after learning that the owner of these treasures was Liang En. They quickly submitted their application to Liang En.

Liang En generously approved their application and information sharing request as before, while also telling the other party about his plight and collecting enough money from the members of the Golden Dawn.

The best thing is that favors come and go. Simply owing others favors or letting others owe you favors is not a good thing, so for Liang En, it is not a bad thing to owe others some favors at this time. .

Although building a museum is not a simple matter from funding to design, for the members of the Golden Dawn to gather everyone's strength, it can be built as long as it is not a top museum like the British Museum.

The Sutton Hoo Cemetery found that although it is important enough from various perspectives, it is actually not very large, so building a museum is not a complicated matter physically.

After discussing a series of trivial matters, Liang En and the others came out of the room and rode their bicycles to the visitor center on the other side of the manor to have lunch.

Although cooking for oneself is a very troublesome thing, and cleaning up after cooking is even more troublesome, so instead of cooking for oneself, Liang En and the others prefer to go to the tourist center to eat at every meal time.

Of course, this approach is not aristocratic at all, but for Liang En and others, no matter how their ID cards change, their living habits have not changed much.

However, this does not affect their communication with the so-called upper class society, because their current status does not only come from their own blood, so they naturally have the right to choose how they want to live.

Rights and obligations are always fair. For those who are rich, who they choose as their significant other must completely follow the arrangements of their family. After all, if you enjoy more than ordinary people, you have to give up something.

Of course, this is also related to the Dulis family lineage, because their noble title comes from Joan of Arc, so they themselves advocate simplicity and even tend to live a life of ordinary people.

Of course, Mr. Dulis seems to live a luxurious life purely because he is running a luxury goods industry. Sometimes not dressing luxuriously enough is detrimental to his family's industry.

However, if you go to his home, you will find that his daily life is very ordinary. For example, when it comes to eating, he is not afraid to buy ordinary food directly from the supermarket, and even occasionally eats some fast food.

Yes, barbecue with vegetable salad. After choosing the dishes, Joan brought her dinner to the table, and then looked at the staff and said. It feels like everyone looks happy.

Yes, everyone is indeed very happy. Liang En nodded and said, It's the Chinese New Year soon, so I gave everyone an extra-year bonus equivalent to one week's salary as a red envelope.

More importantly, our discovery this time has brought a bright future to the entire estate, so everyone will naturally feel happy because of the bright future.

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