Beginning in the sixth century AD, which was the time when Sutton Hoo Cemetery was built, Britain began to form seven small kingdoms of the Anglo-Saxons, and the owner of this cemetery is likely to be one of the kings.

Because there are not many specific written records left in this period of history, the most traditional historical circles often refer to this period as the Dark Ages.

Although with the development of modern archeology and the discovery of important relics, people have begun to realize that this period was not as barbaric as previously imagined, but it is difficult to piece together the true history of that era based solely on the artifacts found.

Therefore, under this circumstance, British archeology attaches great importance to any relics of this era, hoping to gradually restore the truth of that era from those scattered data.

Therefore, the top royal cemetery of that era will naturally attract everyone's attention. According to Liang En's guess, if this place is not private property, it is estimated that the British media who can name it will come to watch.

After all, this is an era of pan-entertainment. Even if most news is read out in a rigid way, it is no longer popular. Therefore, content like this that is more serious in nature, but also interesting to a certain extent, is naturally the most popular news content.

It's just that because this manor is an ancient noble manor, the media are not willing to take certain legal risks to enter this private property in a short period of time.

However, with Liang En's live broadcast, these media gradually became aware of the importance of this discovery, and at the same time, their interest in this discovery grew.

Therefore, Liang En also realized that he had to find an opportunity to allow these people to come in for an interview. Otherwise, in this case, the other party would most likely choose to start fabricating news and make the whole thing develop in some bad direction.

So on the third day when we started to excavate those things in the burial chamber in the center of the ship, several cameras were set up beside the big pit, and almost all the British media with some reputation set up cameras beside it.

It feels like we are animals being visited in a zoo now. After looking around at the reporters around the pit, Liang En followed the various racks that had been set up and entered the bottom of the pit and said to Professor Harry who was digging there.

This is normal. After all, what we found this time is an important discovery that can affect British history. Professor Harry raised his head and wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then said.

But this should be a good thing for us, because we need the public to pay attention to archeology and history, and such large-scale publicity is naturally conducive to our purpose.

For these real archaeologists, it is very important to publicize relevant content to the public, so they are naturally quite satisfied with the arrival of these reporters.

Liang En was just joking at this time. He really didn't like the feeling of being surrounded by this group of reporters, but he also knew that the publicity effect brought by this kind of interview was very valuable to this manor. .

Of course I know this, but if you keep watching the digging, I guess everyone won't be interested. Liang En walked to Professor Harry and said while helping him clean up.

Don't worry, we will definitely be able to dig out something today, but it's hard to say what we can dig out. Professor Harry said firmly after confirming that all the cameras could not capture him.

We used a metal detector to detect it yesterday, and we can confirm that there is indeed a large amount of precious metal reaction underneath. Judging from the thickness of the soil here, we can definitely dig out those important things today.

Although Professor Harry is a pure scholar, he does not shy away from using small means that do not violate principles, such as checking the scene in advance when the media is present today to ensure an immediate success.

Okay, I hope we can go well next. Liang En said using a shovel to clean up the gravel and soil on the land in front of him, and then the shovel in his hand hit something hard. I think I've found something.

Dig it out and see what it is. Professor Harry said while busy with what he was doing. Everyone has dug up some iron tools this morning. They are basically exquisitely crafted weapons. Unfortunately, they are too severely corroded.

The local soil is acidic and highly corrosive, so the excavated iron basically turned into a ball of scrap iron, and its weight was at most half of its original value.

However, after a brief cleaning of the excavated iron tools, the gold and garnet patterns inlaid on those iron tools proved that these things should belong to a leader who had a high status at that time.

It should be another piece of iron. Professor Harry, who stood opposite Liang En after digging out the soil in front of him, said, because the thing that appeared in front of him was a piece of iron that was the size of a palm and had an irregular shape.

Indeed, but this should also be the tomb owner's favorite thing, or the most important thing to him. Liang En said while looking at the slightly curved piece of iron.

It is easy to make such a judgment, because this place is the center of the cemetery and the location where the owner of the cemetery should be, so everything unearthed in this place, even a piece of iron sheet, should be valuable.

Soon, Liang En took the piece of iron to a simple laboratory next to the pit, and then began to clean the rust on the iron. It’s just that the rust on the ironware is so thick that it will take more time to clean.

So considering that I have an interview to go to this afternoon, I am the only one in the tent. Liang En finally used the card [Repair (N)].

As the card was consumed, the rust on the piece in front of him gradually receded, but unlike the brand-new iron piece, the iron was still oxidized brown.

At the same time, the parts that were originally covered by the rust were also exposed. It can be clearly seen that this piece of iron has some exquisite reliefs at that time.

There are two people and a horse on this relief. One of the warriors is riding a horse and seems to be preparing to trample another warrior wearing armor with his horse.

This thing seems to be - Liang En frowned when looking at this piece of iron, because this thing seemed to have appeared in his impression.

Although he couldn't remember what it was for a while, he also knew that anything he could remember should have meaning and couldn't be just a simple piece of iron.

Because the card repair speed was too fast, Liang En stayed in the tent fishing for more than an hour before going out to find Professor Harry.

At this time, Professor Harry had given up on the excavation site and was cleaning up two or three meters away. Judging from his cautious appearance, he should have discovered something valuable.

Look what I found. After seeing Liang En coming, Professor Harry showed him what he had just dug out. I'm sure reporters are going to be crazy about this stuff.

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