Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 651 Plans and Changes

As the only superpower in the world, the United States ranks first in total GDP in the world. In this case, although the income of Americans is not low, it is definitely not as high as some people imagine.

According to statistics from a few years ago, the per capita annual income in the United States was US$39,000, and the median annual per capita income was US$27,300. That is to say, if you earn US$27,300 a year, your income is already higher than half of Americans. .

The amount of bonuses given out by Liang En in this salvage work is definitely not small. Depending on the contribution made by everyone, the amount received by individuals ranges from US$15,000 to US$100,000.

Among them, divers get the most rewards. Although this is only diving in shallow waters and is relatively safe overall, they are indeed the hardest working people who work underwater for several hours a day, so they can naturally get the most bonuses according to the contract.

Of course, as pure technical personnel, divers definitely earn much more money than the average American income, but earning hundreds of thousands of dollars a month in bonuses, wages, and allowances is not a small amount of money.

The two chefs on the ship earn the least, but because they are also an indispensable part of the entire team and also do a series of porting and other tasks after work, they can also earn more than 20,000 US dollars this month.

This is definitely good news for the two chefs on the two ships. One of them is a Mexican with four children at home, and the other is a black single mother with three children who really need money.

To be honest, their cooking skills were only in the top 10% of the applicants at that time, not the top. From a technical point of view, they were not the best choice.

Liang En and the others were willing to choose these two people simply because they were still willing to assume their responsibilities to the family under such circumstances, so they felt that they were more reliable.

For companies that are engaged in front-line treasure hunting, the most important thing is reliability rather than technology. At least for most people, technology can be learned slowly, but character cannot be cultivated slowly.

The ship quietly sailed into the port amidst laughter and laughter, and when he disembarked with the pile of things, Liang En was surprised to find Elizabeth Bathory standing on the dock waiting for him.

What happened. After getting off the boat and walking to the dock, Liang En looked at Elizabeth Bathory and asked nervously, because under normal circumstances, the other party would not come to the dock to look for him. Has the situation changed here?

There is indeed a little change. Elizabeth nodded. However, this has nothing to do with the previously signed agreement. It is mainly because the local officials came to us and hoped that we should make some changes to our plan.

Change? Which aspect are you referring to? Liang En frowned, because unplanned situations are often not good news, and sometimes they may even completely affect the original plan.

The other party sent someone to come here specifically, hoping that we can keep the museum here. Elizabeth said seriously, And I think this matter should be discussed with you.

I remember that we had decided to put the museum in New York before. Do you have any new ideas now? After hearing what Elizabeth said, Liang En stopped and stared into each other's eyes seriously.

I think we have discussed it before. Putting the museum in New York will attract more tourists in the future and it will be more convenient to enhance its reputation. But it is obviously not as good as here.

Unlike some niche art museums, the exhibits displayed in future shipwreck museums must be in line with the public's taste, so it will be best if it is placed in a place with a large flow of people.

Yes, but after a series of investigations recently, I found that our previous ideas were not perfect and had some flaws overall. Elizabeth nodded.

This is partly because I found that our museum can be regarded as an archaeological museum, and as an archaeological museum, the closer it is to the archaeological site, the better. If it is far away from the archaeological site, it is likely to cause certain problems.

What you said makes sense, but this is an exhibition of cultural relics salvaged from the ocean, so the geographical direction of the exhibits in the museum is not obvious. There is no need to be close to the place where the water was released. Liang En shook his head.

Of course this is one of the reasons you mentioned, but if it were just this reason, I would still insist on placing the future museum in New York, because this advantage is not comparable to New York's advantages at all.

You are right, so what I value now is the second advantage here. Elizabeth nodded and continued. Florida is willing to provide us with better policies, certainly better than New York.

Liang En believed what Elizabeth said, because there were so many museums in the New York area, many of which were world-class museums, so even if Liang En really owned a museum in New York, he would not receive any special treatment.

Policies that can make you change your mind must not be too ordinary. After hearing what Elizabeth said, Liang En also became serious, What conditions did they offer?

Long-term tax relief. Elizabeth took out a document and handed it to Liang En and said. “At the same time, it can also provide us with museum venue space and ancillary commercial land at a low price.”

It seems that the other party has indeed spent a lot of money this time. Liang En said after taking the document from Elizabeth's hand and looking at it, because Florida sells venues and other items at almost cost price, and at the same time, there is a huge tax discount.

To give the simplest example, museums opened by Liang En tend to charge low admission fees, and profits mainly come from various surrounding commercial activities, such as the Mucha Art Museum in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic.

However, perhaps because the various Mucha-style souvenirs designed by Liang En are indeed popular, the profit level of the museum is very good, not even lower than that of a well-run food processing factory of the same size.

The same is true for the future museum used for marine salvage. In fact, Liang En had already discussed the museum's profits with Elizabeth before he started salvaging.

based on their analysis results. The imitations of jewelry alone can make a lot of money, not to mention common peripherals such as postcards and keychains. Even if the ticket price is reduced to the minimum, it will not affect his income.

However, the low ticket price in terms of tax is a good thing, because it means that the museum has some kind of public welfare nature and meets the criteria for tax exemption.

This is indeed quite attractive. Liang En also had to admit that the conditions proposed by Florida are attractive enough. I will consider what you said.

Okay, but we don't need to be too anxious about this. At least we still have two months to think about and make a final analysis. Elizabeth nodded and said seriously.

After all, it will take some time to organize and register the salvaged things, and this time is enough for Liang En to understand the current situation and make a final judgment.

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