Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 648 The Atocha Motherlode

Because of the phased results achieved, everyone had a very sumptuous dinner that day. Liang En specially ordered people to purchase a lot of fresh vegetables and meat from the land and send them to the ship.

For the United States, nothing is impossible as long as you have money, so everyone successfully held a sumptuous banquet in the evening to wash away the fatigue of the past few days.

Early the next morning, everyone weighed anchor and set off toward a place closer to Key West, because in Liang En's memory, the treasure accumulation point in another world called the Atoka Mother Lode was over there.

And from a purely hydrological and meteorological point of view, there are more shelters closer to the coastline, which is more conducive to the sedimentation and accumulation of wreckage of sunken ships.

How much is the value of the things we salvaged before? On the way to the destination, Jeanne sat on a chair and asked Liang En, who was half lying on the bed reading a book.

Although Joan of Arc is currently working hard to learn various things related to history, for him, price is still the most convenient criterion for judging the preciousness of cultural relics.

More importantly, unlike the previous excavations, the things unearthed in this excavation belong to Liang En and the others, so Joan of Arc feels that it is very important to understand the value of these things.

You seem to be more and more familiar with controlling these things now. After hearing Joan's question, Liang En put down his book and looked at her with a smile. He didn't give the answer until her cheeks turned crimson.

As for the things I dug up before, I estimate it to be between 500 million and 600 million US dollars. The part that we can sell freely should be able to get between 300 million and 350 million, while other things need to go through procedures before they can be sold. It would be more troublesome to drop it.”

A large amount of money is probably more than all the wealth we have now. After hearing what Liang En said, Jeanne opened her eyes somewhat, because she had never thought that there would be such a thing before. Such a big sum of money.

But I don't plan to sell these things, because compared to selling some parts and exhibiting some, it should be a very valuable thing to exhibit these things as a whole. Liang En told Joan. made his own plan.

Then what if we need money? Jeanne frowned when Liang En said this. If I remember correctly, Elizabeth has been wanting money to develop industries recently.

Of course it's a loan. Liang En raised his eyebrows and said, Don't forget, whether it is emeralds, gold nuggets or silver nuggets, they are the most popular collateral for various banks. With these, you can easily borrow money from the bank. Borrow enough money.”

In financial services, banks prefer to provide icing on the cake rather than providing help when the time is right. Therefore, it is not difficult to apply for a loan if there is sufficient collateral.

Especially in recent times, the overall global economic situation has not been very good, so these gold, silver and gems that can maintain their value under this situation are more favored by banks, and they can lend more money than usual.

After driving for six hours, Liang En and the others successfully arrived at the predetermined target location. As before, the target location exceeded ten square kilometers, so the natural thing to do at the beginning was to use metal detectors for large-scale detection. .

This kind of metal detector is a magnetic induction metal detector, which has the same principle as the same type of equipment used on anti-submarine submarine ships. The only difference is that the overall quality is not as good as those military versions.

Of course, another major problem with this instrument is that it is difficult to detect things that are too small. Only a certain amount of metal can cause the instrument to react, but this does not affect Liang En's use.

After all, what he is searching for now is a lot of gold and silver jewelry. Theoretically, the metal inside may weigh more than ten tons. In this case, it is absolutely impossible to miss it with the instruments they are using now.

When will we find our target? When it was getting dark, Liang En walked in and asked the captain about the overall search progress in this sea area.

The situation is hard to say. The fifty-year-old captain looked at Liang En and said, Now we are only searching a small part of the entire area. If we are lucky, we may be able to get it all done in the next hour. If you’re unlucky, it’ll take a week.”

Sometimes this kind of search requires luck the most. Unfortunately, finding so many things seemed to have exhausted all Liang En's luck, so that they found nothing for the next three days.

Liang En also tried to use divination again, but found that the area of ​​​​the sea area had exceeded the upper limit of what he could bear now, and it was impossible to divine the specific location. So after going around for a while, the only way I could do it was to rule out a certain area of ​​the sea through divination every day and gradually narrow down the area that needed to be searched.

In fact, Liang En originally planned to use divination to continuously narrow down the scope of the search. What I didn't expect was that this thing can only be searched once and cannot be superimposed repeatedly, so I can only adopt this stupid method.

Although he didn't know why it happened like this, Liang En guessed that it was probably because the card itself had a way to prevent users from taking some opportunistic measures, which also meant that the search time was likely to be very long.

Fortunately, their luck was not bad. On the third day of the search, Liang En, who was sitting in front of the metal detector display, finally heard the alarm sound caused by a large amount of metal.

As soon as they heard the alarm, the people who had been resting in various cabins in the ship immediately rushed out of the cabin and got busy. They quickly put the underwater robot into the water through the ramp at the stern, and then controlled the robot to rush to the destination.

Because the local seabed is also sandy, the robot quickly started cleaning work after reaching the seabed. As the water worked, the sediment was blown up from the seabed and made the water in front of the camera turbid.

Wait a minute. Just when the sediment floating in the water in front of the display screen began to settle, Liang En suddenly said to the robot operator. Can you turn the camera down a little bit?

No problem, Mr. Liang. After hearing Liang En's order, the operator quickly shook the handle to control the robot to swim downward, and then his eyes widened. Oh my god——

It seems that I was right to come with you this time. Mr. Scord looked at the video with an equally excited expression. Can I go down and take a photo later? Don't worry, I have a diving license.

Of course it's no problem, I just want the divers to confirm that it's safe down there. Liang En turned his head and said to Mr. Scord next to him.

To be honest, Mr. Scord is very proficient in these skills related to archaeological exploration, but he has some bad luck, so that he has never unearthed anything valuable.

The reason why everyone is so excited is because after blowing away the sand and stones on the surface of the seabed, there is a golden patch below, which looks dazzling.

A large chunk of the mud on the seabed was removed, and the pit was filled with dense gold coins, mixed with some jewelry and gems. It looked like there was a huge treasure house below the ground.

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