Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 641 An unexpected push

I finally finished attending the banquet. I will definitely collapse if I attend a few more. At the last planned buffet reception, Liang En raised his glass and complained to Joan.

Different from the previous ones, this party was not held in a private mansion, but in the banquet hall of a hotel. The people invited were people from all walks of life. In addition to nobles and wealthy people, there were also Some stars and artists.

This kind of banquet is much better than the banquet in a noble mansion, because banquets in noble mansions often follow some ancient habits.

To give the simplest example, the nobles have their own fixed recipes during many important holidays, which is why Liang En and the others eat weird things like black pudding and haggis.

These strange things appeared at a noble's banquet and were a feature of their family's banquet. They must be served even if no one eats them.

You're right, I can't wait to start a new trip. After listening to Liang En's complaint, Joan replied in the same low voice, To be honest, I feel that this environment makes me feel suffocated.

Although Joan of Arc was once a French marshal and had the name of a saint, and her treatment of others was no worse than those of the nobles, she still believed that she was just a lucky ordinary person, so she naturally didn't like these things now.

Fortunately, Liang En also found someone he knew at such a gathering: a member of the Golden Dawn who was a professor of museum science at the University of Glasgow, so chatting with several people did not seem boring.

At the same time, this party was an open party, so people kept coming in and out. Just when Liang En was chatting happily with the professor in front of him, a somewhat unexpected acquaintance appeared next to them.

This acquaintance was Mr. Scold. As a shipping tycoon, it was not strange for him to receive such an invitation. After looking around the hall, the other party quickly found Liang En chatting with someone.

He had previously made an appointment with Liang En to go to the Siberian wilderness of Russia to dig mammoth ivory together this past summer, but in the end they let each other go.

The reason why Liang En didn't go was because he had a very important job at hand and couldn't get out of it. And Mr. Scord was just out of luck:

He originally planned to travel to Siberia in the summer, but as a result, he had made all preparations and planned to take Liang En with him less than three days before setting off, when a small car accident occurred in his manor.

The car accident was purely caused by him being distracted while driving, so that when he got out of the car, he misstepped his foot and sprained his foot.

This may only be a minor injury to a young man, but for an old man like him, the injury was indeed serious. It even caused a fracture in the ankle bone, and he had to sit in a wheelchair and rest for several months.

As a result, he will naturally be unable to travel to Siberia in the summer. Even now I have to use crutches to avoid any problems with my newly recovered legs and feet.

Of course, this minor injury did not affect Mr. Scord's love for exploration work. The first time he saw Liang En, he asked about Liang En's new adventure plan.

I have a sea expedition ready to go. Theoretically, there will be a fortune of hundreds of millions of dollars waiting for me at the bottom of the sea. After apologizing to the professor, Liang En and the others walked to the corner with Scood. Li talked about his plan.

After all, Mr. Scood has a large amount of wealth, and his previous cooperation and Liang En's intelligence network have fully proved that the other party is a reliable person, so he will reveal this now.

Salvage at sea sounds like a very good thing. Can you take me with you for this kind of thing? After hearing that Liang En said that he was going to salvage at sea soon, Scood showed an excited expression.

On the one hand, salvaging wealth from the seabed is indeed a very interesting thing. On the other hand, judging from Skold's legs and feet that have not yet fully recovered, this kind of salvage work is obviously more suitable for him than trekking long distances on land.

I don't mind participating in this search, but the problem is which location is within the territorial waters of the United States. Only licensed ships can salvage, and we have already applied for salvaging ships before. Liang En answered helplessly.

It's okay. I'm not the kind of person who can't endure hardships. As long as you allow me to get on the ship. After hearing what Liang En said, Scood waved his hand and continued.

I have been at sea all my life and know the rules here. If I remember correctly, the other party will only restrict your ship and the equipment on the ship, but not the number of people on it.

Okay, you're right. Liang En said with a smile. I hope everything goes well for us. If there are no accidents, we may go to the United States within a month to start salvage work.

Agreeing for Mr. Scord to participate in exploratory activities is not a big problem for Liang En. After all, he participates in such activities purely to satisfy his own spiritual needs and will not cause any disputes.

No problem, but what is the main problem that you can't start work now? After listening to Liang En's words, Mr. Scood nodded and said, Is it an equipment problem, or -

The main issue is approval. Our overall intention negotiation has ended, but now there is still a certain debate about the number of our personnel and equipment. The United States hopes to go through these things one by one and has been working out the details with us.

This is easy to solve, please let me handle it. Scood smiled slightly after listening to Liang En and said, I'm not as good as you in finding various treasures, but you are definitely not as good as me in solving this kind of problem.

Thank you then. Liang En thanked him from the bottom of his heart, because he knew that everything else about him was fine, but the interpersonal relationship was far inferior to that of some established families.

It is normal for this situation to occur. After all, it takes a long time to gradually establish interpersonal relationships, and it may even take several generations of accumulation.

Liang En's development is so fast that he can basically be regarded as a nouveau riche, so those things that take time to accumulate are naturally not as good as those of an established wealthy family like the Scood family.

Even the arrival of Joan of Arc did not change all this. After all, even when she was the Marshal of France, her handling of this aspect was very average. Otherwise, she would not have gone out alone after the breakup with the French King and finally sacrificed her life.

Elizabeth Bathory is indeed good at handling this aspect of work, but sometimes if there is not enough time to accumulate, no matter how strong this aspect is, it will be difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without straw.

So at this time, the relationship network has become a very valuable thing. For example, Mr. Scood only needs to make a few phone calls to solve the problem that Liang En and the others have been struggling with for a long time.

Liang En received a call from Elizabeth that night. According to what was said on the phone, they had made significant achievements in the negotiations. If there were no problems, the contract would be signed in a week, and then the salvage work could begin.

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