Yes, your guess is very reasonable. For Boudica, whose defeat is certain, it would be better to destroy these things than let them fall into the hands of the Romans. Liang En recalled the events in history. After recording, he said to Joan of Arc.

After all, Queen Boudica has been fighting the ancient Romans throughout her life, and it is normal for her to make this decision to die together.

And this can explain why the things they found on the top of the mountain were fragments that had been destroyed by humans, because Queen Boudica did not want her things to be captured.

At this moment, Liang En suddenly found that there were several new cards in his mind, which proved that his previous guess was completely correct. This place was indeed the battlefield of the war that decided the fate of Britain. .

As for those gold-plated copper decorations, they should be the relics left by the legendary queen, so they can be used as representatives of this historical event and as an opportunity for the appearance of cards.

There are nine cards in total this time, seven of which are common consumption N cards, and the other two are an R card and an SR card, which can be regarded as a discovery that harvests a lot of cards at once.

In the following time, Liang En and the others called others to study their previous findings. After briefly explaining their reasons, everyone basically agreed with their findings.

In other words, everyone is willing to admit that this is indeed the location where the legendary Battle of Whitling Avenue broke out, but they have reservations about whether the things dug out belong to Queen Boudica.

But even so, the scholars who witnessed an important mystery in history being solved were all very excited, and even invited chefs from several nearby restaurants to hold a simple buffet here that night.

So until he was resting at night, Liang En was finally able to find time to check out the newly acquired cards. Compared with the money and reputation gained later, the cards were what Liang En valued most.

The first thing to check was naturally the common consumable cards. This time he got a total of two [Appraisal (N)], two [Detection (N)] and three [Legendary Power (N)].

Compared with the previous search work, the number and proportion of [Legendary Power (N)] cards he obtained this time was indeed greater, probably because Queen Boudica also has a high status in myths and legends.

As for the other two cards, they are all enhanced cards. One of the cards is [Druid Book (R)] and the other card is [Sagittarius Guardian (SR)]

[Druid Books (R): Druids are an ancient religious clergy. They are proficient in divination and are good at calendars, medicine, astronomy and literature... At the same time, they are also law enforcers, bards and explorers.

The ancient meaning of the druid name is one who is familiar with the oak tree. The famous Merlin from King Arthur's time is said to be a wizard with extraordinary powers.

But in fact, he should be a Druid with considerable practice. The word Merlin originally referred to those Druid wizards who were proficient in the arts of poetry and vision (divination).

Europeans today tend to think of Druids as champions of nature and neutrality, hermits who made the entire wilderness their home, using their special powers to protect nature and bring balance to the world.

But traditionally, Druid priests would only pass it on orally from master to disciple. After several large-scale wars, as the Romans killed those Druids and destroyed the Druids' holy places, this A religion disappears into history.

During the Battle of Whitling Avenue, members of the Druids dressed in black jumped among the Celtic troops, roaring the names of the gods and harshly cursing the Roman Empire.

After the Roman victory, they not only massacred all the Celtic soldiers, but also bloodbathed the Druids and abandoned the corpses of their priests in the sacred forests of the Druids...and now, these powers have been summoned again.

Strengthen card (one-time use). By consuming this card, you can master all the knowledge equivalent to that of an advanced Druid. Of course, this knowledge is limited to professional knowledge related to Druid. 】

A purely academic card. Liang En commented after reading the content on this card. Of course, this is not as good as those cards that can bring extraordinary power, but it is still very meaningful to him.

After all, the persona he has set for himself now is that of a scholar, so it is naturally not a bad thing to have more academic knowledge about history. And because he was publishing papers non-stop before, there is obviously nothing wrong with adding some inventory now.

As usual, Liang En would publish relevant papers every time he made a discovery to increase his reputation. After all, many cards brought him knowledge that would have cost him his life in ancient times. Today it is only worth writing a paper.

After reading the first card, Liang En turned his attention to the card [Sagittarius Guardian (SR)]. Different from the usual situation, this card is a rare enhanced card with extraordinary power. .

According to Liang En's own previous speculation, the reason why this kind of card had a low probability of being obtained before is because the enhancement provided by cards with extraordinary power may involve upgrading the soul and body.

Considering Liang En's current level, this powerful upgrade is likely to involve too many changes to the real world, so it is not surprising that it is restricted.

According to Liang En's analysis, the high probability of getting such a card this time is because Queen Boudica is so important in British history, so she can gather so much information and convert it into the power of the card.

[Sagittarius Guardian (SR): The time represented by Sagittarius is November 23rd to December 21st. It is the ninth house of the zodiac, located east of Scorpio and west of Capricorn.

Sagittarius is the constellation that symbolizes the coming of winter and is also a fire sign. As the patron goddess of Sagittarius, the legend of Boudica will bring special power to users through cards.

Enhancement card (one-time use). By consuming this card, the user can obtain the protection from Sagittarius. The enhancement provided by this protection is mainly divided into two aspects.

The user will be enhanced in shooting. This enhancement mainly refers to a series of shooting-related contents such as dynamic vision, arm stability and overall coordination. The degree of enhancement can allow an ordinary person to reach the level of an excellent shooter.

At the same time, the user will also be strengthened in terms of fire. After the user is strengthened, any cards related to fire will be strengthened by 10%. 】

These are cards that don't look magical, but are very useful. After using two cards, Liang En sighed softly.

This is especially true for the second card, especially since the enhancement of flames is not limited to the use of flame attacks. Whether it is making jewelry or cooking, all flame-related skills have received this enhancement.

This can also confirm from another aspect that this place is indeed the place where the famous battle broke out in history, because only in this way can enough information be extracted from it to form such a powerful card.

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