Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 631 Harvest and News

It has to be said that the guys who can hold top auctions are indeed strong enough. Not long after the time entered January, Liang En and the others got the results of the entire matter.

According to the results, the culprit of the entire incident has completely disappeared, leaving only a portion of the assets for everyone to distribute.

These things feel a bit—— Liang En looked at the list sent with a puzzled expression, because these things were all mainly luxuries with little practicality.

There is no way, this group of lawless gangsters are always drunk now. So many of them are willing to spend money on these purchases. The person in charge of the auction also looked helpless. You can pick something for 1 million euros.

Okay, let me take a look. Liang En took the tablet and picked it out. To be honest, he was not interested in many of these things, but it was definitely not appropriate to not want anything at this time.

What is this? When he turned to the end of the list, something caught Liang En's attention. Because this item was completely different from the previous luxuries, it seemed a bit strange to put it here.

An underwater robot with an effective depth of 1,500m. The person in charge of the auction said after taking a look. This is what this group of criminals used for underwater salvage.

Although it sounds ridiculous to say that criminals carry out underwater salvage work, in fact this is what this group of criminal gangs often do.

Considering that Albania is close to the Adriatic Sea and the Aegean Sea, there are naturally a large number of underwater monuments nearby on the seabed.

For example, the Aegean Sea region in the south was the core area of ​​ancient Greek civilization and the later Eastern Roman Empire, so there are naturally a large number of shipwrecks from ancient Greece, ancient Rome, and the Middle Ages underwater.

As for the Adriatic Sea to the west, it was the only way for Venice, the maritime power of the Renaissance, to pass through the Mediterranean. There are also a large number of sunken ships on the seabed.

These places are hidden treasures for archaeologists, but they are also small treasuries for these outlaws.

Especially for those criminal organizations that rely on selling antiques as their main revenue, it is basically impossible not to steal such a large treasure trove.

You know, at least before the Age of Discovery, ships sailed as close to the coast as possible, so the water depth where the ships sank was not very deep. As long as you have a diving suit and an oxygen bottle, you can start to fish out the treasures from the water.

Of course, simply relying on manual salvage would not be very efficient, so the other party finally bought high-end equipment such as a diving robot, which was then seized during this operation.

Liang En actually turned a blind eye to this kind of professional equipment, so he simply asked Fan Meng to make a temporary business trip to Montenegro to see how this set of equipment was doing.

Although it is the Christmas holiday, it is not a holiday for Fan Meng. After all, his father is purely Chinese, and the Orthodox Christmas that his mother believes in does not fall on this day, so he has no objection to this business trip. .

Early the next morning, Fan Meng flew to the capital of Montenegro with two white knight professionals, and then took a car to Bar Harbor, the largest port in the Republic of Montenegro.

This thing is now in a good condition and can be used at any time. After seeing the submersible robot in a warehouse at the port, several people checked it together for about half an hour, and then Fan Meng called Liang En to report it. .

As a civilian diving robot, the new price of this robot is at least around US$1.8 million. Now that 80% of the new robots are priced at US$1 million, we are definitely taking advantage.

Then take this thing. After hearing what Fan Meng said, Liang En immediately made the decision and said, We will have a seabed salvage plan after the beginning of the new year. Having such a robot will be beneficial to our operations.

After putting down the phone, Liang En walked back to the desk and began to decipher the manuscript he had bought at their meeting. As he deciphered, the content of the alchemy gradually became clear.

The four elements of earth, water, fire and wind, as well as the three elements of sulfur, mercury and salt, seem to be quite basic contents. Liang En murmured to himself as he looked at the first few translated pages.

But just when he was about to continue translating, his phone rang. Liang En frowned and grabbed the phone, only to find that the caller was Pierce.

Brother, you finally called me. What's the matter? Although the two of them have been very busy with too many things recently and have no time to meet, they still keep in touch through various means of communication. Keep in touch.

However, under normal circumstances, they often use the Internet to communicate in their leisure time, and calling can only mean one thing, that is, there are some important things that need to be informed to him.

I have received some strange things recently, and these things are not normal. I am worried that they may be involved in some illegal excavation work. Pierce said slightly nervously on the phone.

After all, his Emerald Thrift Store now owns a large part of Liang En's shares, so abnormal situations like this must be reported to Liang En.

These things should be products of the ancient Roman era, but it's hard for me to determine what they are just by looking at the photos? If it's convenient, I want to go to London. After looking at a few photos carefully, Liang En said seriously said.

Judging from the photos, these things are rusty iron tools, but from the shape of these iron tools, it can be vaguely seen that these things should have been some armor weapons in the past.

However, if you want to understand what these things are, you still need to go to the scene to see those things. It is difficult to judge the specific situation simply by looking at the photos.

Of course, of course, you are welcome to come and have a look in our store. Pierce smiled. You will definitely be surprised this time because now we have a better place to operate.

Is that the rented house near Knightsbridge? I used to feel good just looking at the photos, but this time I have to actually go and see it. Liang En said with a smile after hearing what Pierce said.

Yes, this store has been open for a month, and the overall business can be said to be booming. Pierce said proudly. “I believe the Emerald Thrift Store will take a giant step forward from now on.”

That's right, I hope everything goes well. Liang En said after taking a look. He knew that the competition would only become more intense in the future, and it took more than just money to gain a foothold in this place.

Fortunately, the scrap metal found made Liang En realize that an opportunity had appeared in front of him, because based on the appearance of those things, he felt that the next discovery might be very important.


For such a store that sells antiques, an important historical discovery can have a strong boost to the company. At least for those consumers, important discoveries are the things that can best prove the level of an antique company.

That's why Liang En paid so much attention to this discovery, because he felt that there was probably an unknown discovery behind these things.

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