Now our folk museum finally has enough attractive exhibits. Mr. Pavel, the director of the museum, said while looking at the boxes that were moved to the warehouse.

That's good, but I would like to ask, when will these things be put on display? Liang En asked, looking at the obviously depressed museum. In his heart, he also hoped that the museum could return to its earliest bustling scene as soon as possible.

“This may not be put into the exhibition area until January next year.” Mr. Pavel shook his head and said, “It will take some time to classify and register these things in detail, and more importantly, it will be Christmas then. Everyone must have a holiday in the middle.”

Yes, it's almost Christmas. Liang En finally reacted after the other party said this. After all, he had never been in the habit of celebrating Christmas, so he didn't think of this at all.

Well, when you finish sorting these things, put them out. I think the situation will get better soon.

Many times, it is better to leave professional matters to professionals than to take the trouble to do it yourself. For example, Liang En adheres to this point of view and leaves all matters related to the museum to Mr. Pavel.

Of course, another advantage of doing this is that you can be lazy. After all, it is true that you have a higher degree of control if you take everything into your own hands, but the price you have to pay for being so busy is really too high. Only by knowing how to combine work and rest can It's the right way.

Even so, Liang En could not rest, because when he just returned to Dublin, he received an invitation from Golden Dawn, inviting him to participate in a high-level auction in London.

This auction quota is very precious, because only those with specific identities are allowed to participate, and these people, no matter how high their status is, are not allowed to participate in the auction with inappropriate companions. Nelson introduced over the phone. auctions.

Unsuitable companion, what does this mean? Liang En asked curiously after hearing Nelson's introduction, because he was used to participating in these activities with companions instead of alone.

It's just some identity requirements. Nelson explained seriously. It seemed that this was not the first time he answered such a question. Like many places in the UK, there are requirements for admission.

The British have traditionally had clear rules about what kind of people should do what. For example, people from different classes do not actually intersect whether they go to school, work, or play. It is as if they live in two worlds.

Therefore, it is normal for an auction like this to set a threshold. In other words, it would be strange if such a high-level auction did not set a threshold.

Can you tell me the specifics of these requirements? After hearing what Nelson said, Liang En asked, You know, I am more accustomed to bringing my companions.

Are you referring to Miss Dark? Don't worry, she will definitely be able to follow you. As soon as Liang En finished speaking, Nelson said immediately.

As the next Duke of Manchester and the first female heir to the Dukedom of Manchester, the auction will naturally welcome her to the auction house.

Traditionally, the title of Duke of Manchester can only be inherited by men. However, this time Mr. Dulis' own family has a tradition of women inheriting titles, so a series of activities were carried out before inheriting the title this time.

Fortunately, the inheritance law revised in 1963 made a beginning for this kind of thing. In addition, the Duris family did have such a tradition, so they successfully obtained the Queen's permission and modified the inheritance of the title of Duke of Manchester. Way.

Because Mr. Doulis had held a series of banquets and receptions to publicize his heir, the upper class society in the UK naturally knew that Joan of Arc was the next Duke of Manchester.

Therefore, after Liang En asked this question, Nelson immediately thought of the short-haired girl who stood next to Liang En all the time and answered.

This was indeed our mistake, because the previous Duke of Manchester would never accept our invitation, so we simply didn't invite him. As a result, we forgot after this change.

But don't worry, we will definitely help Miss Dahl get the invitation to the auction before the auction starts.

For a country like the UK, the heir of a duke is still part of the upper class no matter how downcast he is. As long as he doesn't directly and publicly refuse invitations like the previous duke, this kind of thing will definitely involve the other party.

So on the next day, Joan of Arc received the invitation from the other party. In addition, because it was the first time for both Liang En and Joan of Arc to participate in this kind of auction, Nelson also brought them A detailed instruction manual was provided.

There are many things recorded in the instructions, mainly some auction procedures and some requirements for participants when participating in the auction. For example, participants are required to wear formal attire.

Of course, in addition to the introduction to the auction, the organizer also gave newcomers like Liang En and Jeanne a questionnaire to investigate some simple facts about them.

Why do they want to ask us if we are allergic to certain foods? Looking at the forms attached to Qinjian, Joan held the pen and showed a thoughtful expression.

Because this kind of auction is not just an auction. Liang En said after turning the content in his hand to the last page and looking at it. “This comes with a corresponding dinner and drinks reception.”

The reason for registering these things is also very simple. After all, this kind of top-notch wine party has very high requirements. Naturally, there must be no problem with a guest due to food allergies.

In other words, those rich people turned this into a party belonging to the upper class. Joan of Arc said with a smile and shook her head. Just like in my day, these people are always trying to throw as many parties as possible.

Yes, communication is naturally a very important thing for them, especially at this critical moment before Christmas. The reason why everyone comes together is definitely not just to buy or sell something. Liang En nodded.

Can you sell things? Joan of Arc asked puzzledly. I thought these people were just using the auction to purchase something.

In Joan's eyes, those who can participate in such auctions are either rich or noble. So it's hard to imagine anyone selling their stuff in this place.

Of course, this is also part of communication. After all, most of the real good things are in the hands of these people, and this kind of auction can also help those who need to raise money to obtain money decently.

Insufficient money does not only happen to the poor, so it is normal that auctions like this, which can help those with money and status solve this problem in a decent way, are so popular. .

Liang En also planned to take this opportunity to sell some goods. For example, he would find some common goods from those previously excavated in Bavaria and sell them. While clearing the inventory, he would also establish a good relationship with these people.

Although these items are not considered treasures, they can be used as a warm-up auction due to their wide audience, so Liang En plans to take two days to carefully select the auction items.

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