Compared with the humidity outside, the cave may be very dry due to better design. This is good news, because metal objects in the industrial era are easily corroded and will quickly turn into a ball of scrap metal in a humid environment. .

Because Fan Meng took photos of those boxes, Liang En quickly recognized through the words and patterns on the boxes that these boxes were the boxes used by the Germans to pack ammunition during World War II.

Have we applied for an excavation permit before? After taking a look at the photo, Liang En turned to look at Louis and asked, because this question was related to the benefits of this search work.

Of course, in this case we are willing to apply for the corresponding permission. Louis nodded and said seriously. This is our rule, and I can't break it. But 15,000 euros a month is really too expensive.

The Bavaria region in this world has a lot of treasure legends like the Bavaria region in Liang En's previous world, so Bavaria in this world has launched some projects related to treasure hunting.

For example, if you pay money and apply in advance, you will be allowed to excavate certain permitted areas for a period of time, and those excavated items can be owned by the treasure hunter.

Of course, not everything excavated can be taken away. For example, any crispy looted items must be returned unconditionally, while items before 1900 need to be handed over.

However, unlike the first case, in the second case, German officials will handle it according to the law of buried objects, and will give the diggers the equivalent of this

Those who dig up things get half the money as a bonus. Another item that requires special handling is weapons. If a weapon is unearthed, unless you have the appropriate permission, you can only exchange it for money and not take away the weapon itself.

That's good, it seems we can find a lot this time. Liang En nodded with satisfaction after learning that Louis and the others had completed all the procedures before.

Although the gun license in his hand only allows him to own a semi-automatic rifle at most, because of the White Knight Security Company, he can keep it even if he gets a large-caliber artillery or tank, but he needs to be affiliated with the White Knight Security Company. .

After using the simple equipment they carried to confirm that there was no radiation or toxic substances inside, several people carefully entered the room after confirming the remaining time of oxygen in the oxygen bottles.

The reason why they brought these high-level protective suits all the way and wore them is simple. That is, the Germans produced a large amount of poison gas during World War II, so it never hurts to be prepared for safety reasons.

Let's go in and take a look, but before going in, everyone should check their own oxygen bottles. When there is only ten minutes of oxygen left, everyone will go out.

Liang En, who was standing at the door, gave one last warning and then walked into the warehouse with everyone. At this time, several people with head-mounted cameras turned on the cameras.

On the one hand, he did this because Liang En came here to hunt for treasures openly and there was nothing he couldn't show others. On the other hand, he did this to avoid any quarrels in the future without evidence.

After entering the cave, they immediately used flashlights to shine around, and found that the cave was filled with boxes of all sizes, leaving only a small passage for people to pass through.

Let's open a few and take a look first. Liang En said while looking at the boxes with different specifications. In theory, the boxes containing different items should look different in appearance, but considering that many of these boxes look like they are recycled product, so you have to take a look to determine what’s inside.

Let me take a look. At this time, Fan Meng took out the endoscope he had just used and carefully inserted it through the crack on the side of a box. He then opened the tablet he carried with him and projected what the camera captured on the screen. .

What was displayed on the palm-sized screen were cylindrical metal barrels as thick as a calf, with German writing on them. The first time he saw Devin, Liang En felt that the hair on his body stood up.

Damn it! This thing is the propellant barrel used by the German sFH18 150mm howitzer. Liang En said here, shaking the wooden box with his hand. And there's something in there.

In the next ten minutes, Liang En and the others carefully checked 20 boxes, and found that they contained basically all kinds of ammunition, ranging from pistol bullets as small as 9mm to artillery shells as large as 150mm. .

Judging from the stacking method, various bullets are mainly placed here, and the number of artillery shells is relatively small. Together, it is estimated that one or two German regiments could fight several tough battles in World War II.

There were also some bones lying in the gaps between these boxes. According to Fan Meng's inspection, most of these people did not have any external injuries. They seemed to have died in a short period of time due to poisoning or similar reasons.

Only a small number of people had fatal wounds, but according to the judgment of several experts present, these wounds came from close-range shooting with firearms, and there was a high probability that they were suicides.

Of course, Liang En could also tell this, because all the people with bullet holes in their bodies were gathered in a corner of the room, and there were several open bottles of whiskey and brandy thrown on the ground.

There seems to be another passage here. After carefully avoiding the remains, Liang En quickly discovered another hidden door on the wall behind.

After looking at the remaining 20 minutes of oxygen, Liang En and the others greeted everyone to open the door deep in the cave, and then walked in with everyone.

Because it had not been maintained for a long time, the door made a squeaking sound when it was pushed open. When the door was opened, everyone saw through the dust stirred up that there were several animals in the cave. Something covered with canvas.

There is another passage here. Cars should come in from the other side. After checking around, Liang En and the others quickly discovered another gate of the cave.

It's just that it's different from an ordinary door. The passage behind this door is blocked by dirt and stones. After gently pushing the door, you can see some dust flying out from the cracks in the door.

This passage should have completely collapsed. I guess it is most likely related to the previous American bombing. Liang En said after briefly checking the door.

It's just that the time when the passage collapsed is most likely consistent with the previous bombing at the main entrance, because if it had collapsed long ago, the other party would have sealed the door instead of just closing and locking it like this.

More importantly, the things in this room don't look like they were moved from where we just came. If there is such a passage, everything will be explained clearly.

After confirming that the place was safe, Liang En and the others quickly checked the things covered under the tarpaulin. After lifting the tarpaulin in the center of the cave, four TATRA 111 trucks were parked neatly there, with boxes piled on top. .

It seems that we have found our target this time. There were some errors in my judgment before. I did not expect that these civilian items could also enter such a secret base. Looking at the mark of the Legion Bank on the box, Liang En's face revealed smiled.

But anyway, we finally found them-

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