Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 588 Asking for help

Nice to meet you, Mr. Alexander. In a quiet neighborhood next to Hyde Park in London, Liang En met the retired professor named Alexander.

I'm glad to see you too, Mr. Liang. After introducing Liang En and Joan of Arc into the room with a gesture of invitation, Professor Alexander asked the servant to prepare tea for Liang En and the others, while taking out a cup from the cabinet. Stainless steel box.

To be honest, the document in your hand really shocked me, because I never thought that this document could be seen anywhere else.

Having said this, Professor Alexander placed the stainless steel box on a small table next to him, then opened the box to reveal the contents.

Inside the box was a parchment scroll that looked quite old. After unrolling the scroll, Liang En was surprised to find that the content on the scroll was exactly the same as what was written on the document sent by Boris this time.

This is indeed a surprising thing. After carefully placing the two documents on the table next to him and checking them over, Liang En was surprised, because he had always thought that this thing was unique.

But now it seems that this is not the case. At least this scroll that seems to be two to three hundred years old and the content recorded on it can explain the situation in this regard.

Yes, that's why I was very shocked when I saw these things on the website, because a secret that has been spread for hundreds of years is incredible from any angle.

Having said this, Professor Alexander pushed up his glasses. He had indeed carefully checked the two documents together, and then confirmed that it was the same as what he had checked before.

You must know that this document is just a lot of garbled words written in Latin, which cannot be pieced together into any words or sentences, so under normal circumstances it is impossible for similar coincidences to occur.

Judging from the age when the two documents were written, this means that this secret was passed down from ancient times to at least more than a hundred years ago. However, the inheritors probably don’t know what the secret is, so they will only pass it down from generation to generation. That’s all.

The problem now is that we simply don't know the reason why the other party did this. After confirming that the two documents were authentic and written hundreds of years apart, Professor Alexander said distressedly.

If they are keeping secrets, it is basically impossible for them to repeatedly copy these important contents. Even if there is a problem with the old file carrier, they will destroy the old files after making new ones.

And it would be even more strange if you want to spread this thing out. At least I don't understand why those who have the secrets and even claim there are treasures behind want to spread these vital clues.

Did the original owner also claim to have a treasure when you obtained this thing? Liang En asked Professor Alexander in surprise, because Boris had mentioned this before.

In order to research the situation of this document, Liang En also contacted Mr. Boris specifically. As a result, Boris told him that this thing was found when they were searching in an abandoned church.

That church is a relatively rare Catholic church in Russia. It had been abandoned and used as a hospital during the Soviet era, and when Boris and the others went to that place, the church had completely turned into ruins.

This document was found in a mezzanine on the outer wall of the church. Several gold and silver coins were also found at that time, but those items had been replaced by banknotes by Mr. Boris.

After learning that Liang En wanted to know the details of the scroll, Mr. Boris desperately recalled the details of the gold and silver coins excavated at that time, and it was confirmed that those coins came from the late 19th century.

Professor Alexander got this batch of sheepskins by accident. When he traveled to France in the early 1990s, he accidentally got this parchment scroll from a local antique shop.

According to the results of the professor's subsequent identification through various methods, the scroll should have been produced between 1650 and 1700, and may be related to certain organizations of the Catholic Church.

However, because there was only such an orphan at the time, he was unable to carry out the next step of the search work. It was not until he saw another piece of information in Liang En's hand that was about two hundred years apart, but it was exactly the same, that he restarted it. Planned.

But I think for us, two documents are not much different from one document. Liang En said to Liang En after carefully reviewing the two documents.

The content above is exactly the same, all in very messy Latin letters. At least I don't feel that we have brought new revelations after the two documents were put together.

You are right, but after we have these two photos at the same time, we will be able to seek help from the Golden Dawn. Professor Alexander had a smile on his face.

The Golden Dawn is actually a very powerful organization, but no matter how powerful its resources are, its resources are limited. Therefore, in addition to making contributions by using the team's resources, it is also necessary to prove that these resources can produce value when used.

For example, it turned out that Professor Alexander would definitely not be able to obtain the support of the Golden Dawn when he only owned that document. After all, there were too many such things. If resources were invested in each one, even the Golden Dawn would not be able to sustain it.

But now that we have these two documents at the same time, the situation has changed dramatically, which shows that these documents are likely to point to a specific event, and this event has special significance.

In this case, they naturally have reason to receive support from the Golden Dawn, because at this time, every resource invested by the Golden Dawn will be rewarded accordingly.

This kind of return naturally does not refer to financial returns. For the members of the Golden Dawn, financial returns are no longer the main goal they pursue.

The reason why everyone joins this organization is basically to decipher the mysteries and legends in history, and this type of seemingly mysterious content is often connected to some hidden content.

So after Liang En and Alexander put their information on the Golden Dawn website and asked for help, they quickly received a response from everyone. In just half an hour, they obtained several important clues.

The most important clue came from Manchester, where Hall, the librarian of Manchester's Chetham Library and a senior member of the Golden Dawn, sent a photo of a document that looked older.

The most special thing about this document is that the text on it is exactly the same as what Liang En and Professor Alexander have in their hands, but the carrier is obviously older.

This is what we found in the past two months when we were sorting out the files in the library warehouse. I thought it was some kind of draft paper from ancient people, but now it seems that this is not the case.

In the video, a chubby old man with a walrus beard said while adjusting the monocle on his left eye. You are lucky. If you had asked two months in advance, I would not have known what this was.

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