The discovery of this secret passage suddenly made Liang En and the others excited. When they first discovered a different spot on the remaining rammed earth wall, they thought it was a mezzanine on the wall. However, after digging through, they discovered the past wall. The secret passage on.

Especially after being reminded by Joan of Arc, a professional, they realized that there was a ghost in such a strange passage. After using metal detectors, several people quickly found metal reactions in the soil below the passage.

What is this? After digging a few times with a shovel, Fan Meng quickly dug out a rusty iron piece from the soil and asked doubtfully.

This iron piece looks like a rectangle, half the size of a palm, about two millimeters thick, covered with rust, and is in very poor condition.

Let me take a look. Liang En took the piece of iron and observed it carefully. Fortunately, although this thing was rusty because it was buried in the wall before, it was not completely rusted, so after careful observation, he found it. Got a clue.

After simply cleaning the rust on part of the iron piece, Liang En found a series of large and small holes around the iron piece, and he immediately recognized that this thing should be a piece of armor. .

It's just that it's difficult to confirm the specific situation of this piece of armor. After all, the source of weapons in Central Asia is too complicated. It's impossible to guess where this thing comes from just based on this piece of armor. place.

But such a piece of armor is indeed of great use to Liang En. After briefly checking the surrounding situation, he quickly consumed a [Detection (R)] card on this piece of armor.

Sure enough, with the use of the card, a light point appeared in Liang En's mind, and after a simple comparison, he determined that the light point was located seven or eight kilometers away from them.

Is it at the foot of the mountain? After looking into the distance, Liang En roughly determined the location of the light spot, which was located at the foot of the mountain away from the water source.

After determining the target location, Liang En immediately directed the raven to fly over for observation. He found that there were actually several caves in that place, and there were traces of human activities around them.

This discovery made Liang En immediately nervous. In order to find out what happened here, Liang En and the others finally decided to close the team and drive towards the city.

In fact, before they came, Liang En specifically asked Pierce, who had personal connections here, and learned that there was a friend of his in this city.

So after discovering that there seemed to be traces of human activities at the destination, Liang En quickly took everyone back to the city, and then went to visit Pierce's friend together.

Is anyone there? After arriving on the second floor of an ancient four-story building, Liang En knocked on the door of a house. The door opened after more than ten seconds.

Who are you and what are you doing here? Looking at the face that was completely unfamiliar to him, the middle-aged man with a gray beard asked directly after taking one look and started to close the door.

No, Uncle Boris. Liang En smiled and blocked the door with his hand, and then said quickly, I was introduced here by Pierce from Ireland. He told me that you know the situation here well, so I hope to get your help.

Pierce, this guy is really going to cause trouble for me, come in. After hearing what Liang En said, the Russian uncle shook his head helplessly, then opened the door and let them in.

This room looked a little shabby, but it was unexpectedly warm. There was a briquette stove opposite the door and by the window. The heat emitted by the steaming flame not only caused the iron kettle placed next to it to keep sizzling. The bubbles also raised the temperature in the room to more than 20 degrees.

Next to the briquette stove is a table with various materials piled on it. Next to the materials is an uneaten meatloaf.

On the other side of the room were two red iron cabinets side by side. Judging from the rust stains on the iron cabinets, this iron cabinet was probably older than Liang En and the others. It was also filled with various documents.

In the middle of the two iron cabinets is a door leading to the bedroom. You can vaguely see a large bed and a small cabinet with alcoholic beverages and firearms next to it.

Sit, sit. To be honest, I don't usually have many visits here. Just now I thought you were guys who came here to cause trouble.

The uncle poured black tea from the iron kettle on the briquette stove and gave Liang En and the others a cup each, while smiling and explaining to them why he had a bad attitude just now.

After all, Kyrgyz people look more like East Asians, so Liang En's face can easily make this person nervous.

After drinking half a cup of black tea, Liang En and the others quickly stated their purpose. After hearing what Liang En and the others wanted to ask for help, Uncle Boris had a smile on his face.

Then you have found the right person. I have been traveling throughout Central Asia for the past twenty or thirty years, and I can say that I have a very good understanding of things here. Especially there is nothing about the surrounding areas that I don't know.

That's good, can you tell me what are the holes on the hill near the ruins of an abandoned Tsarist Russian military camp on the edge of a small lake across the dry river more than 30 kilometers to the west of this city? Liang En asked.

Are you talking about Eye Lake? After listening to Fan Meng translate it in Russian, Uncle Boris was stunned for a few seconds, then realized what he was saying and took out his mobile phone to start searching.

Soon, he showed Liang En and the others a location on the electronic map displayed on his phone, then pointed to a point on the map and asked. If I understand correctly, what you should see is two layers and seven holes.

That's true, but three of the holes have collapsed. Liang En said after recalling everything the raven saw before, It seems to be due to soil erosion.

That mountain is just a mountain of dirt, and there is a lot of precipitation around it, so it is normal for it to collapse due to soil erosion without anyone controlling it.

But what Liang En didn't say was that there were traces of manual excavation on the caves that collapsed due to soil erosion. It looked very much like someone had discovered something and was looking for something.

It's not just water and soil erosion. There has been no loss of life on that hill since the founding of Kyrgyzstan. Boris said with a smile while leaning on his chair.

There used to be a small gold mine in that place. There has always been a legend here that a Tsarist Russian officer who stationed the army here found the gold mine and gradually rose through the ranks, eventually becoming a general.

For this reason, people have been digging there since the Soviet era until the past two years. However, based on exploration experience, the gold mine is not big, and the officer had already dug out most of it.

So although gold was found from the soil later, the gold found was not expensive enough, so the excavation work there was basically abandoned.

It's just that this story has spread quite widely, so until the past two years, there are still people who come here to dig for gold, and then go home empty-handed.

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