Beverly Hills is small in area, only 6 square miles, with a population of about 35,000 people. Walking on the avenue of Beverly Hills, the trees on both sides are lush and tall;

One after another, luxurious villas are looming in the dense green jungle. Not every villa here is a large mansion. Many of them are small villas that look inconspicuous but are actually low-key and luxurious.

There are few walls separating the villas here, and most of them use greenery to distinguish each family's territory, so the entire villa looks very consistent. Of course, this is mainly because this is a high-end community and the police attention is relatively high.

Even though some of the houses are inconspicuous, in fact the entry-level villas here start at tens of millions of dollars, and the manor-level villas cost hundreds of millions. Liang En looked at the rooms on the side and whispered to them. A companion explained.

And although the top group of wealthy people own properties here, they basically live in their other manors because the exposure here is really too high.

Entering Beverly Hills is not as easy as imagined. Although there are no police or security personnel outside, the place is full of heavily guarded probes, and there are also many security personnel on standby in secret areas at any time.

For example, when Liang En and the others first crossed the English monogram sign of Beverly Hills made of greenery at the door and walked inside, they encountered the police who came to verify their identities.

Fortunately, Liang En and the others had already made an appointment with the target family living here for the next meeting, so after a brief verification, they successfully passed the inspection and walked towards the core area.

But having said that, brother, your reputation is indeed big enough now. With just a phone call, someone can invite you directly to their home. After passing the checkpoint, Fan Meng patted Liang En on the shoulder and said.

Then at least I think people who can live here will definitely not invite that person in just after receiving a phone call from someone else, especially if you and this person don't even know each other before.

So sometimes it's not a bad thing to be honest in doing things. Joan of Arc added at this time. Although reputation certainly doesn't mean everything, sometimes it can be very valuable.

Fifteen minutes later, the three of them were sitting in the living room of a villa in the core area of ​​Beverly Hills. Although the villa didn't look big from the outside, it was very exquisitely decorated.

Whether it is the surrounding hand-carved marble railings or the brass doors, they all reflect a low-key luxury. The most important thing is that from Liang En's perspective, many of the furnishings are old things.

At least from his point of view, one can only imagine the financial situation of the person who has achieved this. This is indeed the case. He can now be said to be one of the top fashion tycoons in Hollywood.

Fortunately, the subsequent negotiation process went very smoothly. After learning about Liang En's intention, the businessman named Adler quickly agreed to sell it to him for US$100,000, which is the market price of a duke's crown. Liang En.

Liang En was a little surprised by this incident at first, because he had been worried that the other party might offer a high price. But thinking about it afterwards, it was probably because I was worrying too much.

After all, both the Earl and the famous fashion industry businessman named Adler are wealthy and prestigious people, so they definitely cannot take the opportunity to raise prices.

To them, their reputation is far more valuable than hundreds of thousands of dollars, so they will naturally cooperate with each other as much as possible at this time.

Especially for two business operators who are not in the same industry, it is obviously good news if they can take this opportunity to get to know each other. This is why everything went smoothly when Liang En was doing things.

I'm glad to see you visiting, Mr. Liang. After learning Liang En's identity, the businessman named Adler naturally did not dare to treat him as a casual errand runner, but invited him Be a guest in your own home.

Of course, it was obviously a bit strange to invite someone who was here for the first time as a guest, so Liang En was naturally curious and asked the other party's reason for doing so.

It turns out that the reason is also very simple. Mr. Adler's daughter is an avid adventure enthusiast. So after learning that the person who came to visit was Liang En, he hoped that Liang En could attend his daughter's birthday party the day after tomorrow.

Well - I'm honored to be invited by you. Thinking that the other party could be so cooperative about the crown issue, Liang En decided to stay here for one more day to attend this girl's birthday party.

After all, face is something that is given to each other, not only in the East, but also in the West, so leaving behind at this time is also something that should be done in interpersonal communication.

So after staying here for a day, Liang En and the others held this girl's birthday party the next day. As expected, the party really showed the luxury of these rich people.

Although they have a history of more than a hundred years, becoming rich only took a few decades. Liang En explained in a low voice while watching a modern dance team performing on the stage.

Different from the parties they attended before, the newly wealthy Adler family is obviously much more showy in this character. For example, the protagonist of today's birthday party and his friends had enjoyed a holistic skin care before.

In addition, there are a large number of Internet celebrities among the people invited this time. For example, the modern dance team now on stage is a famous Internet celebrity team.

Because it was too noisy, Liang En and the others, in addition to sending blessings and a gift of their own paintings to the birthday girl today, they found a relatively remote place to avoid the noise.

They thought they might spend the birthday party peacefully, but what they didn't expect was that while they were eating, today's birthday girl, Miss Adler, came over.

Because as the protagonist of today's birthday party, he naturally received a lot of gifts, and because we know that he is very interested in adventure and so on, many of the gifts are also related to that aspect.

The reason why this girl came to Liang En and the others was very simple, because she found that she didn't recognize the gift she received this time, so she approached Liang En and hoped that he could help find out what it was.

Huh - what is this? Liang En frowned as soon as he got the gift, because this thing did look a bit strange.

Although at first glance this thing looked like an old book, after opening it, I found that there was not a single word written in the book at all, but instead some very ordinary-looking sketches.

What's more, the leather on the cover of this book also looks very weird. Even Joan of Arc, who had often been exposed to leather before, couldn't recognize what the leather was.

For Liang En and his colleagues, there are often interesting things hidden behind things they don't know, so Liang En quickly gave up his original casual attitude and started studying them carefully.

The more he studied it, the more strange he felt about the book, so in the end he simply asked the local owner for a quiet room, and then began to study this thing.

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