When everyone started to dissect the wild boar in a hurry, only a few people realized how powerful Liang En's blow was because they found that the javelin had severed the cervical vertebrae of the wild boar.

There may be luck involved in hitting the cervical spine, but the strength required to cut off this bone is definitely not something that an ordinary person can do, let alone the fact that the javelin was thrown from the back of an elephant nearly 20 meters away.

To be honest, if Liang En were to rely solely on his own strength, he wouldn't be able to do it even if he was strengthened many times, but with the help of cards, that's not necessarily the case.

Just when Liang En reached for the javelin, he immediately activated the [Power of the Minotaur (SR)], and with multiple blessings, he easily achieved this scene that can be called a miracle.

I'm sorry for breaking your javelin. When a servant pulled the javelin out of the soil, everyone discovered that the head of the javelin inserted into the soil had been obviously deformed.

The reason why Liang En was apologetic was because they never thought of using such a cold weapon before they came, so what they brought out was a javelin with a Utz steel tip that was made more than a hundred years ago, and it was also made with gold chisel. pattern.

That is to say, this thing is not a practical weapon, but a kind of handicraft. It was taken out this time just to decorate the gilded wooden box next to the elephant that was originally used to hold the javelin, so that the elephant would look more beautiful.

Although this kind of decoration can still maintain the level of actual combat and is no worse than those practical products, this precious weapon was still damaged after Liang En threw it with such force that it penetrated the wild boar ground.

No, there is nothing to be sorry for. Mr. Varma, who directed the servants to chop off the wild boar's head, was a little excited at this time and was not sad about the change of this weapon.

This weapon can prove a legendary history. I will keep this javelin and this boar head to show everyone that legends are not just legends.

The worship of power can be regarded as one of the most primitive worships of human beings, so Liang En's move this time unexpectedly brought him closer to Mr. Varma.

Indians, in particular, have a lot of legends in their history, so they are naturally very interested in things that are similar to legends.

Therefore, during the subsequent hunting process, the communication between the two people greatly increased, and this was obviously of great help to the subsequent cooperation.

After discovering that Liang En didn't seem to be very interested in hunting, Mr. Varma shortened the hunting time to two days and allocated more time to the subsequent exploration of the ruins.

Is this the ruins you found? Looking at some of the stone carvings exposed in the soil, Liang En suddenly became interested, because the exquisiteness of these stone carvings far exceeded his imagination.

He had previously thought that this was just an ordinary relic among countless ancient Indian relics, but now it seems that the importance of this relic is likely to be far beyond Liang En's previous imagination.

Yes, this ruins was first found by a few of my workers. They came here for a routine patrol, and accidentally discovered the ruins exposed after the landslide. Mr. Varma nodded seriously. nod.

It's just that there is really too little content that we have discovered now, so I don't know what this thing is at all. That's why I asked you to come over.

I think this should be a big discovery. At least judging from the things excavated so far, the grade of this ruins will definitely not be low. Liang En said to Mr. Varma with a serious face.

So I may need to ask you to borrow about 20 people to do some simple sampling and excavation, so that I can determine what is going on here.

No problem, as long as you need it, I can mobilize even two hundred people for you. Hearing what Liang En said, Mr. Varma immediately became excited.

As the owner of this land, he certainly hopes to find some ancient relics on his land to prove his family's long history.

Not to mention that for Mr. Varma, who is already a businessman, an ancient and highly valuable ruins can naturally bring a lot of economic benefits, and this does not include a series of derivatives.

To give the simplest example, if this ruins is really valuable, then in terms of jewelry manufacturing, it is completely possible to produce a set of jewelry with the ruins as the background. If you hype it up, you can probably make a lot of money and build the company's reputation.

So in the next few days, Liang En and the others began excavation work. With the help of farmers temporarily called in to help, a ruin covering an area of ​​more than 1,000 square meters was gradually revealed.

Most of the ruins are exposed, but now this building looks to be quite large. It has completely collapsed. If people don't know there are ruins here, they most likely just think of this place as part of the jungle.

Wait a minute. Just as the Indian temporary workers turned over a stone, Fan Meng suddenly asked the translator beside him to stop everyone immediately, with a nervous expression on his face.

Did you find anything? Liang En turned around and asked. Through the excavation work over the past few days, he found that this place should be an ancient Hindu ruins, but he could not find any clues that could determine the details of this ruins.

Some dangerous goods. Fan Meng carefully stepped forward and gently brushed away the dirt, and then revealed a metal object about the size of a cigarette. This thing looks like a detonator.

Detonator? Liang En suddenly became nervous. The most annoying things to encounter during excavation work include this type of dangerous explosives. Let’s not talk about the dangers of these things. The information contained in the presence of such things in this place is very bad.

Because it is obviously unlikely that such modern items would have existed in the era when the ruins were built, and the appearance of such dangerous items here often represents the excavation and destruction of ancient ruins.

People present about this type of pyrotechnics don’t know much about the history in this area. Fortunately, cards make up for this shortcoming. After using a [Appraisal (N)] card, this thing shows its own identity.

This is a detonator produced in 1868. Considering that this kind of thing was only invented by Nobel in 1865, this and the detonator can also be regarded as cultural relics.

After all, this kind of thing is considered a consumable product, and not many sincere ones can survive to this day, let alone finding such a thing in India, which is far away from Europe, it is like a miracle no matter how you look at it.

At the same time, as the excavation work progressed, more and more traces of artificial blasting appeared in front of everyone, which made everyone look ugly.

This ruins did not collapse by itself, but was destroyed by an explosion. After a simple comprehensive inspection, Liang En made his final conclusion.

Based on some explosives and traces of explosions found at the scene, I can basically tell that this place should have been destroyed by artificial blasting. It seems like they wanted to hide some secrets.

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