Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 541 Processing Plant

Is this your design? Great! Great! After Liang En met with Mr. Varma who came specially to show his design, Varma was stunned for a moment, and then showed an expression of ecstasy. .

It was obvious that Liang En felt that this piece of jewelry, which was purely for showing off his skills and had average artistic value, was something that was very in line with his hopes in Mr. Varma's eyes, so he was so excited.

As long as you like it - Seeing Mr. Varma's excited look, Liang En felt that his idea was a bit too artistic. After all, this was a commercial creation, and the client's ideas were more important.

Of course, of course I like it. Indians are often more willing to express their inner thoughts than Europeans and Americans, so Varma expressed her inner happiness with a slightly exaggerated expression.

I didn't expect you to design such a piece of jewelry. Not only is it very beautiful, but it can also perfectly promote my company. You really took the trouble.

The designed jewelry is a ring. The ring design is based on the marigold flower loved by Indians. It looks about as big as the bottom of a Coke can.

Unlike common symmetrical designs, each petal in the ring has a unique shape, and this eight-layer creation achieves a perfect blend of symmetry, design and arrangement.

According to Liang En's design, this exaggeratedly large ring will weigh more than 150g, and will be inlaid with about 12,600 diamonds, which add up to more than 38 carats of diamonds.

This design was chosen because Liang En found that no one in the world had thought of making this kind of thing with exaggerated gem-encrusted numbers to attract attention, so if this kind of thing appeared for the first time, the advertising effect should be full.

In particular, Mr. Varma's main business is the processing of broken diamonds. There is no jewelry that is more in line with his business projects than this piece of jewelry.

At the same time, the price of diamonds will increase geometrically with the size of a single diamond. Compared with a 38-carat diamond, more than 10,000 broken diamonds with a total of 38 carats will be more expensive than a single diamond even if the best quality diamond is selected. Diamonds are much cheaper.

Therefore, if this ring is expensive, it will not be because of the material, but because of the processing. After all, setting more than 10,000 diamonds into this ring is not a simple task.

But this is not a problem for Mr. Varma. Although he lacks core design masters, the number of diamond processing workers under his hands is definitely not small.

I'm just worried that this thing might be a little too fancy. Looking at the final design product with every inch of space inlaid with gems on the computer renderings, Liang En also bluntly expressed his worries.

No matter how many things he has experienced or how many art masters he has inherited, Liang En is still a Chinese at heart, so he always feels that such overly dazzling things are not up to par.

Do you need to worry about this kind of thing? Varma looked at Liang En with some doubts after hearing what he said, This is the most valuable thing about this ring.

Aesthetics is still related to the cultural traditions of this cultural circle. For example, the practice of studding diamonds that seems vulgar to Liang En is a symbol of elegance and luxury in the eyes of Indians, so this is a big selling point in their eyes. .

In the following time, Liang En and the others quickly followed Mr. Varma to his processing factory, but unlike the previous method of taking the elevator directly to the top floor, this time they went upstairs level by level.

The reason for doing this is that Mr. Varma hopes to demonstrate his diamond processing capabilities in front of Liang Fen and allow Liang En to have a comprehensive understanding of the diamond processing level on his side.

After all, the two parties are about to cooperate now, so it is better to show each other some basic things. Now that Liang En has shown his design level, it is now Mr. Varma's turn to show his diamond processing level.

From these workplaces, we can see at a glance why the cost of the Indian diamond processing industry is low. It is not only due to low labor, but also related to the equipment and environment in the processing workshops here - most of the equipment is extremely simple, but it can process good finished diamonds. .

However, this also limits the industrial upgrading in India, because for them, upgrading is equivalent to replacing the entire equipment, which most people cannot do.

Because the main processing is broken diamonds, the security in the room is very strict, even to the extent that there are three workers and one security guard.

After all, the diamonds here are too small, and if the security policy is not complete, they can easily be stolen or lost.

Of course, in order to do this, the security guards in the factory are not the kind of security guards who look like old janitors, but armed security guards equipped with sticks and guns.

Considering the class situation in India, Liang En believed that the orderliness here could never be maintained solely by discipline or law. These firearms can illustrate some problems.

As we go up, the working environment of the workers is getting better and better, and the quality of the diamonds processed in their hands is getting higher and higher. Even the top processing area on the fourth floor has private compartments and air conditioning.

According to Mr. Varma, the lowest-grade diamonds are processed in old factories outside. Because the conditions there are worse, it is not suitable for VIPs to visit.

However, at Liang En's request, they took a look at the situation inside the bungalows from the window, and found that the situation inside was really bad. Not to mention the density of people, even the grinding mill was shared by several people.

Considering the poor processing environment, meager salary and high-intensity work of 8-12 hours a day, Liang En feels that it is no wonder that others cannot compete with them, but all of this is completely legal in India.

What's even more ridiculous is that this processing plant is one of the best in terms of welfare in the entire region. If you go to other processing plants, you will find that the conditions in those processing plants are even worse than this.

After visiting the diamond processing factory, Liang En and the others went to the jewelry manufacturing factory at the back. This factory had just been expanded recently for the launch of its own brand.

Judging from the majority of the Indian-style jewelry on site, the current business here is mainly aimed at consumers in India. However, these jewelry with rich local culture are estimated to not have much market overseas.

So in the next negotiation, Liang En and Mr. Varma negotiated about his work of designing jewelry for this place, that is, depending on the design, Liang En can get a sum of cash plus a part of the dividends after the design is sold. .

Of course, this dividend ratio is also determined based on the sales of jewelry. The greater the sales volume of these jewelry, the higher the dividend ratio Liang En will receive.

Although the negotiation was acrimonious, with each side expressing their own opinions and arguing over interests, Liang En quickly received an invitation from Mr. Varma after the negotiation, asking him to visit his hometown.

Obviously, he should be very satisfied with the result of the negotiation this time, so he issued such a personal invitation. Considering that this cooperation would bring him a lot of benefits, Liang En readily accepted the invitation.

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