Because of the previous guests eating and drinking, the restaurant naturally seemed a bit messy now. Fortunately, everyone had almost eaten in the first round and placed their cutlery next to the plate in front of them.

After seeing this, the waiters began to come in to collect the plates and other messy things left behind after everyone finished eating, and prepare for the next activities.

Indian banquets have their own characteristics, especially this kind of informal banquet, which embodies many local traditional Indian customs. For example, this period is the performance part.

Soon, a group of performers came to the stage to start a song and dance performance. These people performed a group dance that looked very lively, noisy, and had a unique appeal.

It has to be said that Indian dance is indeed very unique. The performers are actually Bollywood backup dancers. In Chinese terms, they are walk-ins. But what is certain is that the performers' dancing skills are absolutely professional!

While watching the performance, Liang En and the others seemed to feel like they were in a grand song and dance scene of an Indian musical.

So from a certain perspective, the large number of songs and dances interspersed in Indian movies are not purely composed by screenwriters, but are true portrayals based on slightly exaggerated reality.

There was singing and dancing one after another, and many happy guests came up to show off their dancing skills: there are not many Indians who can't dance, so it can be said that it is normal for everyone to sing and dance at this kind of informal banquet.

In the end, everyone did not enjoy the cocktail party until 12 o'clock. In the middle, there were only two rounds of food and drinks. After all, this kind of dance that involves a long front and requires singing and dancing from time to time really needs to eat more to not be hungry.

At ten o'clock the next morning, after eating the breakfast served in the guest room, they went straight to the King Shivaji Museum, which was the original Prince of Wales Museum.

Because according to the previous plan, what they have to do next is to complete the final handover of cultural relics, which can also be regarded as completing the work entrusted to him by the Golden Dawn.

Seriously, you danced very well last night. Because Fan Meng went to escort the car with the cultural relics, Liang En said to Joan of Arc in French that the driver could not understand. Have you ever learned this?

No, of course not. Jeanne shook her head and said. “It’s just that there were very few entertainment options in my day, so dance like this was one of the few entertainment options we had.”

Of course, the difference between dance in the French countryside and Indian dance at that time was also very huge, but for Joan, whose body had been repeatedly strengthened, it was not too difficult to learn it temporarily by watching other people's movements.

After all, except for the dances performed by professionals at the beginning, the ordinary Indian dances were not that difficult to learn. Liang En could almost learn them even after watching them a few times.

This road seems to be very smooth, probably because it is only driven in wealthy areas. If you move to other areas, various small vendors will appear on both sides of the road.

For those who have traveled in India, those small vendors who stick to each other like brown sugar can definitely be regarded as one of the worst memories of traveling in India.

What's worse is that not all of the vendors who come to sell things intend to sell things. There are also many guys who use these people to attract attention and then steal the money from the victims.

However, the area Liang En and the others are passing through is not like this. Compared with the chaotic situation in most areas, it looks more like a high-end community in a European and American city.

If it weren't for the tropical palm-tree-like plants on the roadside and the blazing sun overhead, it would even look like a British city.

As the most important British colony at that time, India has left too many British traces on the land. Even the area where the museum is located is called the Willingdon Circle, a name full of British flavor.

This museum is also a century-old building, built between 1904 and 1914. It was named after the then Prince of Wales came to India in 1905 to lay its foundation stone.

The museum was officially opened in 1921, marking a hundred years this year. In this sense, the building itself is a heritage site and a part of Indian history.

The entire museum is surrounded by beautiful gardens. It was designed by the British architect George Vitate, the designer of the famous India Gate. The main structure is made of basalt stone with a three-story dome, and the huge marble dome is particularly magnificent.

The museum has a rich collection, which mainly contains precious cultural relics from different regions and historical periods in India. The museum is divided into three parts: art, archeology and natural history, among which the paintings of the Mughal Empire are the most exquisite.

The cultural relics brought by Liang En and others this time will be placed in the art and archeology sections respectively. Of course, now these cultural relics will be put into the warehouse for classification, protection and screening.

Because all the cultural relics totaled only more than 20 pieces, it only took less than half an hour for both parties to successfully classify and put these things away, and then they started shopping under the guidance of the accompanying staff. .

The Indian cultural relics in the museum are arranged according to the types of these things, such as the Sculpture Hall, and the Indian Bronze and Decorative Arts Hall.

If the cultural relics come from other countries, then the cultural relics will be placed according to the location where the cultural relics came from, such as the East Asia Museum, which displays Chinese and Japanese cultural relics, and the Himalayan Foothills Art Museum, which displays cultural relics from Nepal and Bhutan.

I feel that the cultural relics here in India look very happy. Joan of Arc looked at these cultural relics and said, But to be honest, it is difficult for me to understand why they can still feel joy?

This is because the world that Indians live in does not coincide with the world in their minds. You can see it from their movies. Contrary to certain trends in Korean movies, Indian movies are more like making up fairy tales. .”

After thinking for a while, Liang En explained to Joan this content related to Indian customs. Of course, the example he gave was the part of India that people from other countries know best about, which is Indian movies.

Indian movies are called dramas in China because there are too many exaggerated parts in them. It’s not that Indians don’t know that this is untrue, but what they like is the feeling of self-entertainment.

This may also be related to traditional cultural and religious teachings. Simply put, the world is a dream, and life is a practice and a dream. In the eyes of Indians, real secular life is actually the biggest illusion and illusion.

Therefore, for Indians, sometimes even if they have no clothes to cover their bodies and no food to eat, they can still enjoy life with a sunny attitude. This is what is special about this nation.

But on the other hand, it also shows how terrible the caste system and class solidification in India have reached. No matter how hard we try, we cannot see the future, so we can only seek relief from illusions.

These things were also reflected in the cultural relics, which made Liang En and the others quite emotional after seeing them.

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