Because he had mastered the translation of Linear A, Liang En quickly understood the contents of the clay tablet. What was shocking was that what was recorded on the clay tablet was the smelting method of orichalcum.

According to this clay tablet, they would smelt copper ore and a kind of black soil from overseas, and at the same time hold large-scale sacrificial activities to pray to the gods.

However, even if every preparation is made, at least nine times out of ten attempts to open the furnace will fail completely. Only in rare cases will one gain the favor of the gods to produce this precious metal.

Also because they associate the success of this metal with the gods, the products made of this metal are often used in sacrificial activities, and only rarely are they made into jewelry for those with the highest status.

Could this place be the prototype of Atlantis? After reading the text on the clay tablet, Liang En quickly thought of the lost legend, because in the legend, orichalcum was a specialty of Atlantis.

According to Plato, the ancient Egyptian priest claimed that the sinking of the island occurred more than 9,000 years ago, that is, around 9600 BC, but at that time the world was still in the Neolithic Age and there was no complex culture.

However, if you shorten these 9,000 years to 1/10, you will find that the time the other party said that Atlantis sank coincides with the time when the volcano erupted and the city was destroyed on Santorini.

It can be said, or even should be said, that Atlantis does not exist in this world. It is just a myth invented by Plato to describe the perfect city-state society deep in his heart. Therefore, this place can never be found.

However, judging from the current archaeological results, many Greek legends will always have a little bit of historical facts as a basis. It was made up by the ancient Greeks based on exaggerated exaggerations of certain situations in their real lives.

For example, the famous Trojan War was probably just a common conflict between city-states, but after countless brainstorming and embellishing, it turned into an epic war full of myths and legends.

Therefore, it can be inferred that the ruins on Santorini are indeed likely to be the prototype of Atlantis described by Plato.

Judging from historical data, there is a high probability that the ancient Egyptians could hear the volcano erupting on Santorini, and it is certain that they could see the clouds and mist that reached the stratosphere after the volcano erupted.

A few days later, the ancient Egyptians should also have seen the pumice fragments drifting over with the sea currents and washing up on the northern coastline of Egypt.

Interestingly, a recently translated stone tablet from the same period as the volcanic eruption on Santorini, which is considered one of the oldest intentional records in history, is likely to describe this volcanic eruption. .

This 1.82-meter-long stone tablet is called the Storm Pillar. Researchers translated 40 rows of inscriptions on the stone tablet, describing that it often rained, the sky was dark, and it was in an endless storm, and the noise was louder than people's shouts.

In addition to the observations of the ancient Egyptians in this regard, the volcanic eruption also affected the entire Cretan civilization, which meant that for a period of time the ancient Egyptians could not see those from Santorini or Crete. guests on the island.

If this were the case, the Egyptians would have believed that their great island empire had disappeared overnight, and for many people living on those islands, this was indeed the case.

The tsunami caused by this volcanic eruption probably severely damaged Crete's buildings and their proud navy, and then the Mycenaeans invaded and destroyed the civilization.

These are things that have been confirmed by archeology and can be seen from the process of converting the writing found in the Cretan palace from Linear A to Linear B, as well as from the traces of a series of battles in the Cretan palace.

Therefore, the eruption of the volcano on Santorini is likely to be the original prototype of Plato's Atlantis story, and this discovery once again finds common ground between legends and historical reality.

These thoughts passed through Liang En's mind in an instant. At the same time, he also realized that if the translation of Linear A was not made public, it would be difficult for others to admit his conjecture.

This kind of thing is simply - Liang En shook his head helplessly when he thought of this, because this was much more troublesome than the situation in the previous plan, and it was even worse than the situation of not knowing.

I think we should conduct a large-scale excavation of this smelting workshop to see what the surrounding situation is like. Just when Liang En was lost in thought, Professor Harry next to him suddenly said.

Since this place contains something that looks important, I thought we'd better conduct a large-scale excavation here to see if there's anything valuable.

As a member of the Golden Dawn, finding clues about the mythical metal Orichalcum is certainly not without any reaction, especially since it is likely to involve the legendary Atlantis.

Therefore, Harry naturally hopes to make the ruins of the smelting plant the current focus and carefully examine it from beginning to end to see if there are any clues in this regard.

Professor Harry, I think you have also seen that the core of our excavation is the ruler's residential area around the triangular square, and we really can't get anyone out now. The leader of the Irish Museum shook his head helplessly.

In any case, the smelting workshop is certainly not as valuable as this core residential area, so it is certainly impossible for us to change our excavation plan and direction now.

It has always been annoying for professionals to point fingers at this kind of outsiders, but because the other party is an Oxford anthropology professor, they must explain it clearly.

What if I hire someone to help at my own expense? Harry asked, I believe that with the help of Mr. Liang, there should be no professional problems. If I am willing to pay for it, I can take the next step.

Of course this is okay. After thinking for a moment, the person in charge nodded and said. It's just that you may need to spend a fortune.

For the truth, it is worth paying some money. Professor Harry nodded and pointed to the editor of the publishing house next to him with a smile. We are prepared to invest 20,000 euros this time. They are willing to pay half.

Yes, we are willing to pay half of the money, as long as you allow us to continue shooting. The editor had an excited expression on his face.

As the editor-in-chief of a publishing house, he naturally knows what Orichalcum and Atlantis represent, and he also knows how much value lies behind these contents.

Although I never thought that just following Liang En's actions and filming the live broadcast would lead to such an explosive event, after contacting the editor-in-chief, the editor immediately bought the rights to the next live broadcast.

Well, then I wish you all the best of luck and be able to get what you want as soon as possible. The museum leader shrugged.

But you don't have to have high hopes, because based on our experience, in most cases you won't be able to dig something out.

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