Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 505 Smelting Workshop

After discovering that someone was following him, Liang En quickly paid attention to the current situation. It turned out that the following guy was not very good at this job. He could detect the existence of the stalker with just a little more care.

Yes, there is indeed a stalker. When Liang En informed the policeman sent over the situation, the policeman came to the same conclusion after observing for a few minutes.

The distance is a bit far, and we can't see what the driver looks like. The police officer who finished the observation said to Liang En, But it is basically certain that the other party has bad intentions.

Everyone can see this without having to tell the police. After all, someone following someone in this situation is definitely not just to say hello, so it can be regarded as a safety hazard.

Then what should we do next? Professor Harry was a little nervous at this time, because he came with three students this time, and if he really encountered any problems, it would definitely be a lot of trouble.

Don't worry, our police will handle this matter. The policeman smiled and said. I think they seem to be following them to the town. So I will call my colleagues and try to find out what is going on.

However, the situation changed when our car approached the city. The car that was following closely before quickly turned the steering wheel and left the main road.

It seems that although the other party's tracking is full of mistakes that novices will make, they still understand that it is best to stop when the tracking target is about to reach the location.

Although there were followers following them, for Liang En and the others, the archaeological work could not stop because of these people's tracking, so the next day they still went to the site with the recruited workers as planned. Digging.

However, while digging, Liang En and Fan Meng devoted some time to observing the surrounding environment, because they felt that the previous group of stalkers could not just follow their vehicle.

At this time, Liang En missed his raven a little. Although the card Eye of Daedalus was very effective in short-range detection, this kind of large-scale raven detection was still indispensable.

It was a pity that because this was the reason why everyone came here as a group for archeology, Liang En considered various circumstances and did not bring the three fat birds with him. As a result, when he really needed to use them, he realized that they were indeed indispensable.

Fortunately, this shortcoming was not completely irreparable. Using observation of the surrounding situation as a reason, they launched the drone and began to investigate the surrounding situation.

However, unlike what they imagined, nothing suspicious was found on the drone's screen during the investigation. In other words, the trackers did not pay attention to Liang En's excavation site.

This is obviously not commensurate with the previous situation, because Liang En has always felt that the group of people he was following might be related to the undersea ruins. If so, they should not let go of the ruins they are currently excavating.

Liang En felt a little uneasy about not being able to find the stalker, because he thought it represented some kind of threat to earn money to hide and was ready to deliver a fatal blow at any time, but his attention was soon diverted from this matter opened.

Because after more than two days of excavation, they finally cleared away the layer of accumulations left over from the surface and saw the ruins below.

What appeared in front of Liang En was a simple stove. There were obvious signs of being burned by fire on the inside of the stove. It looked like it should be a stove in normal use.

Obviously, this is a metal smelting furnace, although it looks very different from future furnaces. Liang En explained to Joan of Arc while carefully cleaning the furnace.

The temperature at which this furnace can be formed is not very high, which means that it cannot smelt any iron-based alloys, but can only smelt copper, copper alloys or similar metals with lower melting points.

Then what is this? Joan of Arc asked about another pile of broken ceramic containers. It looks like these things have been burned on a fire. Are they the matching crucibles? But why are they all in pieces!

Yes, this should be a crucible. Liang En nodded while looking at the pile of fragments with burning marks.

If these fragments are restored, you will find that the volume of the crucible is not large. If it is used to hold metals in a liquid state, it can only hold about 1kg at most.

The amount of metal that could be smelted in early crucible metallurgy at one time was not large, because it was difficult to manufacture a large enough crucible with refractory materials using human technology at the time.

The crucible Liang En found now is smaller than the one he found before. It seems that it can hold only one or two hundred grams of metal solution at most.

This certainly cannot be a technical issue. At least according to the information they received before, the people here have been able to cast some large-scale bronze objects.

So if you consider that this ruins is located in the core area of ​​an ancient town in the past and should represent the most sophisticated technology of that era, Liang En thinks it is very likely that this is a place where some special or precious metals are smelted.

Fortunately, these crucibles contained a lot of smelting residues from the sea, so after returning that night, they quickly used simple laboratory equipment to extract the residues from the interior of these crucible fragments and conducted tests.

The test results confirmed Liang En's conjecture. At least from the perspective of residues, these dry pots were also made of gold, silver, bronze and a very small amount of brass.

According to a scholar from the National Museum of Ireland, it can be seen from these residues that the other party was very experienced in smelting gold, silver, silver and bronze, and the overall technology seems to be relatively mature.

However, there are obviously many problems with the casting of brass. The proportion of various impurities in the residue is somewhat high. At least they found that all the crucibles related to brass smelting were filled with failures.

At the same time, the metal ratios of these alloys are also very confusing, giving the impression that these people did not have any knowledge related to brass casting.

Judging from the traces at the excavation site, people here can indeed produce brass, but this kind of production is not as stable as gold, silver or bronze. It is purely a matter of luck through some kind of black box reaction.

Maybe in their time, brass would be more expensive than gold. After Liang En and his companions met and told what they had just discovered during the test, Joan of Arc made an opinion.

I remember that when aluminum was first extracted by humans, it was more expensive than gold. Napoleon III even made a set of aluminum tableware to show off his wealth. I guess the same is likely true for these brass products.

It is indeed very possible, because sometimes the added value brought by my technology may be much higher than the value of the raw materials. Liang En nodded, and then turned to Fan Meng. By the way, have you observed the guy who was following you in the past two days?

We only observed it once, when we were doing archaeological excavation at the previous ruins. Fan Meng said, taking out his mobile phone and showing it to Liang En. It's just that the other party just looked at us from a distance and left.

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