Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 501 Doubts and Raid

Although it was basically certain that the previous businessman who rented out the boat had deceived him and gave Liang En and the others false data just to salvage it for himself, the current situation has brought more doubts.

One of the biggest mysteries is that Liang En can't figure out what this person paid such a high price for, because from any point of view, this kind of illegal excavation operation is definitely losing money.

But the problem is that for this group of criminal organizations, they can take huge risks to do something, but they will never do anything to lose money, so the situation now looks very weird.

I guess the other party must have found something they need here, but now I just don't know what the other party wants. Liang En said in a low voice while looking at the video of the other party's ship and divers taken by Fan Meng on his phone.

Then what should we do next? Fan Meng looked at Liang En and asked. Do you need me to call someone from the White Knight Security Company? There is a team of former professional soldiers over there that can be mobilized at any time.

No, no need. We can get official support, so there is no need to mobilize our own force to cause trouble. Liang En shook his hand gently and said.

“But the problem is that we’d better figure out what the other party is thinking. After all, we are operating here openly and legally, so if we want to take any action against the other party, we must understand what the other party is doing before we can take the next step.

This is indeed a problem, especially this time we are not the only ones, there are many other people coming together. If he wants to make any plans at this time, he must take other people's problems into consideration. Liang En showed a troubled expression .

I think I might have a good idea. Joan of Arc, who watched the video carefully at this time, suddenly said, We can start with these divers and find ways to investigate them.

Maybe not, because Santorini is a holy land for diving, so there are many people diving around. There is even a diving school on the island to teach tourists with zero experience how to dive. Fan Meng shook his head helplessly. Shake his head.

So diving around here is a very common practice and that alone would not have given us enough of an excuse to investigate the behavior of this group of people.

You are right, but the problem is that there are many historical sites in this area. Jeanne smiled, and then took out a travel brochure issued at the airport.

I picked up this brochure from the Athens airport to tell tourists what they need to pay attention to when traveling in Greece, including information on how to dive in Greece.

According to this booklet, because the Greek region was a core area of ​​ancient civilization, there are a large number of historical relics in this region, both on land and in the sea.

Therefore, in order to protect possible underwater historical sites in the Aegean Sea, all divers must obtain a license to dive, and diving without a license is an illegal act.

What you said makes sense. Now that I think about it, this group of people does look very suspicious. After Joan of Arc said this, Fan Meng also recalled some suspicious aspects of that group of people.

One of the suspicious points is that these are the only people diving in this place, while other yachts just passed by this sea area without stopping at most, let alone people diving, which shows that the location they are in is not a diving attraction.

Another point that can be made is that the group of people seemed to have been avoiding other people intentionally or unintentionally. After Fan Meng recalled carefully, he could confirm that the group of people never showed up when there was a boat approaching.

So we now have enough evidence to prove that this group of people is very likely trying to illegally dig some underwater ruins. Hearing this, Liang En clapped his hands and said.

So the next thing will be easy to handle. I can hand these things to the Greek official staff who are accompanying me and see if they will take corresponding actions.

After returning to the hotel, Liang En quickly found the staff member and showed him the video, explaining that it was taken by his bodyguard who felt something strange during today's trip.

Thank you very much for your bodyguard's sensitivity. This is indeed some kind of illegal or excavation work. The official said seriously.

I will pass this information to the police immediately and if nothing else happens they will soon try to stop this behavior and arrest these criminals.

Although it is generally acknowledged that the Greeks can sometimes be a little slow in official affairs, because Liang En and the others are famous people, the speed of the Greeks' actions suddenly became much faster this time.

So the next morning, Liang En learned the results of the police raid last night. After all, boats are different from cars. With the image data, it is easy to identify the boat and its owner.

Therefore, after obtaining the exact information, the local police launched the first raid that night, but the results of the raid were not optimistic at all.

Although the police successfully identified the boat that committed the crime and found several recently fished pottery fragments from the company's office during subsequent searches, they were unable to arrest the criminal.

According to the on-site investigation data, when the police approached, the boss saw this scene from the surveillance camera and ran away. However, the company staff caught by the police later had no idea what was going on.

——But please don't worry, we have issued a wanted warrant based on the situation we investigated. If there are no accidents, we may be able to catch those criminals in a short time.

Early the next morning, the staff member informed Liang En and the other archaeological team members who came for the scientific expedition on the results of their actions last night.

You have done a good job. The middle-aged man who led the archaeological team at the National Museum of Ireland this time said, I believe you can quickly bring these criminals to justice -

After such an episode, everyone quickly started digging. But this time they adjusted the direction of their survey. The location of the original excavation work was changed from the wrong location provided by the previous person to the correct location.

After changing positions, they soon discovered that the situation on the seabed was completely different from before. Through a series of simple searches, they quickly found an extremely damaged ancient shipwreck on the seabed.

Just after lunch that day, underwater divers using metal detectors discovered something. When those things were pulled to the deck along the hanging basket, everyone discovered that they were actually the same metal blocks as what Liang En had found before.

In addition to the metal pieces, they also found some scattered traces of wooden planks and broken pottery pieces. Through these things, Liang En and the others were basically sure that this should be a merchant ship that sank in this place for some reason.

More importantly, judging from the situation on this ship, it is very likely that this ship was a merchant ship of that era. Therefore, the archaeologists present were able to study the overall situation of that era through these wrecks. .

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