Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 497 Location and Editing

Since acquiring a lot of knowledge and working hard on his own, Liang En has accumulated a lot of knowledge. It is even fair to say that apart from his lack of experience, he is no less good than those real people in archeology, history and even linguistics. A master of archeology.

So after finding these copper ingots this time, he naturally hopes to find clues and locate the origin of these things through formal archaeological methods, which will give him a greater sense of accomplishment.

But there were too few clues on the things this time, so Liang En wouldn't be able to find what he was looking for if he didn't use cards.

After returning home from the museum, Liang En immediately combined four [Detection (N)] into one [Detection (R)], and then used it on a metal ingot. Soon a light spot appeared on the location in the Aegean Sea.

It seems that this thing should be a sunken ship. After comparing the location with the map, Liang En looked at the spot of light in the waters near the Cyclades Islands with a thoughtful expression.

Unlike the wilderness where previous excavations were conducted, the Cyclades Islands are Greece's top tourist destinations, and almost every island has a very high value individually.

The entire archipelago consists of 39 islands, including Mykonos, a famous island in the Aegean Sea, Delos, which is included in the World Heritage list; Santorini, which has an impressive blue roof;

Milos, where the Venus of Milos was discovered; Naxos, the largest island and famous for its marble; and Paros, a transit point between the islands, famous for the Assumption Festival.

Every tourist season, guests from all over the world gather on the islands, especially Mykonos, Santorini, Paros, and Ios, which are even more overcrowded.

There are many flights to various islands every day from the ports of Piraeus and Rafina. No matter what angle you look at it.

It is simply impossible to carry out large-scale secret excavation work in this archipelago and nearby waters, so Liang En is curious about how the previous gang obtained these things.

On the other hand, this also means that the possibility of excavating directly to that place as in the past does not exist. Now this excavation must be applied for and approved in advance.

This is why Liang En wanted to go to the museum before. In addition to saving money and finding enough manpower, it is obviously much easier to apply for various documents than normal.

Of course, Liang En was not the kind of person to hang himself from a tree. So he also posted this exploration work to the Golden Dawn website to see if he could find a collaborator.

Perhaps because this archaeological work seemed to have little to do with the legend, there were very few responders this time, but Harry, the professor of anthropology at Oxford University, was very interested in this matter.

Harry said. This time the archaeological remains can be used as a very good practical work for his students, so I hope that Liang En can inform him after he starts the excavation work, and he will bring his students over.

In the following time, Liang En, together with the National Museum of Ireland, sent a request to Greek officials for scientific research in the Cyclades Islands and nearby waters. At the same time, he also made various preparations and dealt with some personal matters.

The most important thing in his personal affairs was writing a paper. According to his habit, every time he discovered a ruins, he would always write a paper for a day or two and send it to archaeological journals to build his reputation.

Therefore, the important Mycenaean civilization discovered last time was no exception, so he took advantage of these few days to write a paper on this important discovery.

However, just when he started writing a paper to summarize the last archaeological discovery, the editor of Bloomsbury Press found him and hoped that he could cooperate with the press's publicity.

I remember that my books were selling very well! Liang En asked with some confusion after watching the editor who came to see him express his hopes. What's the point of holding a book signing at this time?

This is mainly the wish of the readers. The editor smiled and said, After all, you are a relatively mysterious one among the authors. No one has seen you except for a few photos. So everyone naturally hopes that there will be Opportunity to meet the author.”

And in this era, unless you are writing more serious literature, it is no longer popular to stay at home alone and not communicate with readers. In this regard, your frequency of communication with readers is obviously lower than the average of authors. A lot.

Ah, this is indeed something I did wrong. Hearing this, Liang En scratched his hair in embarrassment, But you should know that I often have to travel around the world to conduct archaeological excavations. Too much time to work with you.”

This is indeed a problem. The editor nodded and said. An important reason why he came here in person today instead of asking other editors to come over was because of Liang En's special nature.

To be honest, he didn't expect that such a professional scholar and linguist could write such a story. However, the corresponding problem was that Liang En really didn't have time to cooperate with the work of these publishing houses.

Of course, the publisher immediately passed all possible mandatory plans. Because in their eyes, if such a scholar is forced to participate in commercial activities, the publishing house will definitely be infamous.

But I think you should have free time. If you have free time, it is best to participate in this type of activity. The editor said in a consultative tone.

You know, this kind of activity will definitely increase your book sales. And increasing book sales itself is always good for us and good for you.

Yes, yes, of course I know this, but the problem is that I have a new archaeological excavation to do in Greece recently, so I may have to leave the UK for a while soon. Liang En said somewhat helplessly .

After listening to what the editor said, Liang En also understood that he should cooperate with the publishing house to promote his books, but the problem was that his time was really unlucky.

After all, the application for excavation in Greece is now going through the process, and based on this information, everything will be accelerated. He, the main sponsor, cannot let others down in this regard.

So it was really unlucky that the editor-in-chief of the publishing house came in at the right time. Even if he was three days in advance, Liang En would postpone the excavation work for a few days, waiting for the exchange activities between me and the readers to be completed before going to Greece.

Oh, the time was indeed a bit unlucky. Upon hearing that Liang En had archaeological work to do, the editor had a look of embarrassment on his face.

For him, he had already considered a lot of issues before coming. If it was simply because Liang En didn't want to participate in such activities, he felt that he could convince Liang En, but it would be difficult to solve this kind of problem without time.

However, this does not mean that this problem cannot be solved. Soon the editor came up with a more compromise idea to try to solve the time conflict that currently exists between the two things.

Mr. Liang, I have a solution here. The editor looked at Liang En after thinking for a few seconds and said, I think it is unlikely that you will be busy with your archaeological work all the time, so you can take some time during the archaeological break. Time to conduct an online book signing.”

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