Why are there so many people here? When she arrived at Edinburgh Airport and found the place where the auction was being held, Joan of Arc looked at the group of people queuing up to register outside the room with a shocked expression.

She has participated in several similar auctions before, but there were only twenty or thirty people in attendance at those auctions. It can be said that she has rarely seen an auction like this where nearly 200 people came at one go.

Of course there are more people. This kind of auction only happens once a quarter on average, and a total of four times a year. But each auction sells about 1,000 items, so it can naturally attract a large group of people.

Pierce had obviously done the corresponding homework, so he naturally knew what the auction was about, so he explained the situation to Liang En and Joan of Arc.

There is a small question. Are there really so many tourists losing their luggage in the airport? When everyone went through the formalities and entered the auction, Liang En looked at the hangar filled with Thing asked.

Not only the luggage, but also some goods that no one has accepted. Pierce said looking at the various things in front of him. Of course, these things don't just come from Edinburgh Airport. There are also smaller airports around here.

The auction here is naturally different from the auctions they have participated in before. According to regulations, they will have an hour of inspection time after the auction starts.

During this period, they can look at these items and even touch them with their hands, but they are absolutely not allowed to open the original packaging or do any damage to these items.

I think it's impossible for us to see all these things. According to them, there are more than 1,300 auction items in total. The three of us can't finish them all in one hour.

After taking a rough look at the scene, Jeanne's face suddenly became serious, because the biggest problem with this auction compared to previous auctions is that everyone may not even be able to see all the auction items.

Don't worry, this kind of auction itself doesn't require you to look at everything. Pierce said softly. We just need to focus on those goods and look at the suitcases when we have time.

This should be regarded as a little trick for airport auctions, because passengers have everything in their suitcases, and unless you are very lucky, it is difficult to find high-value items, but the same is not true for checked cargo.

Therefore, if you don’t put too much energy on the suitcase, it is not impossible to read the auction items within an hour. At least for a small group of three people, the time is definitely abundant.

Soon, the inspection work began. Liang En immediately used [Prophecy (SR)]. As a result, after spending 7 legendary points, they determined the direction of the most valuable thing in the room.

The reason why so few points are consumed this time is because this is to choose a fixed thing from fixed things, and at the same time, the things the Buddha prays for do not require particularly precise answers.

When Liang En and the others walked over, they found that there were six containers in this area, all of which were large wooden boxes with a side length of about 1m. After getting started, they found that these boxes were not light in weight.

The price of these boxes will not be high when they are auctioned later. Pierce glanced at the box and said, Because there are mechanical parts written on the outside of the box, I guess there may be things like compressors or pipes inside.

I plan to buy these things soon, because I have a hunch that there may be something valuable in them. Liang En shrugged and said, After all, it's a bit strange to put some mechanical parts here.

You must know that this place is an airport, and few mechanical equipment will be transported by plane. This is mainly because mechanical equipment does not have many requirements on transportation time and is sensitive to freight costs.

Therefore, it is always a bit strange for such a large box containing ordinary mechanical parts to appear in such a place, so Liang En's reason for wanting to buy these things can also withstand scrutiny.

I think this thing is likely to be a sample product for large-scale trading or some kind of urgently needed machinery. Pierce glanced at the label on the box that said machinery.

But I believe the customs officers have roughly inspected this thing with X-rays, so there is a high probability that it does contain some mechanical parts, or something that looks like mechanical parts.

I think these things will be bundled and auctioned, so if the auction price is not high soon, you won't lose money holding it. So if you think it is suitable, there is no problem in buying it.

Thank you, I decided to buy this thing. After hearing what Pierce said, Liang En nodded and then asked. By the way, what do you like here? Do you want me to help you take a look?

There really is one. Pierce said and led Liang En to a display table. On the table were some auction items that had been taken out individually.

These auction items are all relatively core auction items. Pierce pointed to those items and introduced, I have taken a fancy to some of the antiques. But I don't know if these items are real.

Okay, I think I can help you with this. Liang En nodded. He felt that an important reason why Pierce called him here might be related to these things.

The prices of antiques at such auctions are often either very high or very low. This is mainly because no one can confirm whether they are genuine, so there is no definite answer when it comes to bidding.

And this uncertainty is also an important reason why Pierce comes here to buy things, because only in this way can he guarantee that he can purchase goods at a more suitable price and make money from future sales.

However, the overall condition of the auction items today did not look good. For example, the pair of vases that Pierce was most optimistic about looked like vases from the Qianlong period of China, but Liang En told him that they were all imitations.

And these things are not imitations from later dynasties as imagined, such as Jiaqing or Daoguang era, but purely modern handicrafts.

This is mainly because the workmanship of these imitations is a bit rough, and even those who have briefly studied this aspect can see that they are obviously painted with modern chemical paints.

However, the other rococo-style table was a serious 19th-century French product. However, because this table looked like a good thing at first glance, Liang En felt that it might not be cost-effective to acquire it.

After checking what they were interested in, Liang En and the three of them began to spread out and check the entire warehouse, and each of them spotted some interesting things.

The auction soon entered the auction process. The box that Liang En was interested in was placed in the first batch of 100 items for auction, and there were not many competitors.

So after just two rounds of simple price increases, Liang En bought a set of six boxes for 550 pounds. It can be considered that I have achieved my goal of coming to this auction.

However, Pierce's auction did not go so smoothly. Seven or eight people were interested in this thing, so when the price reached 1,200 pounds, Pierce gave up and continued bidding.

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