After finishing their trip to Baden-Baden, Liang En and the others spent two days going through a series of real estate transfer procedures, and then this group of Golden Dawn people took a train to Frankfurt, and then took a plane to London.

Are you really planning to go directly to Scotland now without taking a break? Fan Meng asked at the airport, looking at Liang En and Jeanne who were preparing to transfer.

No rest. After all, I feel a little uneasy if I don't look at such a large area. Liang En waved his hand and said with a smile. You can go back and have a rest quickly, and help me bring gifts to my parents.

Don't worry, I will go to your house and give the things to your parents as soon as I get back. Fan Meng patted the handbag next to him, then glanced at the notification on the electronic screen. Okay, it's time for me to go. I wish you a safe journey!

Shortly after Fan Meng left on the plane to Dublin, Liang En and the others also took the plane to Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, and then drove a pickup truck belonging to the ranch straight to the land further north.

This truck feels a bit old. Looking at the windows that couldn't be opened and the tattered interior, Jeanne showed some helplessness on her face. “Are the mechanical parts of this car safe?”

This should be no problem. Although the car is from the 1980s, at least I can feel that there should be no problem with driving safety. Liang En said while holding the steering wheel.

As for other parts of the car that have problems, there's nothing we can do about it. After all, this is a vehicle that has been used intensively on a farm for decades. It's understandable that many places are tattered.

This time their target was the Scottish Highlands. is the name given to the mountainous terrain to the west and north of the Scottish Highlands Border Fault. The Scottish Highlands are considered by many to be the most scenic region in Europe.

The Scottish Highlands consist of ancient, divided plateaus. The ancient rocks have been carved into canyons and lakes by currents and glaciers. What remains is a very irregular mountainous area. Almost all the mountaintops are about the same height.

This place has Ben Nevis, the highest mountain in the UK, and it looks beautiful. But neither the climate nor the terrain is really suitable for human survival.

This place is also considered to be the highest latitude area in the entire UK. It is almost the same as Sweden and Norway in Northern Europe. However, even if the British island is densely populated, the population density in this area is lower than that in the Nordic countries, so you can’t see too many humans along the way. trace.

As they gradually moved north, the sky gradually became darker. As we all know, because the United Kingdom is an island country, there is usually more precipitation, and the precipitation in the Scottish Highlands is even higher than the average precipitation in the United Kingdom.

Perhaps due to the humid climate and the cold caused by the high altitude, this area generally gives people a damp and cold feeling, and even truly sunny days are relatively rare.

But when they were driving along the road by the sea, an epic and magnificent scenery appeared in front of Liang En and the others. The sea breeze is like a never-ending song, and the deep blue mountains are covered with a layer of purple sky.

Viewed from a distance, large pebbles flow down from the top of the mountain, and then flow into a dark green grassland; there are also some large and small lakes scattered around, reflecting the changes in the sky from time to time.

Unlike Northern Europe at the same latitude, there are not many woodlands here, and certainly not the kind of lifeless desert. The entire land is covered with soothing undulating low green grass and moss.

If the wilderness of southern Britain feels full of vitality, then this highland feels like a mixture of magnificence and poignancy.

Because the infrastructure and transportation facilities in the entire area were very well built, they arrived at their real destination two hours after getting off the plane, a small village called Fox.

The reason why this village is named is because this place was originally a hunting ground for a lord and was later given to a village. Therefore, the village was named after the first prey that the lord caught here: a fox. .

Soon the vehicle passed through the village and followed a path toward the hillside. In less than three minutes, the vehicle arrived at the door of a four-bedroom cabin in the woods.

What a beautiful scenery! After getting off the car and taking a first look at it, Jeanne showed a satisfied smile, because this cabin in the forest does have a very good scenery.

Looking around, everything is green: the trees are green, the moss on the trunks is green, the dense leaves on the branches are green, and the moss on the ground is also green. Even the air filtered through the leaves gives a feeling of life.

Fortunately, the location of this house is relatively high, and the house was built with the local humid climate in mind, so the condition inside the house is pretty good, and everything is not covered with mold as Liang En imagined.

Why would someone build such a hut in this place? Jeanne asked curiously after walking around the room a few times. I think if you stay in this place for a long time, you will probably get arthritis, and it feels a bit deserted.

Nelson said that the owner of the house was a very rich second generation. Due to investment mistakes and squandering, he not only spent all the money, but also owed a large amount of money to the bank, so in the end all his valuables were They were all confiscated and auctioned off.”

So that's the case, no wonder - Joan of Arc sighed and shook her head. She had also seen many nobles who completely ruined their family fortunes and finally disappeared into the vast sea of ​​people, so she was more familiar with this situation.

Because he planned to stay here for a few days to see the specific situation, Liang En simply summoned Tongbak, the invisible servant, to start cleaning the room, while he and Joan checked each other. house.

This room can be considered to be fully decorated and equipped with a complete set of furniture, so as long as a little dust is cleaned inside, it can be lived in. However, just over an hour after they started working, the sound of a car came from outside.

Do we know anyone here? Looking at an ordinary car parked outside, Jeanne turned her head curiously and asked, How can we be so well-informed?

They must not be acquaintances. Looking at the unknown middle-aged man who got off the car, Liang En shook his head and said, As for the ranch workers, they have agreed to meet at noon tomorrow and have a meal together, so they are not too Maybe come over now.”

In fact, many aspects of interpersonal communication are universal across the world. For example, having a meal together is indeed a good way to bring people closer together, especially when dealing with farm workers.

At this time, the stranger downstairs walked through a small open space and came to the door, then stood there and knocked on the door. It was obvious that he came specifically to see Liang En.

Here, there is someone at home. After hearing the sound at the door, Liang En quickly rushed downstairs, then opened the door and looked at the person at the door and asked. Sorry, I seem to have never seen you before. Who are you?

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